In light of my recent decision, should I serve at the Temple for a day?


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Because of the family my daughter married into, the area GA who is going to dedicate the Temple, is going to give a tour and my wife gets to go along. All of this while I am in the parking lot! We have known this GA for 25+ years (He used to be our Stake President and I have done work in his home), and I will be in the parking lot parking cars while my wife gets the red carpet treatment. Good for her.

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Although others have said you can't do anything about it, I disagree. You can call the police on them for starting a riot and soliciting. What are they saying? What kind of signs do they have? If I were there I'd definitely say something to them. While they have freedom of speech, we also have freedom of speech as well as freedom of religion. If someone is or is trying to violate a constitutional right, they may be charged. You can get them for slander, talking falsehoods, and libel, written falsehoods such as their signs. Most people only think of major crimes being reported but many moderate crimes add up. Yes, you can rightfully call the police on them.

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Although others have said you can't do anything about it, I disagree. You can call the police on them for starting a riot and soliciting. What are they saying? What kind of signs do they have? If I were there I'd definitely say something to them. While they have freedom of speech, we also have freedom of speech as well as freedom of religion. If someone is or is trying to violate a constitutional right, they may be charged. You can get them for slander, talking falsehoods, and libel, written falsehoods such as their signs. Most people only think of major crimes being reported but many moderate crimes add up. Yes, you can rightfully call the police on them.

But how would he know these people didn't have a license to be there?

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Absolutely nothing. Any reaction gives them greater satisfaction.


This. Ignore them. They are protesting to get a reaction and for no other reason. If that was not their goal then they would protest elsewhere. I would say nothing as I absolutely refuse to cast my pearls before swine.

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I've seen video footage of these protestors. Some are there to shout and preach. It does little good to engage them in discourse. On the other hand, there is another kind that go to major events to engage LDS in conversations. They also have an agenda to convert LDS (usually to evangelical Christianity). Nevertheless, they are more open to hearing you, if you discern that it would be profitable, why not engage the protestor. As much as they are there to convert you, you just might influence them. God's truth is strongest, either way.

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Because of the family my daughter married into, the area GA who is going to dedicate the Temple, is going to give a tour and my wife gets to go along. All of this while I am in the parking lot! We have known this GA for 25+ years (He used to be our Stake President and I have done work in his home), and I will be in the parking lot parking cars while my wife gets the red carpet treatment. Good for her.

THIS IS AWESOME! I know it's kinda a bummer for you being stuck in the parking lot while your wife gets the grand tour, but this is really great news. These types of things can be a great way to jumpstart a struggling testimony! Maybe she can even get insight from the GA that can help her put this big change you are going through into its proper perspective. Or even, at the very least, this would benefit her just to get her to feel very loved by God.

Tell us all about it after she goes through!

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Although others have said you can't do anything about it, I disagree. You can call the police on them for starting a riot and soliciting. What are they saying? What kind of signs do they have? If I were there I'd definitely say something to them. While they have freedom of speech, we also have freedom of speech as well as freedom of religion. If someone is or is trying to violate a constitutional right, they may be charged. You can get them for slander, talking falsehoods, and libel, written falsehoods such as their signs. Most people only think of major crimes being reported but many moderate crimes add up. Yes, you can rightfully call the police on them.

This is pretty extreme. They have a right to the freedom of speech and assembly. Their presence may offend my freedom of religion, but it does not impede it or impinge upon it. Protestors at General Conference and LDS temple dedications hold signs and yell through megaphones. They don't incite riots. They are not violent. They are not soliciting.

This just really seems like a ridiculous reaction to carry out.

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Ignore them.

I'm around anti Mormon protestors all the time in the summer and during the Hill Cumorah Pageant.

Walk by and look straight ahead.

Avoid them like the plague.

And, if they try to hand you something its human instinct to take it. Don't. Keep your hands pressed togather so you won't feel that urge.

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Guest mormonmusic

It wouldn't surprise me if you have directions from the organizers of the temple open house on how to handle the protestors -- probably with doing nothing as everyone has indicated. However, I like the devil suit! I wish I had've seen it!!!

At Palmyra, these protestors would wear undershirts like temple garments and wear name tags and ties and pass out anti-Mormon literature as if they were missionaries. And, of course, I experienced the bull horns -- that just made the protestors look bad in my view. There were Mormon bodyguards standing with arms folded on the Mormon side of the fence in the parking lot, creating a barrier between the LDS folks leaving the pageant, and the protestors. All the protestors accomplished was this -- they solidified the fact that they have nothiing to offer for disaffected Mormons. Also, they said "Your Mommy doesn't love you" to the kids, which I thought was snark.

I would like to see the pageant install some outdoor speakers and blast MoTab at the LDS folks so they can't hear the protestors. The protestors won't be able to tell whether anyone can hear them either.

Edited by mormonmusic
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Ignore them. They are looking for a confrontation, which is why they do this. I, unfortunately, have family who are anti-mormon and protest for a living at temple sites. Then they run home to their websites and mormon "recovery" meetings and share their experiences of what the horrible mormons said or did. It's what they want. Why give it to them?

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At the Hill Cumorah pageant one year one of the protestors got up in my sisters face (then 4) and just started screaming. He was dressed like a devil, think about how awful that could be for a kid!

Ignoring is best :)

And, if for some reason theres kids near by I suggest holding they're hand on physically holding them away from the protestors.

In the past 2 yrs at the Hill Cumorah Pageant they've switched the parking so the protestors and people won't see each other. It's a nice change :)

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If they approach me in a civil tone, I'll talk to most anyone about the church. Once it becomes an argument, I end it politely, then leave. Usually I say something like "I understand my beliefs are different, and probably even evil in your mind, but they are still mine, and they are just as important to me as your beliefs are to you. I hope you keep finding ways to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ. I'm trying to do the same thing myself."

If it's the shouters and screamers, don't even break your stride as you walk past them.

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These people come prepared for an argument. That's why they come. Once they engage you, the ciontention starts. That will drive away the spirit. Ignor them or etter, be kind to them, and the spirit will remain. Remember the spirit converts, that's what people remember when the come to see the temple open house.

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If they approach me in a civil tone, I'll talk to most anyone about the church.

This seems to be an appropriate attitude for someone mature in the faith. However, most others seem to think it's just not worth it. So...have you had any good conversations? Have any of those civil protestors been open enough to listen to you respectfully, once you showed a willingness to engage them?

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Ignore them.

I'm around anti Mormon protestors all the time in the summer and during the Hill Cumorah Pageant.

Walk by and look straight ahead.

Avoid them like the plague.

And, if they try to hand you something its human instinct to take it. Don't. Keep your hands pressed togather so you won't feel that urge.

Or just keep them in your pockets like most people do.

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It wouldn't surprise me if you have directions from the organizers of the temple open house on how to handle the protestors -- probably with doing nothing as everyone has indicated. However, I like the devil suit! I wish I had've seen it!!!

It's ironic that they'd wear devil suits since the devil is the master of contention which is what the protesters was wanting. lol

Also, they said "Your Mommy doesn't love you" to the kids, which I thought was snark.

Wow. Good thing those anti's don't come here. Here in the south we retaliate.

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At the Hill Cumorah pageant one year one of the protestors got up in my sisters face (then 4) and just started screaming. He was dressed like a devil, think about how awful that could be for a kid!

Ignoring is best :)

And, if for some reason theres kids near by I suggest holding they're hand on physically holding them away from the protestors.

In the past 2 yrs at the Hill Cumorah Pageant they've switched the parking so the protestors and people won't see each other. It's a nice change :)

Again, irony that the person was dressed like a devil.

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Well, I did it. It was 86 and humid as I stood in the same place or walking without a single break for 5.5 hours. I am in my middle 50’s so those of you who are older can sympathize. It was so hot that despite drinking 6 bottles of water, I did not need a break single break. Some of the drivers were a challenging and were it a job I would have quit.

But it was “service” and despite all else it was “Wonderful”; something I truly needed. This morning I fill like I have been run over by a truck (got 4 hours sleep last night), but it is a good hurt. I have missed our Temple over the last 2 years, but she is back.

Hanks for everyone’s advice; Tired old man out.

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Good for you for sticking it out and providing service....I'm going to be there for the open house tonight. I'm bringing a co-worker and she has already asked some really good questions. She thinks the whole idea of proxy work is great and she told me that I can get baptized for her after she dies. I'm going to try to convince her that she can do it for herself before then....

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Good for you for sticking it out and providing service....I'm going to be there for the open house tonight. I'm bringing a co-worker and she has already asked some really good questions. She thinks the whole idea of proxy work is great and she told me that I can get baptized for her after she dies. I'm going to try to convince her that she can do it for herself before then....

Try to get there before 6:30, it gets crazy with traffic afterwords. Of course early afternoon would be best for top end of 285. The tour last an hour so also allow for that. Have a good time, my wife only got through half of the tour a my granddaughter had other plans.

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Our reservation is for the 7:40 tour... I'm sorry your wife didn't get to finish the tour. It was really the only time we could schedule it since my son has practice until 6:00. I may take the back roads and avoid 285 all together.

I was under the impression that Pres. Monson was doing the dedication. They mentioned it several times in our Stake Conference on Saturday and Sunday.

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