New Book of Mormon issued!


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Ah, now I have a laugh button :whistling:

I am one that wants to see the musical before I form an opinion on it. I am not going to form an opinion based on what others have said.

I'm not. There's a song whose title curses God. Literally. In profane language. It's not in English, but the creators are open that this is the meaning of the song. Look at my history with regards to this - I had an open-mind. I thought it would get people curious in the church like the daVinci Code did for the Catholic Church. I have changed my mind because of this. You don't curse God and we can't support something that does. I'm not advocating a boycott. That brings attention to it.

Just don't go.

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I'm not. There's a song whose title curses God. Literally. In profane language. It's not in English, but the creators are open that this is the meaning of the song. Look at my history with regards to this - I had an open-mind. I thought it would get people curious in the church like the daVinci Code did for the Catholic Church. I have changed my mind because of this. You don't curse God and we can't support something that does. I'm not advocating a boycott. That brings attention to it.

Just don't go.

I agree. I mentioned in another thread that I would not watch The Passion of the Christ if you paid me to do so. I consider the movie a pornography of violence, based on everything I have heard about it (mostly from those who loved it). I have absolutely no desire to watch such a grotesque, horrid film.

But given the choice and the mandate to choose between them, I would watch The Passion of the Christ before I would subject myself to The Book of Mormon musical, and it would not be a hard decision.

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The only reason I am willing to watch the musical is so I know what they say and I am more prepared to answer questions from non-members.

I would not watch Passion of the Christ. That movie from what I have seen is way too violent for me. But for what I've heard of the language in the Book of Mormon musical is no worse than what I hear from my husband's side of the family. They make sailors look like saints with their language.

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Passion of the Christ was not as bad as I thought it'd be. I think it should have been PG13. If you think about it though, a film portraying such history would definitely be an R if not worse. The things that took place were quite graphic and terrible. It's hard to edit or screen those things from a story which is such a huge part of it. Face it, life is an R rated "movie" if not X. Doesn't mean we have to view bad things and be a part of it all, however I think there is one exception to that rule which would be to watch a movie depicting the graphic things as in my mind, they are important things to remember and witness so you can appreciate the atonement for what it really is. The scriptures are not PG13 rated, they are at least an R as far as violence goes anyhow. Obviously no one needs to witness anything sexual, but in my opinion, the gore and violence need to be witnessed.

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I think there is one exception to that rule which would be to watch a movie depicting the graphic things as in my mind, they are important things to remember and witness so you can appreciate the atonement for what it really is. The scriptures are not PG13 rated, they are at least an R as far as violence goes anyhow. Obviously no one needs to witness anything sexual, but in my opinion, the gore and violence need to be witnessed.

I'm in agreeance with this. I watched "Passion of the Christ" and gues what, the torture and death of the Savior was, in reality, violent. If you have a testimony of the atonement, it really imprints what HE did, out of love, for all of mankind

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Guest saintish

Hold on just a minute!!!! I pose a hypothetical thread and get grilled for causing people to lose there testimonies and no one is complaining about this thread? do we really need to be reminded of who wrote this play? the same matt and trey parker who did the south park episode "all about the mormons" that dishonored Joseph Smith and our entire religion. This Image Shouldn't be funny, it is a disgrace to a sacred volume of scripture akin to the crucifix in urine picture. Normally I wouldn't say anything but i'm feeling a bit of hypocrisy around here.

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Hold on just a minute!!!! I pose a hypothetical thread and get grilled for causing people to lose there testimonies and no one is complaining about this thread? do we really need to be reminded of who wrote this play? the same matt and trey parker who did the south park episode "all about the mormons" that dishonored Joseph Smith and our entire religion. This Image Shouldn't be funny, it is a disgrace to a sacred volume of scripture akin to the crucifix in urine picture. Normally I wouldn't say anything but i'm feeling a bit of hypocrisy around here.

Since this thread is based on a joke picture, and you want to draw parallels with it, are you saying that your thread was a joke?

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that would be taking the parallel to far or beyond its logical limits. What are you getting at?

I would be getting at you derailing a thread. Start a new thread to ask your specific question. Please do not derail a thread about a play that has reached many thousands of people by talking about an unrelated thread. Better yet, if the people who accused you of challenging people's testimonies are on here and not complaining, ask them directly. You might learn something from their passionately held beliefs just as they might learn something from yours. As long as you go in honestly wishing to understand why they think that, you'll both grow as people.

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Guest saintish

I would be getting at you derailing a thread. Start a new thread to ask your specific question. Please do not derail a thread about a play that has reached many thousands of people by talking about an unrelated thread. Better yet, if the people who accused you of challenging people's testimonies are on here and not complaining, ask them directly. You might learn something from their passionately held beliefs just as they might learn something from yours. As long as you go in honestly wishing to understand why they think that, you'll both grow as people.

My post directly relates to the thread, and I still think the picture is inappropriate

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Though I am not a Mormon, I thought I would mention that my interest in the LDS and everything that came from that (me reading the BoM, registering on this forum, etc) was a result of me seeing the Book of Mormon on Broadway. I understand why some here would feel offense at the lyrics of some of the songs, but I found it a heartwarming play that tackled issues of organized religion and just used the Mormons to represent this. Either way, I am here because of it. :)

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There you go folks. Matt and Trey Parker have sparked the interest of at least one human soul, to figure out what we're really about.

One of my favorite quotes from Brigham Young: Every time you kick "Mormonism" you kick it upstairs; you never kick it downstairs. The Lord Almighty so orders it.


Let us alone, and we will send Elders to the uttermost parts of the Earth, and gather out Israel, wherever they are; and if you persecute us, we will do it the quicker, because we are naturally dull when let alone, and are disposed to take a little sleep, a little slumber, and a little rest. If you let us alone, we will do it a little more leisurely; but if you persecute us, we will sit up nights to preach the Gospel. (DBY, 351)

Enjoy your time here Mememto!

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"The standard of truth has been erected. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. Persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame. But the truth of God will go forth bodly, nobly and independent - till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear - until the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say 'The work is done'." - Joseph Smith, Jr.
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Though I am not a Mormon, I thought I would mention that my interest in the LDS and everything that came from that (me reading the BoM, registering on this forum, etc) was a result of me seeing the Book of Mormon on Broadway. I understand why some here would feel offense at the lyrics of some of the songs, but I found it a heartwarming play that tackled issues of organized religion and just used the Mormons to represent this. Either way, I am here because of it. :)

And as many of us have said in other threads, what we consider to be bad publicity can work in our favor. Case in point right here. Whether you pursue the LDS religion any further, you are at least opening up your mind to it. That's more than I can say for others.

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