Rodeo Announcer's joke not funny


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Pam's OP was correct. I doubt anyone on the forum wants to advocate illegal immigration. However, when she points out that a rodeo MC calls for rounding up the illegals, and that a Hispanic family felt very much targeted and uncomfortable, the knee-jerk reaction was to say, "Yeah, well maybe not quite appropriate, BUT WE HATE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, AND THE GUY HAD A POINT."

The reality is that for many of our southern border states, most illegal immigrants are Hispanic. Whenever the public call to solve "the immigration problem" gets shrill, Hispanic citizens also feel targeted.

The rodeo MC's comments were highly inappropriate, inflammatory, and he deserves to be severally reprimanded, if not canned. This is not about political correctness or advocating open borders. It's about treating people decently.

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My husband works with a few Hispanics. It is nice to know that those he works with are here legally and they even get angry and disgusted with the illegals. In the case of illegal immigration the many are making the few look bad.

What is sad is those who don't know they're legal but they assume, stereotype and treat them badly just because they have the "wrong" ethnicity or nationality.

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Pam's OP was correct. I doubt anyone on the forum wants to advocate illegal immigration. However, when she points out that a rodeo MC calls for rounding up the illegals, and that a Hispanic family felt very much targeted and uncomfortable, the knee-jerk reaction was to say, "Yeah, well maybe not quite appropriate, BUT WE HATE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, AND THE GUY HAD A POINT."

The reality is that for many of our southern border states, most illegal immigrants are Hispanic. Whenever the public call to solve "the immigration problem" gets shrill, Hispanic citizens also feel targeted.

The rodeo MC's comments were highly inappropriate, inflammatory, and he deserves to be severally reprimanded, if not canned. This is not about political correctness or advocating open borders. It's about treating people decently.

There was nothing knee-jerk about my post. I read the article at the website and I thought before posting. There was nothing in my post that said "not quite appropriate."

I agree that the venue was not the right place.

EDIT: In restrospect, I probably should have spent as many sentences agreeing with Pam that the announcer is wrong as I spent trying to make the point that wrong is wrong and what he said isn't the discrimination. He's not the first announcer to put his foot in it. The discrimination came form the audience. the audience.

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There was nothing knee-jerk about my post. I read the article at the website and I thought before posting. There was nothing in my post that said "not quite appropriate."

I was not targeting a specific response, but just the overall reaction. That folk have a tendency to turn such incidents into national political discussions is an obvious reality. Pam even considered not making her post, for this very concern. Apologies to any individual posters who thought I was specificallyquoting or targeting them.

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Applepansy, then the question there such a thing as the "right" venue for comments/jokes of this nature?

Maybe not a venue for jokes but a venue for discussion. we should avoid hate at all costs and be slow and deliberate when taking up these issues with our legislators. and a place to have fun probably isn't the best place for politics.

My view on the issue has been secure the border and repeal laws that make it harder to come into the country legally.

Edited by Saldrin
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I have mixed feelings. I agree that the venue was not the right place.


What is wrong with wanting people to be here in this country legally?

What is wrong with expecting the Hispanic community to obey the laws of this land they want to live in?

It has become politically incorrect to say anything or expect immigrants to do it the right way. I don't see any discrimination in his remarks. Illegals are breaking the laws of this land and that's why they are called illegals. Rounding them up and shipping them out...well, why isn't immigration officials doing just that?

My husband works with a few Hispanics. It is nice to know that those he works with are here legally and they even get angry and disgusted with the illegals. In the case of illegal immigration the many are making the few look bad.

Its not discrimination. Instead of being offended she should be teaching her children that many Hispanics are making is harder for the few here legally. She should be teaching them that its not ok to break laws and when some do then others suffer and not just the legal Hispanics.

I agree with you. I've seen many people complain that illegal immigrants shouldn't be treated like criminals. But considering that criminals are people who break the law and these people are breaking immigration laws, doesn't this make them criminals?

I'm ashamed to say that many Brazilians go into the US illegaly looking for easy money to send to their relatives in Brazil. But I don't condone it. The same way these people wouldn't like other people comming illegally into Brazil they should try to get legally into other countries and try to obey the laws of the country they're getting into. Only this way they'd have the right about what happens in their own country.

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Applepansy, then the question there such a thing as the "right" venue for comments/jokes of this nature?

Jokes? No.

Comments? Yes. This is a serious issue for all involved.

Suzie, When isn't "right" to discuss what needs to be done about people breaking the laws of any land?

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Jokes? No.

Comments? Yes. This is a serious issue for all involved.

Suzie, When isn't "right" to discuss what needs to be done about people breaking the laws of any land?

At a rodeo? :P

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At a rodeo? :P

:) I thought I'd answered that already.


My last remarks on this thread:

Pearl of Great Price, Articles of Faith 12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

The law of the USA is very clear about illegal immigration. Discussing ways to enforce these laws are our right as citizens. Its not a joke. And it should always be done respectfully.

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Bini, you don't carry a sign in your forehead that states you're legal right? The reason I say this is because if indeed the announcer states that, guess who is the audience going to stare and gossip about? You! Maybe you don't care and it's fine...but not everyone feels the same way and it's quite sad that some people who ARE legal have to put up with the poor treatment, stereotypes and bad jokes.

I choose not to be offended. You can't change other people. There are always going to be prejudices. Believe me, I've dealt with my fair share even though I'm not Mexican. :) Try growing up in a small town in Utah being the ONLY minority in my highschool at the time. I've been there, I've felt it. So please don't assume.

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:) I thought I'd answered that already.


My last remarks on this thread:

Pearl of Great Price, Articles of Faith 12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

The law of the USA is very clear about illegal immigration. Discussing ways to enforce these laws are our right as citizens. Its not a joke. And it should always be done respectfully.

And that's the key here. The announcer did not do this respectfully.

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I choose not to be offended. You can't change other people. There are always going to be prejudices. Believe me, I've dealt with my fair share even though I'm not Mexican. :) Try growing up in a small town in Utah being the ONLY minority in my highschool at the time. I've been there, I've felt it. So please don't assume.

You're missing the point completely. First of all, I am not assuming anything and that's why I used the word "maybe". However, the point I am trying to make is that these sort of jokes could harm people (regardless of their legal status) and even though I feel very strong against illegal immigration, it doesn't mean I would condone this sort of behavior.

There is absolutely nothing funny IMO about it and just because you may have a bunch of people who are illegal in the country, it doesn't mean you have to resort to this sort of jokes and victimize them. I believing in following the law without resorting in humiliation.

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I'm with pam on this. Yes, I'm a big fan of legal immigration and I don't care how you view the law.

How the man said it was rude and uncalled for. It's not funny. It wasn't about the law, it was about violently grabbing people and making a spectacle of them. Applepansy, bini, would you mind on telling me how the joke was funny?

Backroads, where did you find the phrase that I have bold-ed in red, in the article or listening to the video, Or in ANY of Apple & Bini's comments????

I will answer for you - you didn't. I agree with Apple and Bini. All illegals should be rounded up, or in politically correct terms: gathered together, and sent back to their country of origin.

Also, neither Apple or Bini EVER said they thought what the announcer said was funny. They BOTH said that they agreed that the venue was not appropriate.

In my personal opinion ALL illegal aliens should be gathered up and sent to their country of origin. If they want to come here, then go the legal route.

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Backroads, where did you find the phrase that I have bold-ed in red, in the article or listening to the video, Or in ANY of Apple & Bini's comments????

I will answer for you - you didn't. I agree with Apple and Bini. All illegals should be rounded up, or in politically correct terms: gathered together, and sent back to their country of origin.

Also, neither Apple or Bini EVER said they thought what the announcer said was funny. They BOTH said that they agreed that the venue was not appropriate.

In my personal opinion ALL illegal aliens should be gathered up and sent to their country of origin. If they want to come here, then go the legal route.

The announcer said it. He said it when he was in no position to act upon it. He said it as a joke, not as a political comment. If he had said it as a political comment, it would have NOT been at such a venue and he would have been able to do something about it.

How else was I to interpret it? I don't have the time to assume the best of this man. He chose to say this in a cruel and offensive way and I'm in a position to judge him for that. Do I truly know the difference between his possible intention to simply express his political views or his possible intention to be offensive and express a violent view of how to deal with illegals--which PLENTY of people in my area have. In his role as a rodeo announcer--not at a political ralley, not at a community function--it was not his place to speak on it, especially after he and his people happily accepted the money of any illegal aliens that could have been present. That makes him a hypocrite and his comments completely inappropriate.

His "joke" was about forming a mob, grabbing people, and shoving them on a train. I can't think of another way his comment was intended. If he meant it a milder way, he should have said so.

Yes, the venue was inappropriate. And therefore, so was everything he said.

I also agree that anyone who is in this country should be here legally. But I do not support humor about treating people like garbage and making a joke about it.

You, Iggy, missed the entire point of what that man said and how he said it. I'm sure that you and applepansy and bini have no desire to treat people badly, but what that announcer suggested, in that position, was treating people badly. I'm not talking about illegal immigration. I'm talking about a radio announcer purposely and rudely stepping beyond his bounds. If you think I'm supporting illegal immigration, please find where I said that.

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But really it's only offensive to those that are in that category (the illegals).

It offends me, and I'm a U.S.-born anglo.

Let's turn the tables. Say you're at a rodeo in the Bible Belt.

"Hey there, rodeo fans, welcome! How many of you attend Grace Lutheran? And who's here from First Baptist? Are there any of those Mormons in the house? Let's round 'em up and put 'em on that train!"

While I understand that it's not illegal to be Mormon, the comment is mean-spirited. My thoughts on rodeo aside, a family entertainment event isn't where one would expect such jabs.

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SIGH - Backroads, please read what is written in RED, That is what I am asking you. Where did you find those words in the original article and/or in Bini's or Applepansy's responses?

Originally Posted by Backroads Posted Image

It wasn't about the law, it was about violently grabbing people and making a spectacle of them. Applepansy, Bini, would you mind on telling me how the joke was funny?

The announcer said it.

Where does he say it? The words, violently grab them and making a spectacle of them???

His "joke" was about forming a mob, grabbing people, and shoving them on a train. I can't think of another way his comment was intended. If he meant it a milder way, he should have said so.

This is making Much Ado about nothing. Taking Rounding them up and turning it into something that was NOT said. The announcer NEVER used the words you used. The words you used ARE mob mentality-

I also agree that anyone who is in this country should be here legally. But I do not support humor about treating people like garbage and making a joke about it.

Again, you are adding inflammatory words where none were used. Applepansy, Bini, and myself NEVER said that we supported the humor, did not support the announcer in what he said, nor did we use the word garbage, neither did the announcer.

You, Iggy, missed the entire point of what that man said and how he said it.

I didn't miss a thing, I chose to not comment on how I felt about what the announcer said. The reason for my post was to ask you WHERE you got violently grabbing people and making a spectacle of them. On the other hand YOU are inserting what you think I might be feeling or thinking. Don't assume, don't add verbiage.

I'm sure that you and Applepansy and Bini have no desire to treat people badly, but what that announcer suggested, in that position, was treating people badly. I'm not talking about illegal immigration. I'm talking about a radio announcer purposely and rudely stepping beyond his bounds. If you think I'm supporting illegal immigration, please find where I said that.

You Backroads didn't read my post- I do not give a royal FLIP about the announcer. I was calling attention to your adding words where they were not. Rounding up is not a violent act. I toss this back to your court - READ my post - then answer the question, I am quoting it here again

Originally Posted by Backroads Posted Image

It wasn't about the law, it was about violently grabbing people and making a spectacle of them.

Backroads, where did you find the phrase that I have bold-ed in red, in the article or listening to the video, Or in ANY of Apple & Bini's comments????

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But really it's only offensive to those that are in that category (the illegals).

I missed this until I saw Mightynancy comment. I was offended by it or I would never have brought the subject up. I have to be honest. One of the first things that came to mind was the rounding up of all the Japanese during WWII. Even those who were born and raised in the US were rounded up and sent off to camps. I realize many will not see the similarity here but when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor..any Japanese living in the US at the time were immediately under attack.

While I believe in legal immigration, I still have much compassion for those that crossed illegally because I know many of them have done so to help their families.

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SIGH - Backroads, please read what is written in RED, That is what I am asking you. Where did you find those words in the original article and/or in Bini's or Applepansy's responses?

Where does he say it? The words, violently grab them and making a spectacle of them???

This is making Much Ado about nothing. Taking Rounding them up and turning it into something that was NOT said. The announcer NEVER used the words you used. The words you used ARE mob mentality-

Again, you are adding inflammatory words where none were used. Applepansy, Bini, and myself NEVER said that we supported the humor, did not support the announcer in what he said, nor did we use the word garbage, neither did the announcer.

I didn't miss a thing, I chose to not comment on how I felt about what the announcer said. The reason for my post was to ask you WHERE you got violently grabbing people and making a spectacle of them. On the other hand YOU are inserting what you think I might be feeling or thinking. Don't assume, don't add verbiage.

You Backroads didn't read my post- I do not give a royal FLIP about the announcer. I was calling attention to your adding words where they were not. Rounding up is not a violent act. I toss this back to your court - READ my post - then answer the question, I am quoting it here again

Iggy, why are you getting so worked up? Backroads is using hyperbole, I thought it was pretty obvious.

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I am offended by many opinions expressed on this forum. The government in a free society is not responsible for the law nor is the government solely responsible for ensuring law is enforced. It is disrespectful to our society, our government, our economy, our law, our sense of humanity and our sense of decency to think that anyone should be able “allowed” to break our laws without consequences. It is prejudicial, racial, and contrary to good sense to believe any group or class of individuals be given leniency or privilege because of their status.

I am concerned, of course, about those that are here illegally. I believe they should be dealt with according to our law. In fact I expect it. If there is anyone that wants immigration reform - I am open to discussion - but let us first discuss what laws should be changed or ended. You want to change the law about screening foreigners for violent criminals? Fine then you live in neighborhoods with unscreened foreigners but do not expect anyone else to. You want to change the law about screening foreigners for dangerous communicable disease? Fine you send your children to school with hundreds of unscreened children at risk of having or carrying deadly diseases but don’t expect that you keep your children safe while you put the children of others at danger.

If there is a law, everyone - note the term “everyone”, must be held to that standard. If there is to be any exception then that exception ought to be the law for everyone. If our laws are unjust then let’s discuss the unjust laws. If our laws are just then let’s see to it that they are enforced. Let’s demand that they are enforced and as citizens of just law let us be part of the enforcement.

In the USA we have lost our sense and understanding of law as a society. One of my first trips to Japan I asked my interpreter about vending machines selling beer. I asked if it was okay for minors to buy beer. I was told minors cannot purchase bear. I then asked what it was to prevent minors from purchasing beer from vending machines. My interpreter told me that minors do not purchase beer from vending machines because it was against the law. What a novel idea!! I discovered why minors do not break the law. It is not because there is a policeman watching every vending machine - it is because the law is respected in Japan. Anyone seeing a law being broken informs authority as well as everyone around them. The law breaker is singled out and dealt with by everybody - even with little children pointing and saying “law breaker”.

In Japan no one in any neighborhood is afraid of criminal elements. No one lives in fear that the law will not protect them. In America we glamorize the law breakers - we think they are cool and we do nothing to end illegal immigration. Not only do I believe all illegal immigrants be “rounded up” but I believe we should round up those that knowingly support and assist or encourage those that break the law - including those on this forum that would knowingly “look the other way” or that do nothing when it is suspected that laws are broken. If you suspect a law is being broken and you do nothing and say nothing - YOU enable criminal behavior - YOU allow criminal mentality to infest our society and destroy a sense of safety and quite enjoyment of the law. YOU are undesirable and a plague to freedom.

The Traveler

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I don't think this ever was a question about whether or not we should follow the law, but a question about the method of enforcement and how we treat illegal immigrants. I don't believe that just because somebody was born on the other side of some magical line doesn't give us the excuse to treat them like animals, only fit for "rounding up." Besides, there's an underlying problem here that focusing only on "rounding up those illegals and shipping them back home" will never solve. Now, I'm not saying that sending illegal immigrants home is wrong. It's not that I'm an illegal sympathizer as much as I'm a people sympathizer. People who are in this country illegally still deserve our love and respect just as much as anybody does (even as much as anybody who is currently sinning). Ultimately, we're all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father and we should treat other people like they are, even if we're trying to tell them that what they're doing is wrong.

Although, I do have a bit of insight into this. My last companion on my mission was big into rodeos, and things like this are usually said half-joking. Rodeo-goers are usually on the more conservative side of things, but ask any one of them and they'll tell you that Mexicans are the best cowboys and ranchers out of anybody. So, I'll give the announcer the benefit of the doubt but I still disagree with the way the comment was said.

Edited by LittleWyvern
grammar fail!
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Iggy, like I said, when a guy is making jokes like that, I have NO IDEA of how to determine just how serious/playful he is. But what I have noticed from plenty of people in the world that those who dare make such jokes have few qualms about taking it far. Rounding up IS a violent act in how it dares to treat people like cattle.

Where did I get that phrase, you ask? I derived it from his comment to round up all the illegals and put them on the train. Rounding up, as pam as said, as extremely negative connotations when you're speaking about people. Again, I have no way of knowing what I meant; but if he's bothering to crack jokes like that he probably doesn't care if violence happens.

If that rodeo announcer is saying stuff like that but not meaning them, he's a tactless hypocrite. If he means them, he's cruel.

If I offended bini or applepansy, I apologize sincerely. But I still stand by that I have no way of knowing what this man meant and I have all reason to assume the worst. He KNEW he was in a place where people probably did hate illegals, had a bit of alcohol, and fights do break out at rodeos. He KNEW it was possible for his words to be imflammatory.

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