What's your favorite "The Work and the Glory" Movie


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Actually, I think all seven books in the series are the best. Unfortunately, the movies just don't do justice to the books. Don't get me wrong, the movies are great and they definitely can get someone into reading all the books, but there is much lost out of the movies that are in the books themselves.

I'm not sure about the comment from one poster questioning the historical aspects. Yes, this is a fictional story (with a fictional family), but it is written around true, historical facts coming from actually diaries, documents, records, etc. That aspect of the story is historically correct, but the actual family is truly fictional. All in all, the books are incredible and one can get a profound glimpse into the early history of the Church. I'm amazed at what they went through, let alone what they were subjected to.

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I'm not sure about the comment from one poster questioning the historical aspects. Yes, this is a fictional story (with a fictional family), but it is written around true, historical facts coming from actually diaries, documents, records, etc. That aspect of the story is historically correct, but the actual family is truly fictional.

I'm not talking about the fictional parts of the series. I'm talking about actual historical events that are not accurately portrayed.

Most of it is historically accurate, but not all of it. Unfortunately, many people think all of it is, even going so far as to rely on the series to learn about the history of the Church. That is a msitake.

Historical fiction is never accurate because it is a story, not a study. Poetic license is always taken with events to enhance that story. It is impossible for it to provide the context, perspective and comprehensive treatment any historical event requires to understand it accurately.

I don't fault Lund. I fault people who rely on books and movies clearly designed to entertain, and to inspire, but not to educate, and then go about proclaiming them to be "the way it really was." Sometimes, they are, and sometimes, they're not.


Edited by Elphaba
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Yes please don't rely on this series as a basis for your knowledge of Church History. As Elphie mentioned it is strictly a historical fiction and not aspects are 100% true to the actual history.

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I'm gonna have to go with Elphaba here. My favorite WatG movie is the one they didn't make.

Now, my wife and I read the entire series as a way to make our trip to Nauvoo more meaningful. And it did, by providing us a bit of background context so we could better understand the information we gathered there.

We can learn all sorts of things about how an author percieves reality by reading their stuff - be it biography, history book, historical fiction, or just plain fiction. But I set a very high bar when allowing an 'it happened this way' into my brain.

(But then, I also chuckle as I walk by those Arnold Friberg painings at church - especially the white bearded Moroni on his horse, reviewing the dark red Cherokee Lamanite stripling warriors, surrounded by their steel shields but obsidian macuahuitl swords, and linen slings.)

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LDSChristian, I'm going to let you in on a well known secret of forums--it's not all about you. You may start a thread about one subject, and it gets turned into a completely different subject. You may respond to a post and the very next post not be about you at all.

If you look at what pam was responding to, you can clearly see she isn't referring to you at all.

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LDSChristian, I'm going to let you in on a well known secret of forums--it's not all about you. You may start a thread about one subject, and it gets turned into a completely different subject. You may respond to a post and the very next post not be about you at all.

If you look at what pam was responding to, you can clearly see she isn't referring to you at all.

So the point of having a topic is...

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LDSChristian, I'm going to let you in on a well known secret of forums--it's not all about you. You may start a thread about one subject, and it gets turned into a completely different subject. You may respond to a post and the very next post not be about you at all.

If you look at what pam was responding to, you can clearly see she isn't referring to you at all.


It happens.

Um, I only saw the first movie. It was decent.

Truth be told, my mom, sisters, and I mock Gerald N. Lund fiction...

So the point of having a topic is...

To inspire conversation. Nothing more, nothing less.

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So the point of having a topic is...

To open up a discussion. Normal conversation wanders around a subject as a way to explore all aspects of it. Topics and threads are the same way. So we go from favorite movie to historical accuracy. It's all the same subject matter expanded to a complete exploration of it. It's an organic method that's intellectually healthy. Be patient and go with the flow. It's what makes this place fun.

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Well, the point of a topic, is to discuss the topic. The point of threads are to give people something to do on their lunch break. One would hope that would involve sticking to the topic of a thread, but it often doesn't.

If only human minds weren't so prone to wandering...

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I haven't seen The Work and the Glory yet, but I've heard about it and it's been reported that, historical accuracy aside, it seems to be very favorable to the LDS church. I'm sure you all would agree that it's better the public get their info from Work and Glory than other movies like September Dawn. Don't you think?

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I didn't ask what parts actually happened and what parts didn't. I just asked which movie people like the best.

Excuse me but my job as a moderator is to also make sure that comments made on a thread are also not taken as truly fact. A comment was made that the story was historically accurate. I was responding to that comment and also adding to the comment that was made just previously to mine. While the majority of the story may fall in line with history it is not all historically accurate. Some events have been embellished to add to the story. I do not want any investigator coming to this site or anyone that might be lurking to go away with the misconception that they can read these books to learn and get a complete and accurate understanding of church history.

My point was for anyone wanting to study Church History, don't rely on these books for your entire basis or knowledge of Church History.

I read the books and thought they were awesome. I didn't see any of the movies.

So please, don't tell me in what way I can respond. Many times I'm responding as a moderator to clarify some comments.

Edited by pam
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I haven't seen The Work and the Glory yet, but I've heard about it and it's been reported that, historical accuracy aside, it seems to be very favorable to the LDS church. I'm sure you all would agree that it's better the public get their info from Work and Glory than other movies like September Dawn. Don't you think?

I can appreciate the sentiment. But I would prefer the public get their info from sources other than movies to begin with - regardless of where the sympathies of the producers lay. I'll pick "historically accurate" over 'favorable' any day of the week. It's just so rare, and you still need to sort through folks' bias to get there.

If there is ever a halfway decent documentary on the MMM, on like the discovery channel or something, I would love to point people to it. I bring it up with nonmembers at the first hint of someone associating mormons with perfection.

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I can appreciate the sentiment. But I would prefer the public get their info from sources other than movies to begin with - regardless of where the sympathies of the producers lay. I'll pick "historically accurate" over 'favorable' any day of the week. It's just so rare, and you still need to sort through folks' bias to get there.

If there is ever a halfway decent documentary on the MMM, on like the discovery channel or something, I would love to point people to it.

That seems to be the consensus and I agree with it. As you can imagine, I get frustrated at people who get all their information about the Catholic Church from watching Sister Act, or something they heard from a friend of a friend. You get the picture. My information doesn't come from movies but I was making a general comment about dumbed down Americans who don't read books or study to buttress the weaknesses in their knowledge base. At least the movie was trying to be kind to the LDS faith unlike September Dawn.

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So are we all incapable of watching the WatG movies purely as entertainment? I think that's all that was suggested in the OP.

I think my favorite was the first. The second was pretty good, but they got a different actress for Lydia. I like the Lydia from the first movie best.

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