Are Mormon's Christian?? are the teachings of Mormonism Biblical??

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Short answer, ABSOLUTELY! In fact there is no church on the face of the earth that aligns with the Bible more than the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!

Show me another church who claims this:

"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people" Revelation 14:6.

They are referring to Moroni, the vessel chosen to restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ again on this earth.

No other Church claims the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood.

Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedec - Hebrews 7:17

(New Testament | Hebrews 7:11) 11 If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?

Baptisms for the dead is another doctrine unique to the Restored Church of Jesus Christ.

(1 Corinthians 15:29)Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?

Another is The Celestial,Tellestial, and Terrestrial kingdoms (Instead of One heaven One hell)

1 Corinthians 15:40-41

"There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.

There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory."

There truely are many more....Questions? ask away...


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Hey guys, heres a quick post about myself

Name: Chris

Location: Palmyra, WI

Age: 22

This post wasnt for members, more so for people who come here questioning the church or "our salvation" xD

I have converted 3 people and am hoping to keep it going.

I love this Gospel and Everything about it.

In defense of the Gospel of Christ Jesus <--- website

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Guest Sachi001

Hey guys, heres a quick post about myself

Name: Chris

Location: Palmyra, WI

Age: 22

This post wasnt for members, more so for people who come here questioning the church or "our salvation" xD

I have converted 3 people and am hoping to keep it going.

I love this Gospel and Everything about it.

In defense of the Gospel of Christ Jesus <--- website

Aloha. Was the converts while on Mission or when you got back?

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I doubt you converted them. Last I checked, conversion is still under the purview of the Holy Ghost. But kudos for sharing the Gospel.

ah yes, but you must remember that the Gospel is not made for the perfect, the righteous it is for the sick, the sinner. The whole need no physician. The people I am referring too were habitual addicts of all wickedness. The holy ghost cannot dwell in unclean places therefore it was logic and speech that did the deed until they cleaned up allowing themselves to have the holy ghost always with them.

Always glory to God, for we are all instruments in his hand.

Aloha. Was the converts while on Mission or when you got back?

I have never served a mission.


thanks bud!!

Ah, youthful enthusiasm. The spirit of missionary work is one I've had a hard time getting, myself. I admire your zeal.

Tis the best feeling this world has to offer, to share the plan of happiness with your fellow (wo)man.

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The holy ghost cannot dwell in unclean places therefore it was logic and speech that did the deed until they cleaned up allowing the ghost to be with them.

Did you want to edit your post? This almost sounds disrespectful..Kind of like "May the force be with you.

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Did you want to edit your post? This almost sounds disrespectful..Kind of like "May the force be with you.

Just because you percieve something to "sound disrespectful" doesnt mean everybody else sees it that way..

if i wanted to edit my post i would have in the first place, but since you put me on the spot, its done. I have heard people give talks on Sunday at the podium mentioning "the Ghost"

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Are you like out to get me? seriously... Just because you percieve something to "sound disrespectful" doesnt mean everybody else sees it that way..

if i wanted to edit my post i would have in the first place, but since you put me on the spot, its done.

Umm..I've been a moderator on this site for years and years. I have much experience in how people perceive things.

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ah yes, but you must remember that the Gospel is not made for the perfect, the righteous it is for the sick, the sinner. The whole need no physician. The people I am referring too were habitual addicts of all wickedness. The holy ghost cannot dwell in unclean places therefore it was logic and speech that did the deed until they cleaned up allowing themselves to have the holy ghost always with them.

Always glory to God, for we are all instruments in his hand.

For some reason, reading this and the other posts by the OP, this article and this talk comes to mind.

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I have never served a mission.

Hey guys, heres a quick post about myself

Name: Chris

Location: Palmyra, WI

Age: 22

Any particular reason why you haven't served a mission? With this kind of zeal, you really should consider it (unless you're already married).

I wonder what we'd have to do to convince YOU to serve a mission? :D

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Just because you percieve something to "sound disrespectful" doesnt mean everybody else sees it that way..

if i wanted to edit my post i would have in the first place, but since you put me on the spot, its done. I have heard people give talks on Sunday at the podium mentioning "the Ghost"

rut roh.

(For the record, the only reference I've ever heard to "the ghost" anywhere was someone talking about their own spirit, as in "giving up the ghost", aka kicking the bucket.)

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Umm..I've been a moderator on this site for years and years. I have much experience in how people perceive things.

im sorry, I didn’t mean to sound rude.

For some reason, reading this and the other posts by the OP, this article and this talk comes to mind.

o____0 my friend, you don’t know me.

Any particular reason why you haven't served a mission? With this kind of zeal, you really should consider it (unless you're already married).

I wonder what we'd have to do to convince YOU to serve a mission? :D

I am on a full time mission! If I come off as prideful or whatever its cuz im EXCITED TO SHARE THE NEWS, being a convert of course.

I try to do my LDS talks on BlogTalkRadio more often as with posting my videos on youtube. Trying to get to everyone. Not just one consigned “area”. The world is my mission field.

I am curious why you haven't served a mission yet....

and for the record i doubt it was your words i think more along the lines of the light of Christ.

Everyone quoted the top part of my post but ignored “I AM JUST AN INSTRUMENT IN GOD’S HANDS” like us all….I don’t take the credit…I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THE CREDIT.

The reason I didn’t go on a mission when I turned 18 was for a few reasons. First of all I converted at 17, I smoked cigs, drank, did drugs A LOT. The Gospel probably saved my life. At least Quality of life. I work at Mcdonalds (yeah so prideful) Im trying to get the adequate money that is necessary for a mission.

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im sorry, I didn’t mean to sound rude.

o____0 my friend, you don’t know me.

I am on a full time mission! If I come off as prideful or whatever its cuz im EXCITED TO SHARE THE NEWS, being a convert of course.

I try to do my LDS talks on BlogTalkRadio more often as with posting my videos on youtube. Trying to get to everyone. Not just one consigned “area”. The world is my mission field.

Everyone quoted the top part of my post but ignored “I AM JUST AN INSTRUMENT IN GOD’S HANDS” like us all….I don’t take the credit…I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THE CREDIT.

The reason I didn’t go on a mission when I turned 18 was for a few reasons. First of all I converted at 17, I smoked cigs, drank, did drugs A LOT. The Gospel probably saved my life. At least Quality of life. I work at Mcdonalds (yeah so prideful) Im trying to get the adequate money that is necessary for a mission.

Someone my age on these forums? NO FREAKING WAY! We gotta stick together, man.

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Guest Sachi001

Just because you percieve something to "sound disrespectful" doesnt mean everybody else sees it that way..

if i wanted to edit my post i would have in the first place, but since you put me on the spot, its done. I have heard people give talks on Sunday at the podium mentioning "the Ghost"

WoW for! Don't be snarly with a mod. Especially an LDS mom mod.:D

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I doubt you converted them. Last I checked, conversion is still under the purview of the Holy Ghost. But kudos for sharing the Gospel.

I just thought I would point out to you my friend that many of the Pharisees and Scribes thought Jesus did not conform well to the scriptures of that day either - and even he did not convince many otherwise.

The Traveler

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Short answer, ABSOLUTELY! In fact there is no church on the face of the earth that aligns with the Bible more than the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!

I'm not going to question any Mormon's Christianity, nor whether the teachings of Mormonism are biblical. However, since the OP states he's converted three non-LDS to the faith, it seems appropriate to at least offer some Evangelical interpretation of these statements, for the sake of good understanding.

Show me another church who claims this:

"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people" Revelation 14:6.

They are referring to Moroni, the vessel chosen to restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ again on this earth.

Those of us who believe there will be a Great Tribulation would understand that this angel will be manifest in the midst of that terrible time, very shortly before the time of judgment at the battle of Armageddon.

No other Church claims the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood.

Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedec - Hebrews 7:17

(New Testament | Hebrews 7:11) 11 If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?

Some here are already familiar with the doctrine of the Priesthood of all Believers. We see Jesus' directions towards his disciples, who became the Apostles, as applying to all who follow Christ. For example, when Jesus said, "Go and make disciples..." all Christians are expected to be a witness--not just the apostles. As for the reference to Melchisedec, we see Messianic undertones. Does the scriptures not refer to God's people as "A holy nation, a royal priesthood?"

Baptisms for the dead is another doctrine unique to the Restored Church of Jesus Christ.

(1 Corinthians 15:29)Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?

You are correct. There simply is not here for us to create a new ordinance. There was some local practice that Paul used to highlight the validity of the resurrection.

Another is The Celestial,Tellestial, and Terrestrial kingdoms (Instead of One heaven One hell)

1 Corinthians 15:40-41

"There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.

There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory."

Paul here refers to differences amongst creation, and concludes by again affirming the resurrection, that we change from mortal to immortal.

There truely are many more....Questions? ask away...


What you can demonstrate with examples like these is that the distinctive doctrines of your church have some reference in the Bible. So, as an LDS-believer, you can look to these passages and see some hints at what your additional revelations teach.

Hopefully you can also see that the current practices in evangelical churches are not merely "the traditions of man," but are deeply rooted in biblical understanding.

Not all teachings are equal, because sometimes one has to be right and the other wrong. However, if we recognize that those we engage with are sincerely seeking God, then we can approach each other with respect and Christ-like love.

Kudos to you for your boldness in sharing your faith. It's one practice we can all agree on! :)

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1. I'm not going to question any Mormon's Christianity, nor whether the teachings of Mormonism are biblical. However, since the OP states he's converted three non-LDS to the faith, it seems appropriate to at least offer some Evangelical interpretation of these statements, for the sake of good understanding.

2. Those of us who believe there will be a Great Tribulation would understand that this angel will be manifest in the midst of that terrible time, very shortly before the time of judgment at the battle of Armageddon.

3. Some here are already familiar with the doctrine of the Priesthood of all Believers. We see Jesus' directions towards his disciples, who became the Apostles, as applying to all who follow Christ. For example, when Jesus said, "Go and make disciples..." all Christians are expected to be a witness--not just the apostles. As for the reference to Melchisedec, we see Messianic undertones. Does the scriptures not refer to God's people as "A holy nation, a royal priesthood?"

4. You are correct. There simply is not here for us to create a new ordinance. There was some local practice that Paul used to highlight the validity of the resurrection.

5. Paul here refers to differences amongst creation, and concludes by again affirming the resurrection, that we change from mortal to immortal.

6. What you can demonstrate with examples like these is that the distinctive doctrines of your church have some reference in the Bible. So, as an LDS-believer, you can look to these passages and see some hints at what your additional revelations teach.

7. Hopefully you can also see that the current practices in evangelical churches are not merely "the traditions of man," but are deeply rooted in biblical understanding.

8. Not all teachings are equal, because sometimes one has to be right and the other wrong. However, if we recognize that those we engage with are sincerely seeking God, then we can approach each other with respect and Christ-like love.

9. Kudos to you for your boldness in sharing your faith. It's one practice we can all agree on! :)

1. “For the sake of good understanding” I like it =) I shall conduct my response after the same order.

2. We are also awaiting a separate angel than Moroni before the destruction of the wicked. Spoken of by Daniel “the abomination of Desolation”. According to the Prophet Joseph there are 2 “abomination of Desolation’s.” The first was the destruction of Jerusalem and the 2nd is during the great tribulation. I agree.

3. Absolutely, everybody is entitled to the priesthood of God, the authority to act on behalf of God the father and his only begotten Jesus Christ.

“Does the scriptures not refer to God's people as "A holy nation, a royal priesthood?"

yes it does, it was one of my favorites. A holy nation is referring to Zion, the very building up of the Lord’s kingdom in these last days. The Melchizedek priesthood is really “the Priesthood after the order of the Son of God, Christ Jesus.” But due to reverence for his name it was changed to Melchizedek who was the king of Salem. Father Abraham paid tithing to his holy name. Members of the Church can trace their priesthood lineage back to Christ himself.

4. Baptisms for the Dead is done by the same law of Proxy that Atoned for our sins through the suffering of the Son of God. The Temples which hold these sacred fonts are directly made after 1 Kings 7:44 which reads “And one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea”.

5. “I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.” 2 Corinthians 12.:2. Again paul mentions the degrees of Glory.

6. I believe Every person is in the World is looking for the truth. Due to the stigma of the church and especially since the internet came around, more and more Anti-Mormon sites are popping up and calling us non-Christian and a cult. When in fact, we are aligned with the Bible more than they are. “Mormonism is the pure doctrine of Jesus Christ – Joseph Smith Jr.”

7. Like you, I wouldn’t question anyones relationship with Christ. However I find certain doctrine such as the Trinity, Grace by faith without works, and the very thought of an eternal hell that our loving father would send us too rather contradictory to the Bible.

8. - yes, Charity.

9. Right back at ya =)

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