The End of Mexico?


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I keep hearing more and more that Mexico is getting worse and worse. It's becoming a Narco state. The good police can't their job and the corrupt police seem to be in large number. Drug lords seem to run the state. And now journalists are scared to report the real news in Mexico in fear of being assassinated by the drug lords.

Recently Mexico told the Mexicans in the U.S. who are returning home to only travel in the day and in convoys because there are groups who are raiding the Mexicans returning from the U.S.

What should we do with Mexico? They seem to be a country that can't run itself right. The president encourages Mexicans to come to the U.S.A. What kind of policy is that?

So what do we do? Do we invade Mexico with our military? Take it over, put on trial the drug lords, execute the guilty, and turn the country into more U.S. states?

What does Mexico have to offer us as far as resources? They make tequila but really, what else do they make that can't be made in the U.S.? They already have a lot of factories that were once based in the U.S.

I am wondering, if we must invade Mexico, surely a bigger force would be needed. Could we see the return of the draft?

We can ignore the immigration problem all we want. But we better be paying attention to Mexico. If the country gets worse, and it looks like it is, all of us will be affected by it.

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I keep hearing more and more that Mexico is getting worse and worse. It's becoming a Narco state. The good police can't their job and the corrupt police seem to be in large number. Drug lords seem to run the state. And now journalists are scared to report the real news in Mexico in fear of being assassinated by the drug lords.

Recently Mexico told the Mexicans in the U.S. who are returning home to only travel in the day and in convoys because there are groups who are raiding the Mexicans returning from the U.S.

What should we do with Mexico? They seem to be a country that can't run itself right. The president encourages Mexicans to come to the U.S.A. What kind of policy is that?

So what do we do? Do we invade Mexico with our military? Take it over, put on trial the drug lords, execute the guilty, and turn the country into more U.S. states?

What does Mexico have to offer us as far as resources? They make tequila but really, what else do they make that can't be made in the U.S.? They already have a lot of factories that were once based in the U.S.

I am wondering, if we must invade Mexico, surely a bigger force would be needed. Could we see the return of the draft?

We can ignore the immigration problem all we want. But we better be paying attention to Mexico. If the country gets worse, and it looks like it is, all of us will be affected by it.

No Hoosier... we cannot invade a sovereign country just because we don't like what's going on there. Regardless of how it affects us. When they decide to wage war against America or engage in terrorism against Americans, then yeah, Congress can possibly declare war against Mexico. In any case, such actions have to go through the ICJ before America can do something.

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The president encourages Mexicans to come to the U.S.A. What kind of policy is that?

Well, it's the kind of policy that the USA basically agreed to at the end of the Mexican-American War in 1848.

Check it out. You can't be properly disenchanted with how hard it is to find a solution, until you understand why things are a problem in the first place.


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Can we at least finish what's on our plate before we make another trip to the buffet? For the record I wouldn't want the general in charge of taking and holding Mexico. Yikes! You've got ready made propaganda from the last time we invaded them and forced them to hand over a sizable chunk of their country. That and I can't see Britain (or anyone else for that matter) jumping up to help us with this invasion like they did with the last two.

What does Mexico have to offer us as far as resources?

Oil and natural gas, the CIA Factbook adds silver, fruits, vegetables, coffee and cotton to the mix. I suggest we trade for them though (like we are doing) instead of basically smacking them over the head and taking them. Ignoring the morality of it all on a purely amoral practical level we would not come ahead financially from such an endeavor. We might gain some resources but Mexico has lots of poor people and if you want to bring them to parity with the US you are going to be pouring more money into them, in addition to the cost of the occupation, than you will be getting back out any time soon.

Edited by Dravin
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Can we at least finish what's on our plate before we make another trip to the buffet? For the record I wouldn't want the general in charge of taking and holding Mexico. Yikes! You've got ready made propaganda from the last time we invaded them and forced them to hand over a sizable chunk of their country. That and I can't see Britain (or anyone else for that matter) jumping up to help us with this invasion like they did with the last two.

Unlike the last war, I highly doubt that the typical Mexican citizen would resist that much. The people you'd have to fight would be the drug lords, who also make a fortune off of trafficking people across the border.

Oil and natural gas, the CIA Factbook adds silver, fruits, vegetables, coffee and cotton to the mix. I suggest we trade for them though (like we are doing) instead of basically smacking them over the head and taking them. Ignoring the morality of it all on a purely amoral practical level we would not come ahead financially from such an endeavor. We might gain some resources but Mexico has lots of poor people and if you want to bring them to parity with the US you are going to be pouring more money into them, in addition to the cost of the occupation, than you will be getting back out any time soon.

If the US invaded Mexico, it wouldn't annex the territories straight away. It would turn it into territories that could work toward statehood.

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Unlike the last war, I highly doubt that the typical Mexican citizen would resist that much. The people you'd have to fight would be the drug lords, who also make a fortune off of trafficking people across the border.

Maybe. I won't claim to have the strongest understanding of Mexican nationalism. That said it doesn't have to be your average citizen that makes an occupation a thorn in your side and while drug lords may be motivated out of self interest I don't doubt they'd cloak themselves in being the oppressed and resisting the invader.

If the US invaded Mexico, it wouldn't annex the territories straight away. It would turn it into territories that could work toward statehood.

Hoosierguy's personal politics lean towards the socialistic. I'm not sure I see him supporting a policy that doesn't include pumping money into lifting the lot of the average Mexican.

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A friend of mine has started suggaplanting in ... one of the South American countries so the peopel ther can get legal money. He sells the brown suggar in Finland also a sepcial salt. Thus he helps the indians and they do not need to plant drugs. The farmers dont get that much from drugs either.. it is just the druglords that get rich not the people.

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What does Mexico have to offer us as far as resources? They make tequila but really, what else do they make that can't be made in the U.S.? They already have a lot of factories that were once based in the U.S.

In addition to what Dravin mentioned, they have some of the largest deposits of petroleum and natural gas. They are ranked 5th in the world for beans and 4th in the world for corn.

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I work with a company that has contracts with work being done in Mexico. I have talked about problems in Mexico with some of those in Mexico that I work with. The problem in Mexico is very different than what many think. My friends are hoping that the USA will invade Mexico and take over. They see no other solution. They told me that in a survey published locally in Mexico that 80% of all Mexicans have plans to flee to the USA within the next 10 years. These are not just the poor. These are doctors, teachers, business owners and even politicians.

So I wonder – what is help and aid?

BTW Mexico has the world’s largest oil reserves and the richest supply of natural resources of any nation in the world.

The Traveler

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Mexico is a sovereign country but that is no reason why we can't conquer it. I'm sure we could find many legal reasons to declare war. Didn't stop us attacking Iraq.

Even with all those natural resources they can't run their country right. That does not matter though. They can run their country down hill all they want. But it's going to have an effect on the U.S. If all the nice Mexicans do migrate who does that leave to run Mexico? The corrupt and drug lords? Great.

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Mexico is a sovereign country but that is no reason why we can't conquer it. I'm sure we could find many legal reasons to declare war. Didn't stop us attacking Iraq.

Hoosier... you can spin this all you want. But the fact of the matter is - The United States did not wage war against Iraq. The United Nations did with the United States applying pressure. And that's because the UN has given Iran 17 resolutions (maybe more, I can't remember anymore) warning them to comply or pay the price. The reason - imminent nuclear capability that is intended to blow up other countries, first of which is Israel, a US ally, and another UN member.

Whatever is happening in Mexico is internal to Mexico and has posed no intent to annihilate/occupy/conquear another UN member country, therefore, no resolutions to cease or desist has been issued against them. The only way American military can LEGALLY come into Mexico is if the President of Mexico declares civil war and issues a plea to the United Nations or to Barack Obama to provide military assistance - or, if the citizens of Mexico wages a coup d'etat against the Mexican government and calls the United Nations or Barack Obama for military assistance. If none of the 2 occur, American military cannot do anything about the problem. They can come in to train Mexican armed forces and police force in dealing with the problem but Americans cannot "conquer".

Really, buddy. You need to read up some. This kind of talk is really troubling to me - a Filipino. Because, if you have no qualms about disrespecting the sovereignty of Mexico, there is no reason for me to believe that you will have qualms about disrespecting the sovereignty of the Philippines, therefore, you become the enemy of the Philippines.

And for your information - the Philippines signed the UN agreement to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, therefore, the war in Afghanistan and Iraq is not only comprised of American soldiers, there are a bunch of Filipino soldiers out there too - winning or dying right next to the Americans.

So yeah. WAKE UP and get out of your ARMCHAIR POLITICS, MAN!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that the only way we could invade Mexico ethically is if Mexico declares civil war and then they ask us to help them out.

This is like saying the only way someone could ethically get involved in a gang beating up on somebody or terrorizing their hood is if the gang asked us to help them out??? The reason Mexicans are coming to the USA - is for help (with perhaps some few exception)

The Traveler

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This is like saying the only way someone could ethically get involved in a gang beating up on somebody or terrorizing their hood is if the gang asked us to help them out??? The reason Mexicans are coming to the USA - is for help (with perhaps some few exception)

The Traveler

I'm not sure I understand. I was saying that the only time it could possibly be ethical to invade Mexico was if the Mexican government declared war on the cartels and gangs and then asked the US to help them, as opposed to the idea proposed in the OP. I doubt this would be the best decision, though. I'm not sure how helping the Mexican government break up cartels and gangs is like "gang beating up on somebody or terrorizing their hood". I realize Mexicans are coming to the US for help and I think we should help them and make it easier for them to imigrate. Maybe I didn't explain myself clearly?

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