LDS watchdog still at it


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The best offense is a good pretense. We can expect much worse in the coming days as there is a certain corrupt unethical immoral political machine that is driving these kinds of stories in order to turn voters against a certain LDS political candidate which I will not mention by name. The same machine gave the false hope that a mixed race President would unit and heal the racial divide only to turn around and do the exact opposite. Its very survival is dependant on racial, religious and economic division. Those who have attacked the church for years will finally get a sense of gaining traction and I fear this is only the beginning.

This ought to be much ado about nothing. If those who supposedly represent the Hindu religion would actually look into what we believe they would find it a compliment.

I particularly like this comment about the story.

...and this is relevant news? Mormons believe everyone that ever lived will be resurrected into perfected bodies thanks to Jesus and stand before Him at a judgment bar. Evangelicals believe only their own will be saved and everyone else will burn in hell. Jehovah Witnesses believe that when we die that's it, we cease to exist and are only remembered by Jehovah and if he likes us he brings us back. Everyone has different points of view on what happens after we die. Whether it is resurrection, reincarnation, oblivion, etc. So the Mormons take it upon themselves to do proxy baptism work that is only relevant if the "deceased" individual accepts it in heaven. You can look at this whatever way you want: labor of love or weird obsession. It's your choice but from their point of view, baptism for the dead by proxy is a wonderful service of love for mankind if what they believe is true in that Jesus is the Christ and that everyone indeed gets resurrected.

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Another comment which I liked (I haven't verified that it's true but...)

From Matama Ghandi's grandchild Arun -

“Whenever anybody asked him, ‘What

religion do you follow?’ He would say I'm a Hindu, I'm a Muslim, I’m a

Christian, I’m a Buddhist, I’m everything. So I can just imagine him

sitting in Heaven with us in front of God laughing and saying, and now

I’m also a Mormon now.”

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I'm not following this very well. The newspaper is based in India, and the story seems to be of a baptism done 15 years who is this lady posters are referring to, and why would an article in India have much of an impact on a presidential election in America? Maybe the reporter is hoping to snowball on the recent controversy with holocaust survivor baptisms, but I'm guessing the impact of this will be kinda like the post-earthquake rumbles.

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It's an article from India about US news. A stink was made here in the US.

In a statement from Nevada, USA,....

edit: I think your right about the impact, I'm mainly taken by this apparent obsession of Helen Radkey. She is the same person that was previously making a stink about the holocaust victims and Jewish celebrities being baptized. Now that searches for these individuals have been cut off she is apparently taking other angles.

Edited by jerome1232
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Okay...did a quick google search. This was a story in the U.S. about 3-weeks ago.

Mormon Proxy Baptism Was Performed On Mahatma Gandhi, Researcher Says

For some reason it died off here and picked up steam in India of late. And yes, I now see that the lady being referred to is an ex-Mormon. I still see this as a minor ripple in the turbulent ocean of election year news coverage.

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I feel like this woman purposefully misrepresents us and spreads FUD about baptism for the dead.

US Mormon Church ?baptises? Mahatma Gandhi, Hindus shocked - Hindustan Times

Surprise surprise.

I'm afraid I broke the rules, AGAIN! Now that I got baptised, I am 'posed to be nice and sweet. She just so obviously is so full of bile and venom.


Well the Lord did say that his people will be brought through the refiners fire, it's up to us to come out more pure or with more dross and it's always a struggle each time whether large or small.

Luckily we can repent.

Edited by Blackmarch
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I'm afraid I broke the rules, AGAIN! Now that I got baptised, I am 'posed to be nice and sweet. She just so obviously is so full of bile and venom.

That's a tough one for me, too. Maybe together we can figure out how to avoid reviling against the revilers.

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...I still see this as a minor ripple in the turbulent ocean of election year news coverage.

I agree it's a minor ripple, but I think it portends what is to come. This type of story is being given legs it otherwise wouldn't be by a complicit media and I'm just stating there is a connection to the upcoming election.

Just to show you perhaps I'm not entirely delusional..

What Did This David Axelrod Tweet About Mormons Mean? - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

...really this story is so far out there it has no place in the political arena..yet a political strategist found it useful

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... and even Republican American presidential front-runner [you know who]’s atheist father-in-law Edward Davies was posthumously baptized.

Oh the HORROR!

Wait... that was with permission from a living relative right? :rolleyes:

Let's think about that for a minute...

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Oh the HORROR!

Wait... that was with permission from a living relative right? :rolleyes:

Let's think about that for a minute...

According to his son he was not atheist either. It seems a bit big brotherish to want to put noses into the families decisions. It was their father not the news medias. I am sure someone can always find something to complain about and these stories prove it.

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While I was yet an Investigator, I loved to go to anti Mormon pages and see what they were saying. Youtube was great! I'd look at some of the outrageous claims, research them, and even talk to the Missionaries about them and then go back to the original poster and tell them the truth.

LOL, you'd be surprised at what happens to a bully when someone stands up to them. Most negative posters don't know the subject they comment about. Even some of the "X Mormons" get pretty bizarre, and it makes me wonder if they ever were Mormons.

A favorite topic for some of them is of course polygamy. Myself, having been Muslim I have feelings about it. Did you know that the Quran forbids it, except there is an "exception" and that is what the men use. That fact carried a lot of disillusionary power for me. I truly never met a Muslim woman who was OK with it. It is just something that some men shove down our throats in Islam.

I don't really wish to get into a discussion about LDS polygamy, as I have no strong feelings. If Heavenly Father ordains it, both sides agree, and there are no cradle robbings then who am I do pontificate on it?

Now that I was baptised, I feel constrained to be sweet. I'd really like to confront some of these people but somehow, those pages lack attraction for me any more. I've been a scrapper all my life and here I am now being all peaceful. I am liking it a lot. :lol:

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I pity people who have lost the vision yet can not get past it so deal with it by reviling what they have lost. Maybe she is secretly hoping someone will do her work for her when she dies or is afraid no one will.

If this is the same woman from a couple years back she offered to search through the records for people who shouldn't have been baptized (Holocaust victims and celebrities) if the Church would pay her.

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If this is the same woman from a couple years back she offered to search through the records for people who shouldn't have been baptized (Holocaust victims and celebrities) if the Church would pay her.

Aw, and now she's doing it for free! How sweet!

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