I'm Having Way Too Much Fun With This


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Once again, I flexed my internet muscles. This time it's Facebook ^_^ Yes, mom had some screaming teenage girls (they learned to not dare call me about it) but hey, when they break the rules about computer usage during the week they're mom calls me and POOF, that's it (at least for two weeks).

I'm such a bad father because I'm enjoying this.

P.S. Mom got the "There are too many rules!!!" from one of them this morning. How sad :P

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Once again, I flexed my internet muscles. This time it's Facebook ^_^ Yes, mom had some screaming teenage girls (they learned to not dare call me about it) but hey, when they break the rules about computer usage during the week they're mom calls me and POOF, that's it (at least for two weeks).

I'm such a bad father because I'm enjoying this.

P.S. Mom got the "There are too many rules!!!" from one of them this morning. How sad :P

I get a lot of criticism because I stopped doing facebook, and do not plan to go back. I think it is evil because they let their profit generator overpower their sense of morality, as if they had one. :glare:

Sometimes people think that I am some sort of radical fundamentalistic Mormon, but I just think that putting too much out there about yourself will lead to pain. Everyone from marketers, bankers, car companies and credit rating companies is gleaning your little disclosures.

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Sounds good, sounds good... details? What are some of your computer use rules? Do they lose just facebook, or all of it?

Rule #1 - No computer nor internet on Sunday, period. Don't even turn the box on.

Rule #2 - No computer nor internet on school days except for homework.

Rule #3 - NO CHATROOMS until you are proven trustworthy. If you are caught, you will loose the internet.

Rule #4 - Father must have usernames and passwords for all email and facebook accounts. If passwords are changes, and father does not have them, then internet will be blocked.

Rule #5 - Personal hygiene is not to be sacrificed for computer time. If it is, internet will be blocked.

Rule #6 - Websites and/or games that become life-or-death will be immediately blocked.

Rule #7 - If a website becomes an issue because of screaming, noises, attitude, gives mom a headache, it will be banned. If Father even gets a whiff it's a problem, it's gone.

Rule #8 - Father is in charge of computers and internet. Father also does what mother says. If you try to pit one against the other, you will have the ire of both to deal with and will have the computer blocked and taken away as well as possibly sleep outside. Don't do it.

Mother had discovered that the girls were spending way too much time on Facebook during the week so she asked me to block it. I use opendns.org to take care of that (I block internet access in the router). The girls had a hissy fit because thats the way most of their friends get in contact with them. Well, they discovered that contact is one thing, contact while playing games is another. So I figured mom will lift the ban this Friday.

I guess this is designed to be a reminder that we're not afraid to block things, especially when they ask mom and she tells them "talk to your father." That pretty much end the conversation :D

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My goodness, I'm a really bad father.

Mom and I talked yesterday and we decided that they got the idea that they were abusing the computer privileges, especially the during the week facebook obsession. So I went ahead and unblocked it this morning. Well, I just had to toy with my child.

I was on the phone with mom when she was picking the kids up from school. Immediately, my one 14 year old daughter went into a RANT about not having facebook. So I asked to speak with her. This is where I think I got her quite upset at me:

Me: "Why should I unblock facebook?"

Her (major attitude and raising her voice): "Becaaaauuuuse those of us who do not have a celllll phooonnneeee need it to cooommmmmunicate with our friiiieeennnddssssss and I'm getting all AAAAAA's so I MUST be doing my Hommmmmework and not being on the computer!!!!!!!"

Me: "Ok, it's unblocked."

Her: "Wait, that's it?"

I had to bite my lips to keep from laughing because I so got the reaction I wanted. I'm so mean sometimes :D

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Slamjet. I notice that you show the Serenity Prayer, which is a fixed prayer. Meaning it is said the same way each time. We are taught that there should only be three fixed prayers.

The prayer to bless the bread for the Sacrament, the prayer to bless the water for the Sacrament, and the Baptismal prayer. All other prayer should follow the guide line given to us by the Lords Prayer, and come from the heart of the person offering the prayer.

Brother Ray.

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Slamjet. I notice that you show the Serenity Prayer, which is a fixed prayer. Meaning it is said the same way each time. We are taught that there should only be three fixed prayers.

The prayer to bless the bread for the Sacrament, the prayer to bless the water for the Sacrament, and the Baptismal prayer. All other prayer should follow the guide line given to us by the Lords Prayer, and come from the heart of the person offering the prayer.

Brother Ray.

Bro Ray, I hope I'm misunderstanding your intent. In the restored gospel, yes there are very few fixed prayers. There are more than the three you list. Any ordinance is a prayer with fixed words.

I know too many people who have been helped by the Serenity Prayer to criticize SlamJet's or anyone else's use of it. There is a good message in it regardless if the same words are used over and over. I'm sure the Lord understand's the intent.

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I've seen authoritative sources giving the verbiage for the sacrament blessings and baptismal prayer. I've seen authoritative sources warning generally against "vain repetitions". But where are we taught that "there should only be three fixed prayers"?

The concepts behind the Serenity Prayer are approvingly cited in the guide for the LDS Addiction Recovery Program (which is modeled after AA's standard twelve-step program), and indeed, the guide directly quotes the prayer.

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...We are taught that there should only be three fixed prayers.

The prayer to bless the bread for the Sacrament, the prayer to bless the water for the Sacrament, and the Baptismal prayer. All other prayer should follow the guide line given to us by the Lords Prayer, and come from the heart of the person offering the prayer.

Brother Ray.

I would really like to see where it says there should only be three set prayers. Besides, no mention of the set prayers in the temple? I believe that would push it over your legal limit. And who's to say that me saying the serenity prayer doesn't come from my heart?

I believe you should rethink this idea because it seems you don't have a good understanding on how set prayers are extremely helpful to the rehabilitation of addicts of all types.

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Slamjet. I notice that you show the Serenity Prayer, which is a fixed prayer. Meaning it is said the same way each time. We are taught that there should only be three fixed prayers.

The prayer to bless the bread for the Sacrament, the prayer to bless the water for the Sacrament, and the Baptismal prayer. All other prayer should follow the guide line given to us by the Lords Prayer, and come from the heart of the person offering the prayer.

Brother Ray.

The "fixed prayers" you reference are in fact covenant wording, which is why they must be precisely the same.

Different prayers serve different purposes. In general, our prayers should not be rote recitations, but I don't see the problem with having a set recitation invoking God for some purposes, such as addiction recovery.

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I agree with Apple and Vort. If this is a sincere prayer, and not as a vain repetition, then I don't see how God would not accept it. I'm not God, but I do think that He listens to all of our thoughts and our prayers. The thing that matters the most to Him is the intent of our heart and the faithful intent of any prayer. Sincere focusing on the Serenity Prayer is a good way to teach sincere prayer. Many people offer a blessing on their food in the same way each time. Is that a vain repetition if they are sincere? The prayers that need to be the same each time are those prayers designated as such by God through the proper priesthood authorities; i.e. Sacramental, parts of priesthood blessings for the sick and suffering, certain sacred temple covenants and ordinances, baptismal ordinance, consecrating and dedicating of oil used for the blessings of the sick and afflicted. This is not a prayer, but it is exercising the proper use of the Melchizedek priesthood.

Edited by Gargantuan
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