US First Amendment.


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For a very long time, I have loved our country, and have given much consideration to our founding documents. Currently, our 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th amendmens are in question.

The events that caused Middle Eastern violence recently, made me look into the right of free speech in Canada and the UK. I don't know exactly what they are in either country, but am aware that recently a certain US based news agency was not allowed into Canada because they "Lie", according to the Canadian Government. In the UK, I know that hate speech can get you into lots of trouble.

I am wondering what the next decade will hold for the citizens of the US?

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Hopefully the news media will find God and learn not to lie. :) Maybe the citizens will too!

Seriously I see the old forms of news media disappearing. Newspapers, news magazines etc are facing extinction all ready. The tv media is owned by huge media moguls so is not very news worthy anymore.

I think we will find more live streaming iwth social media carrying a lot of the informational and 'breaking news.

The problem we face is that these are not so much for profit in the traditional methods which means that the current methods are going to fight back and are. There are bills proposed to limit the use of video cameras at news events. There are bills that would curtail you being able to publish 'dangerous' videos.

I think that we are going to have a huge battle soon if we want to protect our free speech rights. Already the rights are eroded greatly in practice and in law.

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It's worrisome. I know people who do not believe in democracy or our form of government. They seem to think that neither party is trustworthy and that Washington is owned by the rich.

Every intelligent person I know thinks that no one in politics is trustworthy and that politicians are owned by the rich, already, Sunnysprite.

Most do believe wholeheartedly in democracy and are outspoken in its defense and its improvement.

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Hopefully the news media will find God and learn not to lie. :) Maybe the citizens will too!

Seriously I see the old forms of news media disappearing. Newspapers, news magazines etc are facing extinction all ready. The tv media is owned by huge media moguls so is not very news worthy anymore.

I think we will find more live streaming iwth social media carrying a lot of the informational and 'breaking news.

The problem we face is that these are not so much for profit in the traditional methods which means that the current methods are going to fight back and are. There are bills proposed to limit the use of video cameras at news events. There are bills that would curtail you being able to publish 'dangerous' videos.

I think that we are going to have a huge battle soon if we want to protect our free speech rights. Already the rights are eroded greatly in practice and in law.

I was raised with the idea that the USA was the "good guy". But in light of what I am seeing today, I do not see us occupying the moral high ground. Then I was reading the Book of Mormon in Mormon 4, where the wicked shall punish the wicked. Now it begins to make sense.

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I'm not going there. ;)

I did not have politics in mind when I started this thread. I did have constitutional law in mind. I actually think that most of what is wrong in this country is the American people. Unmarried couples having children, polyamory, conditional morality, drugs, selfishness, laziness, slothfulness, lovers of selves, backbiters, liars ...

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What are you guys talking about? The Northern versus Charmin wars have been over AGES ago. Haven't you heard? They both blew themselves up to the amusement of Cotonelle who, as conspiracy theorists are declaring, masterminded the war in the first place.

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Share on other sites is clearly superior...though perhaps not ideal....speaking of...charmin vs northern, of course.

Northern isnt owned by corrupt megalomaniacs. There. You didnt have to go there.

Well, Northern does use fewer fibers per quilted I hear.

When Nothern and Charmin start shooting at each other I'll be glad I'm in a small alpine valley in the middle of the Rockies. Unless...they start shooting at each other in the sky over my house. :( All because they can't decide on how to make a better toilet paper.

So it costs less to make per linear foot of toilet paper. Plus, they make extra money selling their line of scented hand soaps.

What are you guys talking about? The Northern versus Charmin wars have been over AGES ago. Haven't you heard? They both blew themselves up to the amusement of Cotonelle who, as conspiracy theorists are declaring, masterminded the war in the first place.

I am shocked this thread is still going. I mean, you're not even trying to veil the discussion anymore. One more post about this political (t)issue and Rule 8 will lock this thread up like it's a Batman villain - you know, you'll forget about it for a bit and then it will spring back into lively action when the other stories are lagging.

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I'm confused by the bringing up of the amendments. Perhaps I missed something in the news, but is it really being decided we'd be better off without them?

This has been a really disappointing thread. Attacks on our constitution have been going on for a long time and I think that neither party is innocent. I have my own opinion about who would gain most by the destruction of our founding documents.

Our own church was systematically deprived of our 1st Amendment rights in the founding years, and I have been told frequently by Elders that there will come a time when the constitution will hang by a thread, and the LDS will save it.

Certain factions in the US have been fighting to end the 2nd Amendment, but thankfully, right thinking people have fought them off. Our founding fathers had keen remembrance of the need to defend themselves from British troops.

The 4th, 5th, 6th Amendments are null and void right now. If you do not think so, then look at the Homeland Security Patriot Act. If you think that act is necessary then we do not have much need to talk about it. Americans are so used to being comfortable that I see that as more dangerous than any attack from outside.

I've seen Hughes MD 500 Helicopters flying at tree top level, in downtown areas of two cities. In one, I was so close that I could see the soldiers carrying weapons. I doubt that they were loaded. Though I am not comfortable with even Military training operations in our own cities

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This is not politics, this is law. Your right, I will leave before you kick me out.

Please don't misunderstand. I'm not saying you should leave. I think you probably have a lot in common with many posters here, maybe even yours truly. But the fact is, any thread with political undertones can be skirted around at best in order to abide the site rules; therefore, you aren't going to have satisfying, in-depth conversations about topics that tend to turn political. I honestly linked you to ornery because I think you would find more the kind of conversation you're looking for on those topics over there. I'm sure there are other things you'd enjoy discussing, though, and personally I'd like to see you stick around and share your opinions on non-political topics. :)

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Please don't misunderstand. I'm not saying you should leave. I think you probably have a lot in common with many posters here, maybe even yours truly. But the fact is, any thread with political undertones can be skirted around at best in order to abide the site rules; therefore, you aren't going to have satisfying, in-depth conversations about topics that tend to turn political. I honestly linked you to ornery because I think you would find more the kind of conversation you're looking for on those topics over there. I'm sure there are other things you'd enjoy discussing, though, and personally I'd like to see you stick around and share your opinions on non-political topics. :)

I'm sorry. It is late, I am tired, and I responded with a flash of anger that was not appropriate. Please forgive me.

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