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While browsing I've noticed this has been mentioned in passing on a few threads, but what is the Mormon view on wearing lingerie? My cousin was recently complaining that she has trouble finding lingerie to cover her garments, and I'm a little flummoxed at that. Is lingerie supposed to cover garments? Is it a no-no? Does it fall under the Church-usually-stays-out-of-the-bedroom?

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Lingerie mixed with garments. Does not sound appetizing. It sounds like the real question is the appropriate use for the garments. It seems that getting "intimate" would be an acceptable time to temporarily ditch them.

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I've heard similar things as to "This little nightie doesn't cover my garments!". I personally don't know why it should. I think those who claim to wear their garments literally 24/7 are nuts. If we branch away from that to justify removing the garment for exercise and whatnot, I like to imagine sex would be an appropriate time.

I haven't heard any church policy, but I think one can make up her own mind about what is appropriate as far as individual pieces go.

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I've heard similar things as to "This little nightie doesn't cover my garments!"

There was a thread about that here not to incredibly long ago and while I don't know if the sentiment was the same as those you hear the above from the idea was they wanted something kinda cute to wear as a night gown (aka pajamas) not so much as lingerie. If one wants some everyday pajamas that are flattering it's a different ball game (in my mind at least) than something that is the start of intimacy. If we're talking genuine let's get things steamy as a precursor to intimacy article of clothing that does seem (one again in my mind) a curious complaint as at that point it's essentially foreplay and sex is one of the commonly understood times (by anyone I've heard or discussed the issue with/from) it's fine to remove the garment.

So I guess basically I agree with you, just being pedantic and mentioning that wanting a nightie that covers your garments isn't necessarily the same thing as complaining your lingerie doesn't cover your garments. *shrug* :)

* And I can see how cute and "my garments are sticking out of them" don't go together terribly well.

Edited by Dravin
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The only "lingerie" that I wear over my garments is a bra. For sleeping, I usually just wear my garments. For lounging (watching TV or reading in the evenings), I wear pajamas that cover my garments. Recreational Lingerie was worn all by its self (when I was married and recreating). If the purpose is to entice, the garment isn't conducive to that.

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Some of us don't like pajamas (some of us foresee a big problem with garments...).

I have heavy nightgowns for the winter and some sleeveless ones for summer. Am I to understand that, if we are only talking about sleepwear and not visual enticements prior to sex, that women just wear their garments to bed? Where's the fun in that? Even if we are sleeping alone, some of us like to look cute for ourselves.

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I have heavy nightgowns for the winter and some sleeveless ones for summer. Am I to understand that, if we are only talking about sleepwear and not visual enticements prior to sex, that women just wear their garments to bed? Where's the fun in that? Even if we are sleeping alone, some of us like to look cute for ourselves.

Are you asking if we have to wear the garment to bed? The answer is yes.

When we take the garment, we covenant to wear it day and night. Of course there are exceptions to this rule, but just not wearing the garment to bed because we don't feel like it doesn't really apply.

I tend to wear just garments to sleep, but nothing prevents me from wearing something over them.

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Before I was married, I used to sleep in a long t-shirt. Before my wedding, I bought a really pretty satin night gown to sleep in (over my garments). The first night, I was so uncomfortable! Not only was I sleeping in an extra layer of clothes, but I also had an extra person in my bed creating additional heat. I took off the nightgown and slept in just my garments because I was way too warm for that.

I did go through a stage of sleeping in pajamas over my garments when my son was young and tended to climb in bed with me. But he's outgrown that, and since I'm a warm sleeper, I prefer just my garments.

It's totally a comfort thing for me.

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Ram, those actually won't cover garments. The top of the shoulder is exposed to much. lol

As for the "if it's against the rules I'm in trouble" type comments. I find those highly inappropriate between adults and youth, particularly in an authority type setting or mixed gender.

I had a YW's leader make such a comment (in a very casual conversation with a lot of joking around, female to female) and being a teen I found it to be a very distracting and disturbing thing. I could not get the idea of her and her husband out of my mind. At the time I didn't think "wow, that was inappropriate" but looking back I think it was.

I also heard such comments after I became an adult (both single and married) and they don't bother me the same way. I've made them myself to other adults. I just don't think youth are mature enough to handle such comments. Teens tend to be rather singularly focused.

Most questions of such a nature deserve nothing more than a straight answer. The answer can be found in the statement that is required to be read before all recommend interviews. We are instructed to wear the garment, night and day, for all activities in which they can be reasonably worn. All other details are left to the individual and the lord.

The only details I've ever been given was in the temple in relation to the bra. Pregnant and nursing women should not wear the bra over the garment (wrinkles can pose a health issue). All other women it is personal discretion as to what order you choose to wear your bra and garments, there is no right or wrong.

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While browsing I've noticed this has been mentioned in passing on a few threads, but what is the Mormon view on wearing lingerie? My cousin was recently complaining that she has trouble finding lingerie to cover her garments, and I'm a little flummoxed at that. Is lingerie supposed to cover garments? Is it a no-no? Does it fall under the Church-usually-stays-out-of-the-bedroom?

I'm sure what she meant was a nice nightgown. There are very very few nice nightgowns that cover garments. Nightgowns are sold in the lingerie department and are consider lingerie.

As for sexy lingerie that's another story and something between my husband and I. :)

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As for the "if it's against the rules I'm in trouble" type comments. I find those highly inappropriate between adults and youth, particularly in an authority type setting or mixed gender.

I just don't think youth are mature enough to handle such comments. Teens tend to be rather singularly focused.

Most questions of such a nature deserve nothing more than a straight answer.

I agree with Gwen here. If I was in a temple recommend interview and was told this I would be really uncomfortable regardless of the fact that all 3 of the bishopric members are very close famiky friends. I'd rather have a straight up answer not some jokey response.

If one of them said such a thing I'd probably pretend to laugh it off and after the interview be somewhat confused and contemplate it to the point I'd probably bring it to my mother.

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I agree with Gwen here. If I was in a temple recommend interview and was told this I would be really uncomfortable regardless of the fact that all 3 of the bishopric members are very close famiky friends. I'd rather have a straight up answer not some jokey response.

If one of them said such a thing I'd probably pretend to laugh it off and after the interview be somewhat confused and contemplate it to the point I'd probably bring it to my mother.

No offense, lizzy, but if you were to ask your bishop before you asked your mother, you probably deserve the confusion :D

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No offense, lizzy, but if you were to ask your bishop before you asked your mother, you probably deserve the confusion :D

haha, well not everyone has a mother they can ask :) I do, but perhaps this young women didn't.

I've babysat at members houses and done there laundry. Plus, what girl doesn't ramble through there mothers closet? from those experiences alone I wouldn't need to ask any questions :)

Backroads, the church has said as long as both the female and male in the marriage are okay with it then its fine.( Some quote somewhere thats a ton better worded.) And, lingerie fits into that.

Off topic a bit: I always look at the word lingerie and in my head I say "ling-erie." :P

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No, you didn't say other wise. But, you said "unoffical gospel" when if its a quote from the church it would be official wouldn't it?

But what I said had nothing to do with a church quote. I was merely referring to the thoughts of the people here.

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While browsing I've noticed this has been mentioned in passing on a few threads, but what is the Mormon view on wearing lingerie? My cousin was recently complaining that she has trouble finding lingerie to cover her garments, and I'm a little flummoxed at that. Is lingerie supposed to cover garments? Is it a no-no? Does it fall under the Church-usually-stays-out-of-the-bedroom?

Umm i dont think that garments and lingerie is compatable with each other... so at times when its proper to wear garments lingerie is probably not going to work. At other times I don't see any technical reason why lingerie can't be worn.

The next question I would ask, to know if it was ok to wear or not, is why they are being worn?

IF something is being worn to excite or titillate the spouse, then I personally would shy away from that type of item or encouraging a spouse to using something like that for that reason- I would rather have a spouse that cared for me than encouraged to want my body (or vice versa- would want to care and love her, and not just her body), and I would want to avoid anything that would take me in another direction than that.

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The next question I would ask, to know if it was ok to wear or not, is why they are being worn?

IF something is being worn to excite or titillate the spouse, then I personally would shy away from that type of item or encouraging a spouse to using something like that for that reason- I would rather have a spouse that cared for me than encouraged to want my body (or vice versa- would want to care and love her, and not just her body), and I would want to avoid anything that would take me in another direction than that.

But part of sex IS exciting the spouse.

Frankly, I'd be offended if my husband did not like my body.

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