Common Questions

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It has been pointed out a few times that collectively as a forum we could be doing better answering questions from new people. Especially if those questions seem to have a bit of an anti slant to them.

There are many reason why this happens, we understand that, but we are looking for ways to help answer the honest seeker while keeping out the hostiles and those looking to tear us down.

To that end we are going to try a bit of an experiment.

We would like to collect in this thread the more common anti type questions we get asked. (Expressed in your own words please)

We will then pass the questions over to the Ask Gramps team for answering.

When the Ask Gramps team is done then the Question and Answer will be posted back to the forums.

By having an answer in an easily found place we hope that those truly looking can find it, and those who miss it can easily be pointed to it.

This will not stop those coming to attack us, we understand that. But hopefully by having an answer readily linkable will help us maintain a more charitable first response.

Thank you

PS: For the purpose of this thread attempting to discuss/answer the submitted questions will be considered off topic and deleted. If you really feel the desire to discuss a question please start your own thread for it so as to not derail this one.

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If Joseph Smith prophesied that there would be a temple in Missouri during his lifetime and there wasn't...wouldn't that mean he was a false Prophet?

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The Bible says that Christ, who is God, created all things. But Mormons teach that Jesus and Satan are BROTHERS! {cue ominous organ music: Dum dum DAAAAAAH!!}

Dontcha know that ol' Joe Smith seduced/raped/deflowered young girls?

Brigham Young hated African Americans, the racist scumbag.

Mormons say that women will be eternally pregnant!

Joseph Smith didn't "translate" the Book of Mormon; he stuck his head in a hat and read the words that Satan gave to him.

Mormons are all a bunch of hypocrites anyway. Didn't you read that Utah has the highest rate of suicide/antidepressant use/domestic violence/pornography addiction/halitosis in the US/Western world/entire earth/Milky Way galaxy?

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Guest saintish

why do mormons practice occult temple rituals when they aren't in the bible?

why does so much of the bible and the book of mormon contradict each other?

why do mormons believe in being saved by works instead of by grace as the bible says?

why do mormons need prophets when the bible is the complete word of G_d?

do mormons believe that they can become gods? isnt that blasphemy?

do mormons worship Joseph smith?

Did Joseph Smith use "peep" stones to translate the book of mormon?

Why do mormons believe in multiple gods when the Bible clearly states there is only one G_d?

do mormons believe that black skin is a curse?

if there was so many wars and battles in the Book of mormon why is there no evidence of it?

why does the book of mormon claim there were hourses and elephants in north america before they were first brought there?

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When will Mormons apologize for the Mountain Meadows massacre?

Why were the Mormons so raciest until 1978?

Do Mormons believe their underwear is magic?

Why does the Pearl of Great Price and Genesis in the Bible contradict?

Why don't Mormons use the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible if they believe Joseph Smith is a prophet?

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heh... at this rate I just hope the Ask Gramps team will forgive me for all the questions they are going to get.

Reading through, some of the questions seem similar or could be group together. I haven't been to the Ask Gramps site yet, but might be worth seeing if any of these have been asked/answered already too ;)

Some questions I thought of:

Do Mormons really believe they will become gods of their own planets?

Why do Mormons believe that God and Jesus are two separate beings when the Bible says otherwise?

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It has been pointed out a few times that collectively as a forum we could be doing better answering questions from new people. Especially if those questions seem to have a bit of an anti slant to them.


Come on, I didn't even call a recent first time poster of 'hard' questions a troll when he obviously was one. I even tried to be helpful and took him at his word that he was a struggleing RM.


Anyway, why would you take it to another site? We have enough strong members with knowledge here to answer every one of these questions. Most of us have answered all these questions multiple times.

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Come on, I didn't even call a recent first time poster of 'hard' questions a troll when he obviously was one. I even tried to be helpful and took him at his word that he was a struggleing RM.


Anyway, why would you take it to another site? We have enough strong members with knowledge here to answer every one of these questions. Most of us have answered all these questions multiple times.

To be honest we aren't taking it to another site. The ask gramps team is a team made up of members.

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Why doesn't my baptism by my preacher count? Wasn't he called of God too?

Why do you mormons believe that you're the only true church? What's wrong with the rest of them?

I heard that you mormons took a bunch of mason rituals to make up your temple ceremonies. Ain't that true?

Why did y'all add to the Bible? You know we're not allowed to do that!

You mean if I don't join your church, I can't live with God or be with my family? Is your God a "respector of persons"? Because my God isn't.

Why did that book Mormon Doctrine say that the Catholic church was the "church of the devil" and the most abominable church upon the face of the whole earth? It was written by an apostle? Don't you believe it too?

If God is perfect, then how could God have been a man?

[i'm sure I'll come up with more later.]

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Why is the Mormon Jesus different than the Jesus in the Bible?

Is it true that Mormons believe there are parts missing in the Bible but are in the Book of Mormon?

Why do Mormons believe there was an apostasy... wasn't the gospel taught by Jesus still being taught in the Catholic church?

Why do Mormons think they are Christians when they believe things that are different than main stream Christianity?

Why does the Book of Mormon say that Jesus was to be born in Jerusalem but the Bible says that He was born in Bethlehem?

How could Joseph Smith claim to have seen God and Jesus when in the Bible it says that no one can see God and live?

How can the Book of Mormon be true when it uses poor english?

Didn't Joseph Smith use the Solomon Spaulding‛s manuscript as a reference when he wrote the Book of Mormon?

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Does God live on a planet called Kolob (or Caleb, or Kobol, or Skeeball?)

Why can't black people be Mormons?

Is the Garden of Eden in Missouri?

Why does the Book of Mormon say "adeau?" Did the Natives speak French?

Doesn't Mormon mean "Gates of Hell" in Chinese?

How is it you Mormons know all these crazy things, and aren't shocked when I ask them? And stay Mormons? Aren't these deep dark secrets only the leaders know?

(Ugh, I get so tired of the same boring "gotcha" questions)

Edited by bytebear
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You're welcome to use any of the articles from the archives of the Society for the Prevention of Anti-Mormonism. We've got over 200 articles that address every conceivable topic raised by antis. Just log in and use the search tool and you'll find what you're looking for.


Welcome! - The Society for the Prevention of Anti-Mormonism

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