14-year-old Boy Shoots Intruder


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Holmes hailed the teen's actions and his parents for teaching the kids to never open the door to strangers.

Unfortunately, the not opening of the door may be the very reason the home was intruded into. In my neighborhood, there's been a scam where would-be thieves knock on the front door to see if anyone is home. If the door is answered, they pretend to be a canvasser or something similar. If there's no answer, they go around and go in through the back, because it's assumed that no one is home.

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Unfortunately, the not opening of the door may be the very reason the home was intruded into. In my neighborhood, there's been a scam where would-be thieves knock on the front door to see if anyone is home. If the door is answered, they pretend to be a canvasser or something similar. If there's no answer, they go around and go in through the back, because it's assumed that no one is home.

Brandishing weapons?

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That's what happened to my house. Someone knocked at my door at 2 am. I didn't open it, but I did ask who it was. Some guy who said he was looking for a little girl. Lame.

Then about 2 wks later, when Dravin was visiting, he heard a knock. Since it was during the day, he figured it was a delivery guy or something and didn't answer it. The guy kicked down my door and then froze when he saw Dravin. He then fled.

The police told me that it was likely the same guy. He knew someone was there at night, so he figured he'd try the daytime. When no one answered, he entered. What's funny is the cop looked around my house and said other than my laptop, he probably would not take anything--I didn't have anything worth taking!

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Unfortunately, the not opening of the door may be the very reason the home was intruded into. In my neighborhood, there's been a scam where would-be thieves knock on the front door to see if anyone is home. If the door is answered, they pretend to be a canvasser or something similar. If there's no answer, they go around and go in through the back, because it's assumed that no one is home.

This is one thing that gets me. These criminals probably didn't go out with the intention of hurting anyone--just carrying a gun for protecting. They thought the house was empty!

Great. Now I sound like I'm defending the guy.

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This is one thing that gets me. These criminals probably didn't go out with the intention of hurting anyone--just carrying a gun for protecting. They thought the house was empty!

Great. Now I sound like I'm defending the guy.

I don't think you sound like you're defending the guy. I agree with you. A lot of the time, burglars carry guns solely for an intimidation factor. Though in that case, he wouldn't necessarily enter the house already brandishing his weapon.

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In the LM home, our firearms are kept in a locked safe. Our kids will not have access to them until such a time when we feel they could handle a situation like this news story.

One would hope this 14 yr old got some instruction and experience from a parent, since he knew exactly where the gun was.

(One would hope.)

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LM, in Utah most 14yos have been through hunter safety classes. Well, at least it was most when my kids were teenagers. I also hope this 14yo had some training. I would guess he has since he knew what to do. He probably had thought about it prior to the incident, otherwise I don't know of a kid who would think about getting a gun in the middle of a crisis.

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That was a scary story. I'm glad he was able to protect his family. It sounds like he knew how to use the gun.

I usually just don't answer the door when someone is knocking because I figure it is a salesman. I guess I never thought it might be someone looking to rob my house. Of course probably the only thing I have of value is my laptop and my plasma TV. That TV weighs 40 or 50 lbs, I doubt a burglar would even bother.

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It's may be frightening to consider how this could have turned out had the young man killed the intruder, however I find it far more disturbing to consider what could have happened had he not had the gun to defend himself.

The fact is this world is not always a happy safe place, and that includes our homes unfortunately. This very event is part of why personal gun ownership is so important, alongside proper training.

Also, my own mother was hunting deer on her own at 14 with a Winchester model 94 30/30, so I'm rather pleased with the conclusion. If I knew who the kid was, I'd buy him a pizza for his bravery and clear thinking.

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I say bravo for the kid who shot the intruder. He did what his gut told him to do -- get his siblings upstairs and grab a gun for the protection of himself and his siblings. Once a intruder breaks into someone's home, then he has crossed the forbidden zone and all bets are off.

If this happened more often thugs might thinks twice before entering someones home.

A few years back I watched a video of a burgler who had descibed the specifics about how his operation had worked for years and of course he descibed how much easier it was to rob a place when there was no threat of someone on the other side with a weapon.

He also spoke with delight how he liked to rape the women -- again because there was no threat of a gun on the other side.

So in my opinion if person is willing to break someones door down and invade their domain -- he better be willing to pay the price........end of story.

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