You know you are in your third trimester when...


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When your belly is no longer in your personal space and free game for anyone to rub, pat, or touch whenever they feel like it. Even if it is a complete stranger in the supermarket.

When everyone ask you when you are due and they go one to tell you everyone they have ever known who has a birthday remotely close to your due date.

When you feel that tiny life growing and can hardly wait to see what they look, feel and sound like. :)

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What do you mean? You don't think I will throw them out on the street if they can't pay?!?

I mean, really....they spend 9 months trying to kill me and make me so sick I want to die, then they bum food, clothes and shelter off me for at least 18 years. They beg money off me for entertainment. Have me drive them all over town, if they move out, then back in my house, they will pay. hehehee.....ok, maybe we moms do these things cuz we want to......

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When the best part of your day is getting to finally take off the bra you just bought two months earlier but already doesn't fit right.

That happens to me now, and I had better not be pregnant. :eek:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awhh, Jennarator :]

I remember those days. How soon did you start "showing"? My belly blew up fast. At least, that's how I felt. Whether it was gas bloat or real pregnancy belly, who knows but it was really obvious to me around my 13th week. It might have been real obvious to others but I know DH didn't dare go there.. :P

OK back on topic.. You know you're in your third trimester when you're telling yourself, never again! Will this ever end! Hehe.

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In Jr. High my spanish teacher was pregnant. In the middle of class she was messing with her water bottle, and announced, "Oh no, my water broke!". One of my classmates (whose mother was also pregnant at the time) literally dove under his desk, and the rest of us were hysterical, until she explained what she meant. It was pretty funny!

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