Testimony of Two Women Shown The End of The World with VERY similar stories(members)

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One is definitely a member of the church and I think the other one is too. She is purposefully vague.

WARNING: some parts of there visions of the end of the world are a little hard to swallow. I was very captivated by both though.

My favorite

Gayle's story

Gayle's Story - One Woman's Visions of the End of Days in America

Dead Man Musings: Sarah Hoffman: The Woman who Predicted 9/11

Edited by Dravin
Removed extensive quotation of copyrighted material.
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To often, the information comes flying at me as in these visions and quick answers or questions are asked.

I do recall one dream, where my mom was on the love seat with her broken leg was bandaged up and propped up. She was crying her eyes out saying she was laid off from work. She had been working for the same hospital for 15 years. She called me the next day to tell me she was laid off from her work, but then, rehired in another department. I thought that was strange.

BTW, anyone here have real visions or know of anyone with a NDE experaince?

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Very interesting. I stopped reading the scary one for a couple of days. I don't want to go through that.

Prophetic? I sure hope not. I do have some issues with how the spirit relatives were communicating, but that may have just been symbolic.

The bottom line they share are "get closer to Christ". Got my attention because of recent experiences I've had. Like the Sermon on the Mount being a road map to the Savior (about a month ago? maybe). Now look at the message on LDS.ORG... Its there!

Whether or not these were prophecies given to these two ladies, they speak the bottom line of truth.

Just my opinion though, and caution, read with one eye closed!

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To often, the information comes flying at me as in these visions and quick answers or questions are asked.

I do recall one dream, where my mom was on the love seat with her broken leg was bandaged up and propped up. She was crying her eyes out saying she was laid off from work. She had been working for the same hospital for 15 years. She called me the next day to tell me she was laid off from her work, but then, rehired in another department. I thought that was strange.

BTW, anyone here have real visions or know of anyone with a NDE experaince?

Depends on your definition of "visions." Lehi said I have dreamed a dream, or in other words he had seen a vision.

I know this to be true. I am currently married to my wife because of a dream I had on my mission. Three people I spoke with on my mission were converted because of a dream, or a vision they had. Now here is the most interesting thing to me regarding these dreams:

One dream was regarding eternal families. The other dream was regarding the one and only true church. The third person's testified of the importance of reading the book of mormon.

In one of my areas we worked with a man who also was converted by a dream, or a vision, regarding Joseph Smith. Very interesting dreams these four had.

I would love to go into detail, however in a live forum it isn't my place to share these people's dreams, nor my own. They are written in my journal and my posterity will read about them when I am worm food.

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I read thru Gayle's story and found most of it fascinating. The predictions of America's future I do not believe. But she did write: "If we would but turn to Christ, open up and have love in our hearts and get a personal relationship with Him we could change everything because it's not set in stone."
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I read thru Gayle's story and found most of it fascinating. The predictions of America's future I do not believe. But she did write: "If we would but turn to Christ, open up and have love in our hearts and get a personal relationship with Him we could change everything because it's not set in stone."

It is set in stone but the how and timing are not necessarily set in stone. Of course that is strictly my opinion.

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I found both accounts interesting. There may be some truth in them, but I take it all with a grain-of-salt. What gets me wondering, is why the veil can be so thin for some people? The veil has been thin at times for me, but most of the time, I feel like I'm blundering around in a thick cloud, and can't seem to see my way through to the other side. I just live in faith most of the time and I'm very grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I admit that when the veil has been thin, and I've had some very spiritual experiences, those experiences are not necessarily what my testimony consists of. My testimony consists of confirmation from the Spirit, which is so much stronger than experiences from departed loved ones from the other side of the veil.

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I found both accounts interesting. There may be some truth in them, but I take it all with a grain-of-salt. What gets me wondering, is why the veil can be so thin for some people?

Because it is a spiritual gift. Some people are blessed with the gift of beholding of visions and dreams. It is not my spiritual gift.

I do wonder at what this woman wrote about the other side of the veil if it is true or not.

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Guest sansalazar

so many people have false visions put all over the web, be careful who you listen to, most of my visions are very personal to my own well being, last summer Heavenly father was really amendment for me to replace my food storage, ( I had a fire and was letting time laps) ,he wouldn't let up till I did so. now looks whats on the news. Keep your self very close to Heavenly father and worthy to receive these blessings or prophesy or warnings your self. read what our prophets have been saying all along.

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Because this is a account not of your personal experience dont be so easy to dismiss it. Anyone can recieve revelation if spiritually ready to see past the veil. I no im not. But these accounts sound actually very real to me. America is the new babylon and will be on its knees in the last days... it will also be invaded. In these two stories or visions the invaders are Russia and China, and from the north perhaps england? The lion. These things dont have a date though. People as long as they turn their hearts to christ and love one another can fix things. I dont see anything blasphemous in it, unless you think the church giving the food storage to the UN is. I would assume if this happened we would be forced too. Its actually in a new law the NDAA, they can detain people with more tha n7 days worth of food in their home or land. And its not a doom and gloom account, she leaves a positive note to not be afraid and to turn to the lord and his guidence. Thank you for this link, ill keep it in mind.

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Because this is a account not of your personal experience dont be so easy to dismiss it. Anyone can recieve revelation if spiritually ready to see past the veil.

But not just anyone can receive revelation that pertains to and is intended for the world at large. In fact, only a prophet called and ordained to such a position can do so.

Based on the above, we may indeed safely ignore these supposed "visions".

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One of the dreams said that the church would give all our food storage away to the UN. Ok. Right. Sorry but that is a bit of a red flag to me.

I think it could happen... if people in certain parts of the country were starving to death... the church works with the UN... on humanitarian efforts... they know the members keep long term supplies... if there was a shortage i think they could call for it and the members would happily share it.

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Because it is a spiritual gift. Some people are blessed with the gift of beholding of visions and dreams. It is not my spiritual gift.

I do wonder at what this woman wrote about the other side of the veil if it is true or not.

something else that is interesting is that many of the NDE experiences i have read are very similar in what they see on the other side... and this corrilatess to many of those visions... i guess they could have just copied it... but i doubt someone would go through the trouble of publishing their book and saying its true and in gayles story she seems like a member she hints at it... so who knows

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Because this is a account not of your personal experience dont be so easy to dismiss it. Anyone can recieve revelation if spiritually ready to see past the veil. I no im not. But these accounts sound actually very real to me. America is the new babylon and will be on its knees in the last days... it will also be invaded. In these two stories or visions the invaders are Russia and China, and from the north perhaps england? The lion. These things dont have a date though. People as long as they turn their hearts to christ and love one another can fix things. I dont see anything blasphemous in it, unless you think the church giving the food storage to the UN is. I would assume if this happened we would be forced too. Its actually in a new law the NDAA, they can detain people with more tha n7 days worth of food in their home or land. And its not a doom and gloom account, she leaves a positive note to not be afraid and to turn to the lord and his guidence. Thank you for this link, ill keep it in mind.

Thanks for this comment. Very insiteful

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But not just anyone can receive revelation that pertains to and is intended for the world at large. In fact, only a prophet called and ordained to such a position can do so.

Based on the above, we may indeed safely ignore these supposed "visions".

Vort... You are right... Only the profit can recieve revelation that is intended for the masses... I agree with that. However... I have heard peoples stories of revelation and from hearing them have also received revelation of my own. I have shared experiences and dreams and visions of my own with those around me. I think god gives revelation to people in some cases to share with others, because they would listen more coming from you then they would having a dream or vision themselves. My point is... God works through people to accomplish his plan. Maybe some people who read this become more worried about having enough food storage or being more prepared for disasters. Rather than just the profit telling them they should... maybe this creates a visual effect for people which motivates them much more. So I feel it is incorrect of you to say that ONLY the profit can recieve revelation that is capable of effecting the lives of others. Because he is not the only one

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I had a vision all of you are supposed to give me $5,000 each.

The story is told of three business associates who made a solemn agreement that, when one of them died, the others would each put $10,000 in his casket. Eventually, one of them did indeed die. After his funeral, one surviving partner approached the other and said, "You saw me put $10,000 in $100 bills in his casket. Did you put the money in?" The other responded, "Of course I did! I put the check in his pocket just before they closed the casket!"

You may expect my check at the appropriate time. :)

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Vort... You are right... Only the profit can recieve revelation that is intended for the masses... I agree with that. However... I have heard peoples stories of revelation and from hearing them have also received revelation of my own. I have shared experiences and dreams and visions of my own with those around me. I think god gives revelation to people in some cases to share with others, because they would listen more coming from you then they would having a dream or vision themselves. My point is... God works through people to accomplish his plan. Maybe some people who read this become more worried about having enough food storage or being more prepared for disasters. Rather than just the profit telling them they should... maybe this creates a visual effect for people which motivates them much more. So I feel it is incorrect of you to say that ONLY the profit can recieve revelation that is capable of effecting the lives of others. Because he is not the only one

I did not say "that ONLY the [prophet] can [receive] revelation that is capable of [affecting] the lives of others." On the contrary, people receive revelation all the time that affects others -- parents for children, bishops for ward members, home teachers for home teachees, Relief Society presidents for women in their Relief Society, and so forth. What I said was that only an ordained prophet, called of God, can receive open revelation for the whole world.

This is a true principle: God provides revelation to people only according to their legitimate duties and responsibilities. The Lord will never give revelation pertaining to the ward as a whole to the gospel doctrine teacher. He will give such revelation to the bishop. Similarly, if the Lord wishes to give a revelation to the people of the world, he will do it through his prophets that lead his Church and not through some random people who share their "visions" on the internet.

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I did not say "that ONLY the [prophet] can [receive] revelation that is capable of [affecting] the lives of others." On the contrary, people receive revelation all the time that affects others -- parents for children, bishops for ward members, home teachers for home teachees, Relief Society presidents for women in their Relief Society, and so forth. What I said was that only an ordained prophet, called of God, can receive open revelation for the whole world.

This is a true principle: God provides revelation to people only according to their legitimate duties and responsibilities. The Lord will never give revelation pertaining to the ward as a whole to the gospel doctrine teacher. He will give such revelation to the bishop. Similarly, if the Lord wishes to give a revelation to the people of the world, he will do it through his prophets that lead his Church and not through some random people who share their "visions" on the internet.

It is possible these women received this message or revelation to effect a certain group of people then... Not every person in the world will read these stories... not even a fraction... however you say that you can completely dismiss their stories because they are given revelation regarding the future of the world... it does not make sense to say that what they have said is not valid... because clearly they are incapable of getting this information in front of the world... they are only tapping a small piece... maybe a piece that god intended them to reach.

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