Swallowing a pill?


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So, I'm getting my wisdom teeth out this monday. I'll be drugged and out of school for a few days.

I'm more scared about swallowing pain meds after words then the actual operation...

I've never swallowed a pill. i try, and i just can't.

Any advice....this is like a big issue for me...I wish I was kidding. My parents don't realize how much of an issue it is no matter how much I try to explain it.

Sidenote: I bought a wedding dress today from the VOA. Really pretty beading. It fits me so well :) Now...just to find the guy and graduate high school ;)

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Guest xforeverxmetalx

No clue whatsoever, I have the same problem with pills.

But I can tell you that I had all four wisdom teeth out a couple years back. I was freaking out about the needle for the anasthesia, to the point I nearly said I'd just do without. I decided to face it though, and I guess I had a bit of a miracle happen with it all. I went in and my heart was pounding, but apparently I was mentally prepared (worrying about it for weeks) for watching the actual needle go in, because that part wasn't actually that bad. Then I felt some tingling and I was out. The next thing I know, I've got bloody cotton balls in my mouth. And... that was the worst part about the whole thing, just waiting for it to bleed out. I didn't feel drugged or out of it at all and I had solid food for dinner with the rest of the family that night. No pain at all either. I felt pretty lucky, but I'm also fairly sure it wasn't just luck.

So basically the point is, just pray a whole lot, and maybe you might have an experience like I did where it wasn't a big deal at all. You might not even need pain meds. Who knows how God will answer your prayers, we only know that he will.

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I used to have the same problem until I started shoving that pill as *far* back into my mouth as I could before letting go of it. It had no where to go BUT down. Also having a glass of water handy to start drinking immediately helped.

You could also ask if there's a pain medication in liquid form that you could take instead.

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crush up the pill in a spoon, cover with sugar and a little water....works for most kids who can't get past the whole 'swallowing without chewing' issue.

Another option is to put the pill on your tongue, and quickly swallow as much water as you can in one go, that way there's more than just the pill to fit down.

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My daughter has a hard time with pills. She put them in a blob of ice cream at first, and now (sorry for the ick) will chew up a bite of food, open her mouth, shove the pill into the chewed-up food, and swallow. Works for her.

Best wishes on the wisdom teeth! It's not pleasant, but doesn't have to be awful.

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When we're eating, we routinely swallow bites and pieces that are much larger than a pill. Most swallows are. When I'm having a hard time swallowing a pill, I put it in my mouth with something I've already chewed up a bit. Bread would work well. Have it chewed up and ready to swallow, pop the pill in, get it in the middle of the bread you're about to swallow and let it all go down together. Good luck!

Oh and for the record, I didn't get put under for my wisdom teeth. Rawr! lol

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You can purchase a mortar and pestle and ground up the pill, if it's that kind of pill. Some pills have no bad taste while others can't be taken without swallowing because of their bad taste. If the pill can be taken with food, add the powered pill to pudding, yogurt, something that tastes good. Some pills need to be taken with lots of water, so even if you do mix it with food ground up, drink lots of water if directed. As someone else suggested, you can also ask for the liquid form of medication.


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You can purchase a mortar and pestle and ground up the pill, if it's that kind of pill. Some pills have no bad taste while others can't be taken without swallowing because of their bad taste. If the pill can be taken with food, add the powered pill to pudding, yogurt, something that tastes good. Some pills need to be taken with lots of water, so even if you do mix it with food ground up, drink lots of water if directed. As someone else suggested, you can also ask for the liquid form of medication.


Careful with pain pills though. Sometimes grounding them up or breaking them up can be dangerous, they're meant to break down slowly. Luckily if you talk to your doctor/dentist, these are simple things you can find out ahead of time.

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Careful with pain pills though. Sometimes grounding them up or breaking them up can be dangerous, they're meant to break down slowly. Luckily if you talk to your doctor/dentist, these are simple things you can find out ahead of time.

That's true, a pharmacist would also know for sure.


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Oh and for the record, I didn't get put under for my wisdom teeth. Rawr! lol

Me neither, mine were fully functioning teeth that I wouldn't have had removed except for my mission. So it was just a simple tooth extraction and all they gave me was the 800mg ibuprofen (or what ever the extra strength prescription dosage is) and I only used it the first day. I must say the sound of cracking bone is a weird one to hear coming from your mouth.

On the subject of pills, I've never had a problem, I swallow them with easy and quite often without the benefit of water. Just get a small pool of spit saved up, pop'em in and down they go. So I suppose my posting in this thread is rather pointless.

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I can't swallow a pill either.

I went through 2 pregnancies without pre-natal vitamins because I can't swallow a pill. There was a time when I took birth control pills - they were very small but I still can't swallow it. So, every morning I would bury the pill in a banana and eat the banana. Sometimes I don't notice that I swallowed the pill, and sometimes the banana is all gone and the pill is still in my mouth...

But, I can guarantee you that my condition was completely psychological. So, you can possibly psyche yourself to swallow it. I never could...

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I had my kids practice with M&M's. That way if they couldn't get it down at first...it at least tasted good.

Edited by pam
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I had my kids practice with M&M's. That way if they couldn't get it down at first...it at least tasted good.

Amazingly, I can swallow M&Ms whole... no problem at all... no, I can't explain why.


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due to health issues I have to have either crushed or liquid pills. Doctors are more than helpful to get you either, if you tell them. I had liquid loratab one of the last times I came out of the hospital, was much easier than crushing pills, so they do have it in liquid form. I also crush all of my other pills, and either the doctor or pharmasist can tell you which ones work crushed. I have a little blue pill crusher I bought a Walgreens I carry with me in my purse, I also have a morter pestal combo at home. Since you are getting your wisdom teeth pulled, ask for the liquid forms from your dentist, explain you have issues swallowing pills, he or she should be willing to write out the script in liquid.

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For years I couldn't do it.

But I had some meds I had to take right before girls' camp. A doctor in the ward came over and showed me how to do it.

Put it as far back on the tongue as you can. Then push your tongue against your bottom teeth. Take a drink and... hopefully swallow!

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crush up the pill in a spoon, cover with sugar and a little water....works for most kids who can't get past the whole 'swallowing without chewing' issue.

Make SURE that it's not a time-release ('extended release') capsule if you do this- by crushing such a pill you essentially release all of the medication into a single large potentially dangerous dose.

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Make SURE that it's not a time-release ('extended release') capsule if you do this- by crushing such a pill you essentially release all of the medication into a single large potentially dangerous dose.

I'll make sure. I swear. If I die next week it won't be from the medicine.

I'm going to ask my very handsome oral surgeon :D about liquid medicine before the surgery on Monday. (OR should I call ahead? Is this something they need to pre order??) or crushable capsul thing.

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