breastfeeding at Church.


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There will be skin when breastfeeding babies. Once American society accepts this fact...again lol....then seeing a woman feed her baby (or toddler) in public will be a non-issue..again :D OOOHHH I have a link to a picture of women feeding infants while in church pews, from the 1800s, I'll find it!

Edit: while looking for that picture I found this interesting and silly paragraph, enjoy ^^ Childbearing and childrearing practices in Mor... [Neonatal Netw. 1990] - PubMed - NCBI

Edit no. 2: Found it! Stand and Deliver: Breastfeeding history moment: LDS Sacrament Meeting, 1871

Edited by talisyn
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I have seen it done during sacrement meeting in the chapel, or in the foyer. It doesn't bother me at all. Heavenly Father sees it all. Wish I'd had the chance, but I was not Mormon.

Would you have been able to if you had been Mormon?

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This is a topic I'm rather ambivalent on...

On one hand, the idea of living in a nudist colony has crossed my mind more than once....The idea of not being ashamed of my body and not having to cover up because someone else might get the wrong, the idea of breastfeeding in public doesn't have to be such a traumatic, big deal in the sense that it's very natural and, as Vort said, using the breasts in the way they were intended.

On the other hand, I remember seeing my Aunt nursing one of my infant cousins when I was at a very young age. My face went scarlet in embarrassment. I felt like I was privy to a dirty picture.....I wanted to look out of voyeuristic curiosity, and yet I had been taught that it was wrong and dirty. Hence, the embarrassment....

I believe it all depends upon where ones' heart is. If we're doing it/looking at it with evil intent then, yeah, covering up is important. However, if we can see it in purity and love as a natural act meant to feed our infant, maybe "covering up" wouldn't be so necessary.....This isn't to say it's okay to fart, belch, or use the bathroom in public. These kinds of things are inherently unpleasant to experience, imo....Who wants to have to see/smell/hear all that?

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Then again, the Salt Lake Temple seems at one point to have had a portrait of Mary breastfeeding the infant Jesus. See the comments at By Common Consent, along with a black-and-white reproduction of the painting in its original form, here.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Would you have been able to if you had been Mormon?

I would have been pleased to as a Mormon. Lately I feel sorrowful for not having been Mormon much sooner. I don't question the wisdom of Heavenly Father, and perhaps I was to strong willed at the time.

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I would have been pleased to as a Mormon. Lately I feel sorrowful for not having been Mormon much sooner. I don't question the wisdom of Heavenly Father, and perhaps I was to strong willed at the time.

She didn't ask you if you would have been pleased, she asked if you would have been able to.

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She didn't ask you if you would have been pleased, she asked if you would have been able to.

OK, so really now, what is your question, the real one? This is old business, so why would you seek to drag it out? Is this in fact proof that the Atonement does not apply to me for real? The Atonement was the big obstacle for me to convert to our church. I was assured that all is behind me now. Are you saying it is not? Are you saying that I have been lied to about the Atonement?

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OK, so really now, what is your question, the real one? This is old business, so why would you seek to drag it out? Is this in fact proof that the Atonement does not apply to me for real? The Atonement was the big obstacle for me to convert to our church. I was assured that all is behind me now. Are you saying it is not? Are you saying that I have been lied to about the Atonement?

Somehow, my friend, it seems to me that you have it all backwards. Because of the Atonement - everything is now before you! All the stuff behind you is in essence meaningless. :cool:

The Traveler

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There will be skin when breastfeeding babies. Once American society accepts this fact...again lol....then seeing a woman feed her baby (or toddler) in public will be a non-issue..again :D OOOHHH I have a link to a picture of women feeding infants while in church pews, from the 1800s, I'll find it!

Edit: while looking for that picture I found this interesting and silly paragraph, enjoy ^^ Childbearing and childrearing practices in Mor... [Neonatal Netw. 1990] - PubMed - NCBI

Edit no. 2: Found it! Stand and Deliver: Breastfeeding history moment: LDS Sacrament Meeting, 1871

the pubmed one cracked me up, It wasnt even from the 1800s but was in 1990. I really liked the part about mormon women were relieved of all household duties. Where was I when this was going on!!!

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I have seen it done during sacrement meeting in the chapel, or in the foyer. It doesn't bother me at all. Heavenly Father sees it all. Wish I'd had the chance, but I was not Mormon.

Hala, What Pam meant is would you have been able to breastfeed regardless of your religion when you had children.

Being LDS has nothing whatsoever to do with being Mormon. Plenty of women of all religions breastfeed their babies.

I'm still trying to figure out what being Mormon has to do with breastfeeding, other than we're discussing breastfeeding at the chapel. Is that what you meant? You wish you had had the opportunity to breastfeeding during Sacrament Meeting?

I'm baffled.

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OK, so really now, what is your question, the real one? This is old business, so why would you seek to drag it out? Is this in fact proof that the Atonement does not apply to me for real? The Atonement was the big obstacle for me to convert to our church. I was assured that all is behind me now. Are you saying it is not? Are you saying that I have been lied to about the Atonement?

What has this to do with breastfeeding?

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OK, so really now, what is your question, the real one? This is old business, so why would you seek to drag it out? Is this in fact proof that the Atonement does not apply to me for real? The Atonement was the big obstacle for me to convert to our church. I was assured that all is behind me now. Are you saying it is not? Are you saying that I have been lied to about the Atonement?

Hello, Hala;

I've been following this thread and have even commented. I feel bad that another person is bringing you to the defensive again....

First, of course the atonement applies to you, as it does all of us. We all need the atonement to be able to repent of our sins....

Secondly, I'm trying to give you a heads up....Some people on this site show a pattern of causing contention. Perhaps not by what they say; but, how they say it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect here. May I suggest that you look for those patterns in people who may be causing contention with you...If you can, don't take it personal. Realize what a beautiful and valued daughter of God you are. That whether or not another person causes contention is absolutely not your fault; but, theirs' in this sense. You didn't cause them to say their barbed comments. If they do it with you, they probably do it with a lot of different people as well....I believe that I cannot control how other people are, just how I am. And I'm learning from my wonderful mom how to "turn the other cheek" so to speak, and not take it so to heart/personal/get hurt by it.....

The Best


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