Just Wondering

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I really enjoyed being an MA back in my working days, apple. I took a 9-month course I think, which was overprice, but doable with the grants and financial aid I got.

I don't know exactly what I'll do when the kids are out of the house. I'm actually thinking about going into real estate, which sounds kind of lame and it seems like the market is flooded with agents, but I think it's something I like and I'd be good at, and would hopefully give me some schedule flexibility.

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I thought of a story this thread reminded me of. There was a king's advisor who always thanked God for everything, whether it was good or bad. One day while hunting, the king sustained an injury that resulted in the loss of several fingers. The advisor, true to form, thanked God for this. The king was so furious he flung his advisor into the dungeon. Later, while hunting again, the king was abducted by enemies, who decided they would make him a human sacrifice. However, they then noticed his injured hand and realized he wasn't a whole sacrifice. In order to keep from offending their deities, they released the king with plenty of treasure. The king, now grateful, went to release his advisor, and found him thanking God for his being in the dungeon. The advisor explained that had he been with the king, no doubt he would have been the sacrifce.

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I'm always reminded when someone asks me, "Don't you think you are too old?" of a story that Russell M. Nelson told.

When he was young and just starting out in med school someone asked him why he would want to spend the next 12-15 years of his life studying medicine and going into a specialty. He was interested in cardiology. He said..you know..I'm going to be the same age 12-15 years from now whether I studied medicine or not. I might as well be that age doing something I want to do.

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You've indicated that you are LDS. Have you ever read the Book of Mormon? Have you ever paid attention in church or Sunday School or anywhere?

We are here in the mortal life to be tested. We WILL suffer. Suffering is part of life. That's guaranteed. Not having fancy clothes or vacations is NOT suffering. Having to work for the things you want is NOT suffering. Still going to school at the age of 23 is NOT suffering. You haven't the faintest idea of what suffering is.

What matters is how we respond to those tests and that suffering and what we learn from them. If you don't learn, you will indeed suffer....and in ways you cannot possibly imagine.

You think your parents should provide "more than enough"? That's one of the most absurd, self-entitled statements I have ever heard! Why should you have MORE than enough, when others have nothing?

My late husband had his right leg amputated in order to save his life. They cut off his leg and left a massive wound that took months and additional surgeries and enormous amounts of pain to heal. He had to learn how to do EVERYTHING differently. And just when he thought life was getting back to some semblance of normal, they found that the same problem that took his leg had damaged his heart so badly that there was nothing they could do and they sent him home to die. He had to live the last few months of his life without a leg, in pain, and knowing that death was drawing ever closer. He was terrified. He didn't have the gospel so he had to live with the thought of never seeing his family again. He didn't get to make it to his first wedding anniversary. THAT was suffering. And he didn't whine ONCE.

I've got to leave this thread. Makes my head spin and my heart hurt. You are going to

miss out on all of the good and important things in life with that mindset.



First of all I commented early .. and I will say sorry to you as well...for my complaining. I was having an off year for the past year... ( I have depress and my father is a crazy abusive Muslim man)... SO I go crazy on the internet when I feel my life too hard to deal with.... and finally had to complain...

Secondly I am very very sorry about your husband... His suffering was very real and much worse than all those meaningless things that i posted up about... not being able to travel/ have clothes is not at all suffering compared to what your husband went through


However, the is some truth to Christian entitlement not the things that I mentioned above... But Christians are entitled to Health/ prosperity/ opportunities through their when they pass tests according to their faith...they are entitled to these blessings and ease of suffering over atheist and nonbelievers....

- When I went to my friends Christian church her Pastor told us a story about a Christian Man and his wife and A non Christian man and his wife...On their travels the Christian man was bit by a snake.. his hand has turned completely black and needed to be amputated to save his life as told by the doctor... (this was the moment of suffering... was very real.... and also this was the test) The Christian man and his wife would not take that for an answer they fell on their knees and prayed and fasted for three days... finally God spoke to the man and asked if he wanted his hand to be saved .. The man said yes... then another test showed up... this hand turned back to normal.. except for his pinky... that needed to be amputated .... The man still took no for an answer... he felt that as a Faithful Christians he was entitled to a blessing of health and restoration he prayed and fasted.. for more days with with his wife and finally God saved his pinky and he go his blessing of health that he was entitled as a faithful Christian.... as opposed to the other ... non Christian atheist.. who had to have his whole arm amputated to save his life ...

They were both suffering .... and tested ... the test was going through the snake bite/ the pain the fear .....

But the Christian was entitled top those blessings..... through activation of faith...

- again I'm really sorry about your husband once again...but as you said he did not have the gospel.. So I'm guessing he was not baptized and did not believe in Jesus ?? So, he as a non believer didn't have the faith or authority to access the blessing because that is for Christians... or those who want to turn their life to God and become Christians...

- If when he realized what was happening.. went home and prayed told God that he would give his life to him if he saved his leg / life ... I'm sure not... I am 100% guaranteed he would have been healed complete and become entitled to all the blessing of Health...

- Even though I grew up in the latter-day saints Church and I know the Gospel is true I always knew there was something wrong ... with attitude that we must endure awful suffering while here... No.. we will endure tests but we do not need to suffer long as Christians .. the ( When said non- believers have to suffer I was wrong) i mean that they do suffer because they are not Christians and can not access the blessing that Christians are entitled too...

- LDS church puts too much ...emphasis on... That we must go through major suffering in our lives ... The answer is NO!!! We don't have to get into the worst stage of suffering if we pray and receive the blessings through faith that Christians are entitled to...

- Look at the TV the Christian Miracle Crusades million who gather and accept Jesus are healed right that moment!!!~ Because they because the pastor Explains that When we become Christian give our lives to GOD we get blessings ... and are entitled to those blessings... over others...

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That Pastor is teaching false doctrine. Flat out. Did Jesus Christ not have enough faith? His life was hardly free of suffering. How about the ancient Apostles, most of whom were martyred for their faith? The Martin Handcart company must've done something to not deserve the blessing of being free of suffering?

I'll have to dig up the scripture, but in the OT there's a verse that says "The Lord causes the rain to fall on the just, and the unjust." The Lord loves ALL of his children, and He is NO respecter of persons (i.e. he doesn't play favorites). He blesses believers AND non-believers.

ETA: Although I WILL say that one blessing we DO have over non-believers is the blessing of the Great Comforter. A believer and a non-believer may both suffer the same hardship, but the Comforter will strengthen the believer so that they will be able to bear it. It doesn't mean they aren't still suffering, but they aren't left to suffer alone.

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I'll have to dig up the scripture, but in the OT there's a verse that says "The Lord causes the rain to fall on the just, and the unjust."

Do you mean Matthew 5:45?

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

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Entitled to the blessings of health? That goes against everything the world has shown me.

Now, I do believe that we can ask for specific blessings--I have done so before. Sometimes I get them, sometimes it just ain't what God had in store for me. There is nothing wrong with saying "God, I did all I could on my part, will you be bless me?"

But there are so many examples of suffering happening despite faith. Look around.

One of the most profound statements on blessings I have ever heard came from a dying boy.


We have earned nothing. Even a single breath is nothing less than a gift from God.

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Do you mean Matthew 5:45?

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

-That rain is just the test....

But Christians can be entitles to quicker healing and less suffering ... if they have enough faith.....

- I think that the LDS just accept suffering and pain too lightly as part of their earthly testing... or just don't have enough faith... i don't really know what it is... but I believe that God does have favorites ... those who worship him live their life for him. .. accept Jesus and follow him .... Christians are favorites... those who become Christians join the favorites

- I mean I had a kind of impossible miracle to tell you about... First, In Canadian high schools one only needs to take math until grade 11 as part of the requirement... If the student doesn't want to take any thing in college or University related to math or requires math they don't need to continue on taking math in 12 th grade ...

-Basically i was in grade 11 in 2006, i was doing really poorly in my grade 11 math class... and if I failed I would have to take it in summer school and If you fail there it looks even worse... Basically i knew I would not pass the exam ...However, the night before I prayed to God and said I know I can't pass... and I don't need this subject but even if I fail you will pass me ..please favor me over the others, . please pass me any ways ... I begged and begged God and believed that even if I failed please pass me!!

- so on the day after the exam ( and this teacher was a horrible person... mean.. tried to fail every one all the time) ... Told the boy and a girl in front of me that they were 1 % away from a passing grade but, she could not boost up their grades and they would either have to repeat the class next year or do summer school...

However... when it was my turn ... i failed by 5 percent .. you need 50% to pass I got 45% in the course and failed the exam... but she took me aside and said "Yana ... You had some difficulties on your exam and in class this year you failed by 5 % but... you know what ... you are such a nice girl!!! I am just going to pass you!!!~ Just like that out of the blue!!!~

~ I don't know but i do think that Christians do have the favor of God ...

- I really do think after that that... GOD does favor Christians that call upon his name

-Even though you all might think this is crazy... but that is the honest truth...

The importance is how we pray and the level that our faith is ...

I could have just prayed and asked God .. to help me do my best at the exam...but than I would have failed ...

God creates and Lets Christians through to Opportunities over others if they so ask...

Edited by YaYaYaYana
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You can have all the faith in the world, but the cup won't pass you if it's not your Father's will.

What we ARE entitled to is the Comforter, and strength in Christ to make it through the stormy times.

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You can have all the faith in the world, but the cup won't pass you if it's not your Father's will.

What we ARE entitled to is the Comforter, and strength in Christ to make it through the stormy times.

Yes... but I didn't even have a stormy time ... i avoided it basically telling God to get it out of my way... i don't want to go through it and deal with it

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We're not just here for a mortal vacation and to have everything go as we wish. Heavenly Father is not a genie in a bottle granting wishes. Yes, we are here to experience joy, but how can we do that without opposition? We are here to be tried and tested, and to learn and grow. My husband's philosophy is that we can either choose opportunities to grow, or they will be put upon us. Sometimes both.

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First of all I commented early .. and I will say sorry to you as well...for my complaining. I was having an off year for the past year... ( I have depress and my father is a crazy abusive Muslim man)... SO I go crazy on the internet when I feel my life too hard to deal with.... and finally had to complain...

Secondly I am very very sorry about your husband... His suffering was very real and much worse than all those meaningless things that i posted up about... not being able to travel/ have clothes is not at all suffering compared to what your husband went through


However, the is some truth to Christian entitlement not the things that I mentioned above... But Christians are entitled to Health/ prosperity/ opportunities through their when they pass tests according to their faith...they are entitled to these blessings and ease of suffering over atheist and nonbelievers....

- When I went to my friends Christian church her Pastor told us a story about a Christian Man and his wife and A non Christian man and his wife...On their travels the Christian man was bit by a snake.. his hand has turned completely black and needed to be amputated to save his life as told by the doctor... (this was the moment of suffering... was very real.... and also this was the test) The Christian man and his wife would not take that for an answer they fell on their knees and prayed and fasted for three days... finally God spoke to the man and asked if he wanted his hand to be saved .. The man said yes... then another test showed up... this hand turned back to normal.. except for his pinky... that needed to be amputated .... The man still took no for an answer... he felt that as a Faithful Christians he was entitled to a blessing of health and restoration he prayed and fasted.. for more days with with his wife and finally God saved his pinky and he go his blessing of health that he was entitled as a faithful Christian.... as opposed to the other ... non Christian atheist.. who had to have his whole arm amputated to save his life ...

They were both suffering .... and tested ... the test was going through the snake bite/ the pain the fear .....

But the Christian was entitled top those blessings..... through activation of faith...

- again I'm really sorry about your husband once again...but as you said he did not have the gospel.. So I'm guessing he was not baptized and did not believe in Jesus ?? So, he as a non believer didn't have the faith or authority to access the blessing because that is for Christians... or those who want to turn their life to God and become Christians...

- If when he realized what was happening.. went home and prayed told God that he would give his life to him if he saved his leg / life ... I'm sure not... I am 100% guaranteed he would have been healed complete and become entitled to all the blessing of Health...

- Even though I grew up in the latter-day saints Church and I know the Gospel is true I always knew there was something wrong ... with attitude that we must endure awful suffering while here... No.. we will endure tests but we do not need to suffer long as Christians .. the ( When said non- believers have to suffer I was wrong) i mean that they do suffer because they are not Christians and can not access the blessing that Christians are entitled too...

- LDS church puts too much ...emphasis on... That we must go through major suffering in our lives ... The answer is NO!!! We don't have to get into the worst stage of suffering if we pray and receive the blessings through faith that Christians are entitled to...

- Look at the TV the Christian Miracle Crusades million who gather and accept Jesus are healed right that moment!!!~ Because they because the pastor Explains that When we become Christian give our lives to GOD we get blessings ... and are entitled to those blessings... over others...

You have NO clue whatsoever.

Your statements show so much ignorance about the church and so many other things that it boggles my mind.

You are saying that my husband lost his leg and died because he was not a Christian? Really? Does that mean that no Christians ever lose their legs? Or die? Are you saying that God punished him...and killed him...because he wasn't Christian?

I thought your entitlement mentality about material things was appalling...but your entitlement mentality regarding Christians is just plain bizarre.

Do you really think that Christians do not suffer? That they do not suffer greatly? That is beyond nonsensical!

And your assertion that non-Christians don't deserve any blessings in their lives.....I am thankful for a Heavenly Father who loves ALL of us...unlike the crazy pastor you are listening to who is filled with arrogance and judgmentalism.

Are you really 23? Because you sound much more like a woefully uneducated teenager.

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And may I ask, yaya, what statement you're making in your avatar with the big ol' cup of tea?

I accidentally chose the wrong photo ... I've been trying to change it for several months but it's just stuck at that Oh well...

The full Writing is " DAVID'S TEA" a popular tea shop in my city ... Some man named David wanted to open a tea shop with 500.00 different flavors .... I 've been drinking an oolong tea from there to lose weight and make me skin better ... Had the cup at the time and took a picture for FB~

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You have NO clue whatsoever.

Your statements show so much ignorance about the church and so many other things that it boggles my mind.

You are saying that my husband lost his leg and died because he was not a Christian? Really? Does that mean that no Christians ever lose their legs? Or die? Are you saying that God punished him...and killed him...because he wasn't Christian?

I thought your entitlement mentality about material things was appalling...but your entitlement mentality regarding Christians is just plain bizarre.

Do you really think that Christians do not suffer? That they do not suffer greatly? That is beyond nonsensical!

And your assertion that non-Christians don't deserve any blessings in their lives.....I am thankful for a Heavenly Father who loves ALL of us...unlike the crazy pastor you are listening to who is filled with arrogance and judgmentalism.

Are you really 23? Because you sound much more like a woefully uneducated teenager.

Of course Christians get punished ......because they are just Christians by name.. or it was just a religion they were born into ... but they don't really bother to pray for God to watch over them and protect them... get into accidents ...

No. I did not meant that you Husband was punished for not being a Christian.. and that's why he lost his leg and life... many Christians get sick... but they ask and pray for healing and get healed ...

Your husband due to not being a Christian... didn't bother praying / asking for healing ...

infact wasn't there something in the bible verse ... where a tower fell on a bunch of people... and someone asked they must have been sinners... and then.. the response was No in fact they weren't worse than the person asking they just didn't pray and ask for protection ...

Atheists/ non-believers can be nice people... kinder and nice than some Christians.. but if they don't pray for protection.. don't ask for healing there's only so much God can do...~

Edited by YaYaYaYana
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-That rain is just the test....

But Christians can be entitles to quicker healing and less suffering ... if they have enough faith.....

- I think that the LDS just accept suffering and pain too lightly as part of their earthly testing... or just don't have enough faith... i don't really know what it is... but I believe that God does have favorites ... those who worship him live their life for him. .. accept Jesus and follow him .... Christians are favorites... those who become Christians join the favorites

- I mean I had a kind of impossible miracle to tell you about... First, In Canadian high schools one only needs to take math until grade 11 as part of the requirement... If the student doesn't want to take any thing in college or University related to math or requires math they don't need to continue on taking math in 12 th grade ...

-Basically i was in grade 11 in 2006, i was doing really poorly in my grade 11 math class... and if I failed I would have to take it in summer school and If you fail there it looks even worse... Basically i knew I would not pass the exam ...However, the night before I prayed to God and said I know I can't pass... and I don't need this subject but even if I fail you will pass me ..please favor me over the others, . please pass me any ways ... I begged and begged God and believed that even if I failed please pass me!!

- so on the day after the exam ( and this teacher was a horrible person... mean.. tried to fail every one all the time) ... Told the boy and a girl in front of me that they were 1 % away from a passing grade but, she could not boost up their grades and they would either have to repeat the class next year or do summer school...

However... when it was my turn ... i failed by 5 percent .. you need 50% to pass I got 45% in the course and failed the exam... but she took me aside and said "Yana ... You had some difficulties on your exam and in class this year you failed by 5 % but... you know what ... you are such a nice girl!!! I am just going to pass you!!!~ Just like that out of the blue!!!~

~ I don't know but i do think that Christians do have the favor of God ...

- I really do think after that that... GOD does favor Christians that call upon his name

-Even though you all might think this is crazy... but that is the honest truth...

The importance is how we pray and the level that our faith is ...

I could have just prayed and asked God .. to help me do my best at the exam...but than I would have failed ...

God creates and Lets Christians through to Opportunities over others if they so ask...

I shouldn't be surprised that you've been suckered into believing that if only people had enough faith, they wouldn't suffer. That's just plain B.S.

I find it very hard to believe that you were raised LDS or ever had the slightest grasp of the Church's teachings. Because you clearly show no grasp here.

If Christians have "the favor of God", then NO Christian should suffer. All the suffering should be reserved for non-Christians, right? Those evil non-Christians must deserve punishment, right?

Funny thing is...I am Christian (obviously). The brother that brought to the Gospel is Christian (obviously). His son is Christian. We all have M.S. If we have the "favor of God" then why do we have M.S.? Shouldn't that be reserved for those evil non-Christians?

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Of course Christians get punished ......because they are just Christians by name.. or it was just a religion they were born into ... but they don't really bother to pray for God to watch over them and protect them... get into accidents ...

No. I did not meant that you Husband was punished for not being a Christian.. and that's why he lost his leg and life... many Christians get sick... but they ask and pray for healing and get healed ...

Your husband due to not being a Christian... didn't bother praying / asking for healing ...

You have NO CLUE to what kind of person my husband was or what he did. You really think that just because he was Jewish, he didn't pray? He didn't ask for healing?

How did you become omnipotent?

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I shouldn't be surprised that you've been suckered into believing that if only people had enough faith, they wouldn't suffer. That's just plain B.S.

I find it very hard to believe that you were raised LDS or ever had the slightest grasp of the Church's teachings. Because you clearly show no grasp here.

If Christians have "the favor of God", then NO Christian should suffer. All the suffering should be reserved for non-Christians, right? Those evil non-Christians must deserve punishment, right?

Funny thing is...I am Christian (obviously). The brother that brought to the Gospel is Christian (obviously). His son is Christian. We all have M.S. If we have the "favor of God" then why do we have M.S.? Shouldn't that be reserved for those evil non-Christians?

M.S are there to share the Gospel and get converts ... They do go out to the non-Christians...

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You have NO CLUE to what kind of person my husband was or what he did. You really think that just because he was Jewish, he didn't pray? He didn't ask for healing?

How did you become omnipotent?

I didn't .... become Omnipotent ...you were the one who stated earlier.....he was a non believer

I said not all Christians are protected/ or healed as well...

Same for Jewish people..and Muslims who pray to the same God as well...

My father is a Muslim he prays to the same God as Jews do and Christians...He's been sick with diabetes for a long time now... maybe he doesn't pray enough, maybe he doesn't have enough faith even though he goes to mosque every Friday... maybe he just goes because he is use to it as part of his religious upbringing.. and prayers three times a days because it is what he is use to doing as a child but doesn't really have enough faith in the prayers he's saying ... I don't know .... you can't really know the inside of another person...

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