Couple leaves fate of unborn child to the internet.


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I guess this whole concept just kind of makes me sad. Personally after having a miscarriage, being able to have a child is such a blessing. Yet this lady has had three miscarriages, has a viable pregnancy, and isn't sure if she wants to keep the baby or abort it. To each their own, but I'm personally more for ADOPTION if you feel you're not ready versus killing a baby who's already at 17 weeks or so...

What's even stranger to me though is the fact that they had one unplanned pregnancy, but also had two planned pregnancies that resulted in miscarriages, so clearly they're interested in being parents, which makes me wonder why they're not sure about this baby when the pregnancy is viable!

After my miscarriage, I got pregnant 2 months after the occurrence, and all I could think about was getting to that "safe point" where the chances of miscarriage drop, and this woman has definitely reached that point successfully, yet she thinks she might want to end that precious life?

Sheesh. It makes me want to cry. (Then again, that could be my hormones, I AM 24 weeks pregnant...)

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What a stupid couple, she is "healing emotionally" from their last miscarriage and she somehow thinks that aborting this baby will help? If anything it will screw her up emotionally even more.

As Faded and I have mentioned before, we have gone through ten years of trying to have a baby, the thought of some other couple out there so flippantly putting the fate of their baby up for anonymous people on the internet to decide for them is horrible. And the really awful thing about it, currently when I voted it looked the the "Have an abortion" side is winning. People are sick. Hands down.

Sorry if this offends anyone, but truthfully, as I am currently 30 weeks pregnant with our first child anything that is about killing babies (born or unborn) really bothers me a lot.

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Maybe. If you want to gather viscious explative-filled hatemail from people who claim to be christians, publicly wondering about abortion is the way to do it.

But what would be the point?

IF and that's a big IF, it is a social experiment, i think you might have come close to a why in your own post. I read a lot of stories that might bring up strong feelings in "Christians" and notice that when the "Christians" rise to the bait, a majority that do post comments are so hateful and sadistic that in the end they do more to positively raise the other side and demonize themselves. They preach death and punishment and such many times even with threats to carry out god's work themselves. Brings out the worst types of their "kind", and shows the world a very frightening picture of the "Christian" world and just points out why they can never be taken as a serious voice. They might not represent the silent majority, but when all you seem to hear in the public forums are these types of people, baiting them to bring down their own side isn't hard and could be motivation for such an experiment.

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But by the same token, SS, pro-choicers who nevertheless purport to decry the practice of abortion are pretty seriously undercut when tens of thousands of their compadres actively encourage a woman to have an abortion simply for the abortion's sake.

True, but they are already demonized. they are already seen as murders and lost souls. With the ones claiming the moral high ground advocating murder, hate, and other less righteous standpoints, it hurts any attempt at trying to decry the actions of others immoral. I'm not saying this is not a possibly manipulative gambit by some pro-choicers if this is a social experiment, but think about it, what better way to rule out the "Christian" side of this than have the "Christians" advocate murder and hate to win the fight. Second you use the same tactics or fight against murder with murder, haven't you already lost the fight? What does it hurt really when one side will always be the demons with no moral compass, easiest way is to drag you down to their level and show you have no room to say anything cause your side is just as willing to do the actions they don't approve of. Flawed, but still effective to a large majority.

Also not saying i support it, just giving a possible answer to LM's question of why.

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I'll post almost exactly what I said about this on another forum.

200,000 votes for abortion? I just lost faith in humanity.

This is an issue that hits very close to home for me. I was born three and a half months early, and I'm almost fully functional. I also have a good friend who's paralyzed after being born 5 and a half months early but he's fully mentally functional. We both love life despite our afflictions.

So the "kill the child out of pity because it'll suffer" argument goes out the window. Both me and my friend are proof that fetuses are more than just a bunch of undeveloped cells, and there's no way to know whether a visibly disabled or endangered fetus in the womb will be a miracle baby like we were.

I'll stick with the Church. Abortion should only be even crossing anyone's mind as a last resort and under these conditions: rape, incest, the death of the mother, or if there is a very high likelihood that the child won't survive birth. Although personally, the entire idea sickens me, for any reason.

Edited by PrinceofLight2000
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actively encourage a woman to have an abortion simply for the abortion's sake.

"C'mon, have an abortion, it's fun! And legal!" Does this really happen? While I know there are those who encourage abortions for the sake of convenience, I find it hard to believe that someone would encourage an abortion for its own sake. Who does that? I know several women who have had abortions, and not one of them was all excited and positive about the prospect. They felt that they had no choice (I know, they did have a choice; don't preach to the choir).

If this is indeed an experiment, it would likely be designed to point out the ugliness that comes out in the name of doing what's right.

Naturally, I think abortion is wrong, but I think we'd save more lives, and heal more hearts, if we put our resources into helping women with contraception, counseling (a woman's worth does not lie in her sexuality), and real alternatives when a woman finds herself with an unwanted pregnancy.

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"C'mon, have an abortion, it's fun! And legal!" Does this really happen? While I know there are those who encourage abortions for the sake of convenience, I find it hard to believe that someone would encourage an abortion for its own sake. Who does that? I know several women who have had abortions, and not one of them was all excited and positive about the prospect. They felt that they had no choice (I know, they did have a choice; don't preach to the choir).

If this is indeed an experiment, it would likely be designed to point out the ugliness that comes out in the name of doing what's right.

Naturally, I think abortion is wrong, but I think we'd save more lives, and heal more hearts, if we put our resources into helping women with contraception, counseling (a woman's worth does not lie in her sexuality), and real alternatives when a woman finds herself with an unwanted pregnancy.

You should read Planned Parenthood's inanely moral relativist list of self-proclaimed "acceptable" reasons for why a woman could want an abortion.

The most common reasons a woman decides to have an abortion are

* She is not ready to become a parent.

* She cannot afford a baby.

* She feels that having a baby now would make it too difficult to work, go to school, or care for her children.

* She doesn't want to be a single parent.

* She doesn't want anyone to know she has had sex or is pregnant.

* She feels too young or too immature to have a child.

* She has all the children she wants.

* She or the fetus has a health problem.

* She is a survivor of rape or incest.

Every woman's situation is different, and only you can decide what is best in your case. If you're trying to decide if abortion is the right option for you, you may find it helpful to list the advantages and disadvantages of having an abortion. Think about what advantages or disadvantages are most important to you. Consider how you feel and what you think about abortion, what you want for your life and for your family or future family.

Notice how they don't have the will or the intent to make a moral statement despite their being a private organization, and also notice how only two of these supposed reasons would be acceptable in Heavenly Father's eyes. If you still think there aren't any people who sincerely believe that abortion for any negatively consequential reason toward the mother is morally acceptable, I suggest you call or attend a clinic. They'll spout the same crap.

Heaven forbid that anyone should be forced to live with the consequences of their actions, after all.

Also, as for your last paragraph that I emboldened, no kidding, that's a no-brainer. The only reason we even need to discuss the moral and legal implications of abortion is because its wholesale legality is being rammed down our throats by either amoral or immoral leftists. Trust me, I'd MUCH rather be talking about preventing premarital sex and the various ways which that can be done.

But, since a couple of rowdy kids don't want to use condoms or take a pill in the morning because it messes with their hormones, or ABSTAIN, heaven forbid, we have to sit here and have actual serious debates over this delirious and disgusting idea that killing babies should be both morally acceptable and legal. This shouldn't even be a question to anyone who isn't selfish enough to take an innocent, helpless human life.

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i just wish ppl would talk more about the potential consequences of an abortion. it can cause damage to the body that can prevent the ability to have kids later. abortion, no matter how you feel about it, isn't a simple procedure without consequences. it's not a form of birth control. for the health of the mother it should be used sparingly.

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They gave a list of common reasons that women have abortions. They didn't say that a woman should have an abortion for those reasons.

We're on the same side, only my position doesn't involve putting words in others' mouths. They do just fine on their own.

It's not so much what they say and more so what they don't, and running circles while trying not to. The fact that they position themselves as being indifferent to the morality of it and leave it up to the mother to decide based on her own warped reasoning speaks volumes about their character.

Indeed, that's my point.

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I have an acquaintance that had an abortion here in Utah. I didn't think it was legal here but she aborted her unborn child about six months ago. Of course, she never had the "baby bump" so no one even knew. Anyway, she regrets it.

ETA: And wow, yes that's very sad. To leave the fate of your unborn child in the hands of interweb strangers.

Edited by Bini
Just cos.
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I agree with you, PoL, they attach no morality to what is indeed a moral issue. That said, they don't encourage abortions for their own sake, which is what was alleged. I don't think we need to use hyperbole to make any points against pro-abortion individuals or groups, the mere truth is enough.

But they do. If you take into consideration the paragraph under the list of reasons, you'll realize that the organization itself is open to killing babies for any reason so long as it suits the mother's "needs" and "feelings". Simply leaving that door open means acceptance, as well as wordless encouragement. I think they'd come out and say it if it wasn't for the PC tornado of a controversy that would result on their headquarters.

Gotta read between the lines.

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That said, they don't encourage abortions for their own sake, which is what was alleged.

[in case that was meant for me]: I wasn't making that as a general allegation; just a statement about this particular case. A link from the comments in the originally-linked article indicated that some other website or discussion forum has mounted a campaign trying to stack the results in favor of abortion.

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[in case that was meant for me]: I wasn't making that as a general allegation; just a statement about this particular case. A link from the comments in the originally-linked article indicated that some other website or discussion forum has mounted a campaign trying to stack the results in favor of abortion.

Obvious 4chan is obvious. There's virtually no other way it could get that many votes in one direction in one night. I'm not sure if you refrained from the namedrop because it involved your profession, or if said namedropping isn't allowed. If the latter is the case, edit my post. ;)

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Originally Posted by Planned

The most common reasons a woman decides to have an abortion are

* She is not ready to become a parent.

* She cannot afford a baby.

* She feels that having a baby now would make it too difficult to work, go to school, or care for her children.

* She doesn't want to be a single parent.

* She doesn't want anyone to know she has had sex or is pregnant.

* She feels too young or too immature to have a child.

* She has all the children she wants.

* She or the fetus has a health problem.

* She is a survivor of rape or incest.

...and also notice how only one and a half of these supposed reasons would be acceptable in Heavenly Father's eyes.

Actually that's not completely accurate. The Church allows for abortion in cases of rape or incest, when the mother's life is in danger, or when the baby is not expected to survive birth, which is usually the result of a health problem.

But, since a couple of rowdy kids don't want to use condoms or take a pill in the morning because it messes with their hormones, or ABSTAIN, heaven forbid, we have to sit here and have actual serious debates over this delirious and disgusting idea that killing babies should be both morally acceptable and legal.

Unless you have put synthetic hormones into your body every day, I have my doubts as to whether you understand the effects they can have on a woman, both physically and psychologically. That doesn't justify abortion. It's a very real problem, though.

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Actually that's not completely accurate. The Church allows for abortion in cases of rape or incest, when the mother's life is in danger, or when the baby is not expected to survive birth, which is usually the result of a health problem.

Unless you have put synthetic hormones into your body every day, I have my doubts as to whether you understand the effects they can have on a woman, both physically and psychologically. That doesn't justify abortion. It's a very real problem, though.

Thanks for correcting, good thing it was a minor error that didn't affect what my point was. haha. *edits*

All I know is that birth control pills can make it harder to have kids later on. Do they do more than that? I'm curious now.

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Obvious 4chan is obvious. I'm not sure if you refrained from the namedrop because it involved your profession, or if said namedropping isn't allowed. If the latter is the case, edit my post. ;)

*shrug* Nope; I'd just never heard of them before. No professional connection at all, AFAIK. :P

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