Just had the strangest conversation


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I was at the local burger joint. It is owned by a gal who has had it for the last 22 years. We were talking about my returning to town, my ex (who she knew of) and how I met my new husband.

Told her I met him on an LDS based dating service. She asked me what LDS was. Told her it was short for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Her: Never heard of that

Me: They are also known as Mormons

Her: No they aren't, my mother is Mormon

Me: She is, what is her name?

Her: She doesn't live here, you wouldn't know her, she lives in Springfield (Oregon) She is Mormon, not LDS.

Me: What is the name of her church that she goes to?

Her: I just told you, Mormon

Me: Mormon, LDS, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are one and the same.

Her: NO, I said she was Mormon.

Me; Okay, can you find out what Stake she belongs to?

Her: Sure, not a problem. I will be talking to her this next week, it's her birthday, so I'll ask her then.

Strange :cool:- so next week plus one day from now, I will go back, get a burger and fries and find out what Stake she belongs to. Perhaps in the meantime I can figure out a way to prove that Mormon, LDS and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the same, without getting In Your Face about it.

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Just slap 'em and tell them to get a clue. But then I'm not nice :rolleyes:

I actually had to refrain from doing the FacePalm!

I told Husband of my conversation- we both looked at each other and THEN we both did the FacePalm :D

I was raised and educated in Seattle WA. Graduated in 1970 with a 3.8 gpa (started off with a gpa of 1.8 as a freshman).

Moved to this town originally in 1978- bought a tavern with first husband, and proceeded to hire and fire bartenders on a regular basis. It didn't bother me that the majority of my employees could not do basic spelling. BUT it was vital that they know, comprehend and carry out basic math. The cash register will do the adding for you. It will also figure the change amount if you input properly. Our machine was an old, two drawer NCR.

We insisted that all employees put in the amount tended, so that there was a record of that AND for them to know how much money to give back in change. Makes it easier to trace back when a customer claims they gave you a twenty and only got change for a 10 or five. We seldom got anything larger than a twenty- and refused to take $50 & $100 bills while the banks were still open- up till 5 PM. After that, the bartender was to call us at home and we would come into town and make the change.

After a week of not complying with all the "House Rules", you were terminated. After three years, we finally had a crew that followed the rules. Nearly all of the people we hired were graduates from the local HS. EVERY single one of them could not spell. EVERY single one of them was dependent on the machine telling them how much change to give back. I also insisted that they count the money back EACH and EVERY time. Taught them how to do it, and they got fired if they were not doing it.

Husband knows this story about the illiterate High School Graduate employees. His comment to me after I related the Mormon/LDS conversation was: Is she a graduate of the local HS? Yep, she is.

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I heard a story kind of like that. Missionaries knocked on some guys door. A guy answers. The Elders says they were from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

The guy said he learns about all religions, and was wanting to learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He then said something like. The only other church I still need to learn something about is the Mormons.

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I don't know how computer savvy she is. Nearly all of her Daily Specials are done on a computer.

Don't know if she surfs the internet. But I will tell her about mormon.org. If she asks any questions after that, then I will follow up with wikipedia, and lds.org.

Okay, acted on a hunch- she and her husband have facebook accounts. Her business has a facebook account. SO she is internet savvy.

She is in Spokane, WA until the first of the month. Her mother lives there, and not Springfield OR. Don't know her mothers last name- of her 17 friends, none of them are her mother.

I am going back before the first of April, I think.

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Be gentle on her - her confusion is understandable. The Lord didn't exactly make it easy on us when He commanded we be named the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We've been trying to come up with something better to use in polite conversation ever since.

What church do I go to?




Latter-day Saint

The [insert name here] Ward

The [insert name here] Stake

Is there any wonder why people get confused?

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If she's being argumentative, I'd just leave it alone. If she's stubborn and unwilling to listen, I wouldn't bother trying to convince her.

She wasn't argumentative, it was as if I was saying oranges are apples, and she was saying No, they are apples.

She is the least argumentative person I know.

I don't attempt to convince really, I would rather prove. Like hand her a Book of Mormon with Mormon and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints highlighted in yellow on the inside pages. Or giving her a pass along card with Mormon.org either highlighted on the card, or handwritten on it.

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Be gentle on her - her confusion is understandable. The Lord didn't exactly make it easy on us when He commanded we be named the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We've been trying to come up with something better to use in polite conversation ever since.

What church do I go to?




Latter-day Saint

The [insert name here] Ward

The [insert name here] Stake

Is there any wonder why people get confused?

Why oh why can we not do Laugh and Thank You button at the same time?

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