Weight Loss... Clothes??


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Well, I am gonna make this short and sweet and to the point. I have 2 questions

.. one is about weight loss and another one is a question regarding modest dressing.

#1. Well I have been wanting to lose about 20 pounds for the last year and half... I've been loosing and gaining 5-10 pounds back and it's annoying... I wouldn't say that I am obese, but I definitely wear larger clothes than all my friends I am 22 now... and have been wearing adult size 10-12 since I was 14 years old.. considering that I am 168cm- 5"6 or 5"7 it's not so bad.... but If i could be thinner it would be nice. So.. If any one has Tried the HERBAL MAGIC PROGRAM I would appreciate it if you can tell me if it's worth doing, and how much would it cost to lose 20-30 pounds ... I went on their website and well... it's kind of ummm.... not detailed ... also I looked around some other forums and well they all say that it ranges and even one person spent 1000 bucks in one year... this kind of scared me into joining :<< Also I am assuming that it was probably someone really overweight so they needed to spent that much ........... Well Anyways, if you have any good weight lose tips or other programs that you know of please recommend to me :DD

... also I did join a gym .. have been going for a month now... but it's slow :<<

2. Ok second question... i have is about modest dressing. Even though I am LDS girl... In the last 2 years I have not really been dressing all that modestly.... While being 12-19 years old I didn't quite care that much about fashion so I'd wear anything my parents bought me... than at 20 I went crazy... i especially like those shorts and mini skirts in the summer.. However,I did have a few bad incidents due to my immodest dressing...

While taking a bus to another town, some guy tried to touch me.... also another back experience at a b-day party which was similar... the fact that i look like a 16 year old girl (even though I'm 22) to strangers doesn't help I guess.... However, I really have a hard time giving up wearing mini skirts...

So i looked around websites and all, and i found that in asia... Korea, China... Many girls wear long black tight leggings under there skirt or shorts.. so i was wondering if I also wore those under my mini skirts and shorts... can i keep wearing them... I mean I would have the leggings to cover my skin so it wouldn't really be immodest?

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Guest SisterofJared

Hi Saturday Love. I'll try to answer your questions with my own experience. Hope it helps.

The easiest way for me to lose weight is to eat raw. Make about 80% of the food you eat be raw fruits and vegetables. I used to be a raw foodist, and when I first started eating raw, the pounds just absolutely fell off. I lost about 120 lbs, most of it from eating a raw vegetarian diet. I felt better, had more energy than ever before. If you look at some of the many many raw websites, you will find lots of great recipes for fulfilling and nutritional meals. You need to eat legumes and nuts and seeds to help you get the protein you need, and if it's hard to give up animal products, try to use a little fish or chicken. I ate this way for about a year, and finally fell off the wagon when preparing for a daughter's wedding took up all my time and I ended up eating out all the time.... but I am trying to get back into it now. You will find the more raw produce you eat, the better your weight loss will be. If you can add some green drink in there, it helps, too! One of my daughters lost 7 pounds in 4 days eating her normal diet but adding the green drink. Amazing stuff! Get a good brand, though.

As far as modest clothes, the leggings sounds like a good idea. More and more leggings are appearing here in the states, too. I applaud your desire to dress more modestly. You can have both cute clothes and modest clothes all in one package. Good luck!

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I'm the YW president in my ward, and we were instructed by our stake YW presidency (by way of the stake president -- possibly higher, though I don't know) to talk to our girls about modesty and emphasize that skirts and dresses should be modest on their own, that leggings are no adequate. Too many girls wear dark thick leggings, and a dress that really looks like a long shirt. That is not modest. That is a loophole.

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I'm the YW president in my ward, and we were instructed by our stake YW presidency (by way of the stake president -- possibly higher, though I don't know) to talk to our girls about modesty and emphasize that skirts and dresses should be modest on their own, that leggings are no adequate. Too many girls wear dark thick leggings, and a dress that really looks like a long shirt. That is not modest. That is a loophole.

But what of a long shirt with leggings? Or if they're wearing the "dress" as a "babydoll" type dress? I mean, I wouldn't wear that style to church or anything, but are leggings inherently immodest?

(says she who has a dress that's "modest on it's own", but is a light-weight material, and I don't like wearing slips. :P )

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Guest SisterofJared

Come on... let's discuss the purpose of the clothes. Is something inherently evil because it acknowledges the existence of legs?? Or must a dress that hangs down to below the knees to conceal the legs be worn? If if the idea is to cover the flesh, then a pair of leggings with a tunic length blouse certainly fits the bill. Just like a pair of shorts over a pair of leggings fits the bill. What is that "loophole" to?

Leggings can be pretty snug, but if paired with a pair of shorts or a tunic length blouse so it doesn't draw attention to the girl's bum, what's the problem? Where's the immodesty?

My nephew once went to church for over a year wearing only his stockings on his feet. Seems some smug self righteous old biddy cornered him at church one day when he was wearing flip flops and instructed him that he was not to wear flip flops at church. He said okay... and from that point on when he went to church he went in his stocking feet. Thankfully my sister had the wisdom to just leave it alone, and let him know she was glad he was at church, shoeless or not. She allowed the boy to grow on his own and did not push him into rebellion. That boy served a mission, married in the temple and is a father of his own family now. A nice man. Too often we fixate on trying to force people into a mold of our design, and not allow them individual freedom and room to grow. How foolish! Leggings are, IMO, a completely satisfactory answer for a young person wanting to embrace both style and modesty. As members we would be foolish to reject such answers, being so rigid will surely result in the loss of some youth who are struggling to meet their own needs for acceptance and belonging.

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Perhaps before you discuses the purpose of clothes, you should discuss the council given on why you shouldn't wear certain things.

At the very highest level the point of any commandment is to see if we will do 'all things the lord commands' Many of the commandments require us to be different from the rest of the world in someway.

So the question with leggins and miniskirts is really about are you honesty and sincerely trying to follow the commandments of god, or are you trying to find a loophole? Are you trying to keep one foot in the world and one foot on the path to god? Only you can really answer that question. But if it is the latter well that usually doesn't end well

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L. Tom Perry spoke in conference yesterday about dressing appropriately for Sacrament meeting and how dressing down in everyday clothing deteriorates our attitudes.

Could just be me, but somehow when he mentions dressing appropriately I doubt he is thinking that mini skirts and leggings to Sacrament meeting is appropriate clothing.

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But what of a long shirt with leggings? Or if they're wearing the "dress" as a "babydoll" type dress? I mean, I wouldn't wear that style to church or anything, but are leggings inherently immodest?

This was a problem in my area -- that is what was often being worn to church, and even to the temple.

Come on... let's discuss the purpose of the clothes. Is something inherently evil because it acknowledges the existence of legs??

Nobody said anything about evil. It just goes against counsel, which is less than righteous.

Leggings can be pretty snug, but if paired with a pair of shorts or a tunic length blouse so it doesn't draw attention to the girl's bum, what's the problem? Where's the immodesty?

The skirts I see worn with leggings on a regular basis are worn with the intention of drawing attention to the wearer's butt. And again, they are (were -- not as much anymore) being worn to church regularly, and to the temple.

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We have a big problem in my ward with modesty among the young women. The depressing part is that the two counselors in the YW presidency (younger adults) also have modesty issues, their boobs are always half exposed (I assure you I am not exaggerating). :(

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We have a big problem in my ward with modesty among the young women. The depressing part is that the two counselors in the YW presidency (younger adults) also have modesty issues, their boobs are always half exposed (I assure you I am not exaggerating). :(

I find..... If I stare hard enough, the husbands will make SURE they will cover it up....... Magic !!! :lol::lol:

Dont try this at youre home ward. Side effects of getting slapped or even kicked out !

On a serious note. A quick word with her can solve the issue.

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I find..... If I stare hard enough, the husbands will make SURE they will cover it up....... Magic !!! :lol::lol:

Dont try this at youre home ward. Side effects of getting slapped or even kicked out !

On a serious note. A quick word with her can solve the issue.


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  • 4 weeks later...

To the OP:

Skip the Herbal Magic Program or any other program that sells you anything. You can do everything you need for free.

If you want to lose weight, you need to do the following:

a) eat less.

To make this easier, do this:

b) keep track of everything you eat and record the calories

c) improve the quality of your foods

d) keep track of your weight

e) realize your weight will fluctuate day to day

f) over time, adjust what you eat for the desired rate of loss.

g) be more active. This is recreation, which includes all aerobics, running, and sports. This is optional, but will speed up fat loss.

h) exercise. This is just hard work intended to specifically make you stronger. This is optional also, but will speed up fat loss.

You should be able to tell exactly how many calories you have eaten on a given day, or a weekly average, or a monthly average.

Go as far down the list as you want to. You will lose simply from following "a" alone, but b-h will make it happen faster. The tips beyond h make only very minor differences.

There are very many excellent books on this subject. Among the best are those that promote healthy eating of normal foods and contain a strength-oriented exercise component. Darden's books are a fine place to start.


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