I'm straght and a black gay guy in my appartment is attracted to me I think


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I am very masculine and have a lot of masculine qualities I even took a test and confirmed it.

As an aspiring physician, that's exactly the first test I would have ordered. Kudos on the positive results.

As for the rest of your conundrum... I see a lot of assumptions in your reasoning and very few facts... he might not even be gay...assuming that he WAS gay AND attracted to you- so what? Sure, it's obvious that this makes you uncomfortable, but life isn't always comfortable, especially since we're unable to control the thoughts and emotions of those around us.

If this situation is causing you an extreme amount of distress and you're unable to cope... move. "Harming" the guy is just being a bigot and will only result in your forced relocation to a state-funded apartment complex full of angry men and armed guards.

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It does sound like you have issues with gay people. Sounds like you need to find a resolution, where you can be friends. Or, you can go find another apartment, perhaps even in the same complex if necessary, where you are not next door to him.

It may be that he is accidentally interrupting your solace/quiet time. This may be what is causing the anger. Your once peaceful place is now disrupted by his intrusions. Yet he isn't aware of this. Perhaps finding another place to relax and enjoy the quiet outdoors will remedy this.

I also suggest you lighten up and laugh at things more.

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I agree that you have some personal issues to deal with, they have nothing to do with him. If I was in his shoes and I was getting the vibe from you that this post gives off I'd be hanging around just to mess with your head.

Try actually doing what you claim (you know the stuff about loving your neighbor), be a friend. What are some things yall have in common? Come up with a conversation topic (not gay or religious related) that you would be comfortable discussing with him, next time he happens to just be there start the conversation. Treat him like you would anyone else without the constant focus on one aspect, there is a lot more to who he is than the stereotype box you have put him in.

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Since you have made it a point to mention (1) that he is black and (2) that you think he is gay..which do you have more of a problem with. Either one, you have some issues to work out.

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I could be completely wrong, but I imagine the only reason someone would get this worked up about this is if they were maybe questioning their sexuality.


I was going to comment that the OP sounds a lot like me while i was trying to hide. I "had no problem" with gay people but they put me very much on edge and i just didn't respond very well.

So far a lot of the posters in this thread have hit on the things that red flagged the post for me. Too many assumptions, no real communication, to many preconceived notions. So far it seem more like " I'll tolerate my neighbor as long as they are exactly what i want them to be" vs "love thy neighbor". I mean even if he's right and the neighbor is gay, and does have an attraction, I'm sure most straight people have had a unrequited crush and unless a person really acts on it i can see a level of annoyance but really it's usually pretty harmless.

I'm still kinda leaning to a trollish sort of post, but if it is legit i think the op needs to grow up, examine his view of people and realize he's more the problem than the neighbor.

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As an aspiring physician, that's exactly the first test I would have ordered. Kudos on the positive results.

lol. I would have "laugh"ed your comment, but unfortunately there is no such button there.

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I say flirt with him a little. What harm can come of that, you may even discover something about yourself. :D

I am very masculine and have a lot of masculine qualities I even took a test and confirmed it.

There's a masculine test? What are the questions?

ex. Can you spit and grab your crotch at the same time and if so, how often?

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I say flirt with him a little. What harm can come of that, you may even discover something about yourself. :D

There's a masculine test? What are the questions?

ex. Can you spit and grab your crotch at the same time and if so, how often?


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Is it possible that he wants to hang around you for another reason? Perhaps he's noticed something different about you that he's curious about, but not sure how to ask/start a conversation. Maybe you should start a conversation with him? Probably starting with something really innocent like the weather.

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I say flirt with him a little. What harm can come of that, you may even discover something about yourself. :D

There's a masculine test? What are the questions?

ex. Can you spit and grab your crotch at the same time and if so, how often?

If the neighbor is gay and this guy is attracted, flirting with no intention of following through and pretty much playing with him really could be kinda cruel. I've been on the receiving end and it can hurt quite a bit.

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I say flirt with him a little. What harm can come of that, you may even discover something about yourself. :D

There's a masculine test? What are the questions?

ex. Can you spit and grab your crotch at the same time and if so, how often?

Dang - Canuck! I just spit my lunch all over my keyboard and monitor!!

I was wondering what magazine has the masculine test- for women those kinds of tests are in Cosmopolitan!

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This thread is going nowhere. Mod Lock it.

Actually I disagree, the thread went to the obvious places, it sounds like it didn't go where you wanted it to go, but that isn't the same thing.

But since you've edited out the OP there isn't much point in continuing the thread.

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