Husband is leaving for a month...

Should I see Harry Potter without my husband?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I see Harry Potter without my husband?

    • Forget the husband and go party at the midnight showing!
    • Be a good wife and wait.
    • Go sometime between the release and his homecoming
    • Go live in the woods and not think about either.

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tomorrow morning for a military training... and I find myself at a predicament.

Harry Potter is released on July 15.

Do I go to the midnight showing or wait for my husband to see it with me?

Edited by Backroads
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How much does your husband care about Harry Potter? How big a deal is it to see it together? If the answer to either question (and especially the latter) is "Not very much", then go enjoy the show.

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He quite enjoys the Potterness, but it not the addict I am. He has shown some disappointment at the idea that I will probably see it without him, but also knows to assume it's hard to keep me back.

If I were in your position, I would definitely wait for my wife. But I'm not exactly a certifiable HP lunatic, especially with regards to the movies.

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My wife and I aren't big on the waiting to see something together. We'll routinely watch the next episode of a show without the other (on Netflix or something similar). But when we do, we rewatch the episode with the other and politely keep our mouths shut about it.

Go see it and have fun. I"ll be at scout camp when it's released, but if my wife made arrangements to go, I'd tell her to have fun.

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I don't like rewatching movies but that could be an OCD thing for me. So I typically don't watch new releases without hubby. And I especially won't see anything that he's remotely interested in seeing as well. BUT. Neither of us are Harry Potter nuts like you've self-proclaimed :] So if it isn't such a big deal to your hubby and you're dying to see it—go see it! And if hubby wants to see it later down the road, see it again, which you won't mind since you're a HP fanatic anyway! ;)

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Go see it, don't tell him, and then see it together. You can spend the whole time amazing him with your ability to predict what happens next. :P

Or, admit to seeing it without him and make it up to him by seeing the next Twilight movie with him. Hahahahaha.

Or you could wait since it's not going to kill you not to see it. The self-denial might be good for you like not going to U2 last month was good for me. And by good for me, I mean I'm still weeping uncontrollably.

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