Idle time makes for an idle mind..


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Sometime ago, possibly when I went to see The Avengers in the cinema, two teens debated on whether or not Batman was in fact a real superhero. One boy insisted that Batman isn't a superhero because he doesn't have super powers. What!? I had no idea this was an issue for some people! Wait.. Does that mean that my beloved Iron Man is also just a wannabe? :(

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Sometime ago, possibly when I went to see The Avengers in the cinema, two teens debated on whether or not Batman was in fact a real superhero. One boy insisted that Batman isn't a superhero because he doesn't have super powers. What!? I had no idea this was an issue for some people! Wait.. Does that mean that my beloved Iron Man is also just a wannabe? :(

The boy is mistaken. A Superhero is not identified by his beyond-human trait. A Superhero is identified by his extraordinary skills/abilities/equipment and a strong moral code to protect humanity which makes him a super human. And, of course, he has to have a costume and a side kick. :D

In the Avengers, Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Black Widow are plain humans... so yeah, half of the superhero team.

You have got to watch Sky High! It's one of my favoritest Superhero movie of all time. From that movie:

(Upon finding out their son did not inherit their Super Powers):

Josie: We can't change who he is... not without dropping him in a vat of toxic waste.

Steve: <considers it>

Josie: Steve!

Steve: Where would we even find a vat of ...

Josie: STEVE!!!

LOL. And the summary of the movie:

"My girlfriend became my arch enemy, my arch enemy became my best friend, and my best friend became my girlfriend. But, hey, it's high school."


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We don't call soldiers with gear super heroes.

From a friend's Facebook status yesterday:

As [sam] left for work this morning [Callie] says, "Daddy's going to work, he's a superhero for the Coast Guard." ... Then almost as if she discovered the best secret in the whole world, her face lit up and she whispered, "he is superman!" Goes off running and yelling "[Logan], daddy IS superman!!!"

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I would think that Batman is just a Hero. We don't call soldiers with gear super heroes. And yes, Iron Man is just a Hero as well.

Although, Batman in my opinion is one of the weakest. Sorry Batman lovers.

What!?!?! Mr. Wayne can afford a kryptonite batsuit, 'nuff said.

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i would think that batman is just a hero. We don't call soldiers with gear super heroes. And yes, iron man is just a hero as well.

Although, batman in my opinion is one of the weakest. Sorry batman lovers.



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And here I was, thinking that seriously contemplating the engineering obstacles to building a working 60-foot tall working gundam battle suit was wasted time....Now I can begin anew pondering the replacement of hydraulic systems with linear magnetic actuators for a lighter, more durable result....

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Mystery Men rocks!

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From the left:

* The power to have her father's psychic skull encased in polymer and turned into a bowling ball by the guy at the pro shop.

* The power to be invisible, but only if nobody is watching.

* The power to cut guns in half with his mind (but his main power is guru inspiration and team building)

* The power to shovel well. Better than any other man his wife knows.

* The power to hurl forks with deadly accuracy.

* The power of boundless rage (many reported incidents, only one actual incident)

* Cursed by a passing gypsy woman to always be "he who duffs it" (aka power of flatulence)

They defeated their evil foe with the mighty sword of teamwork and the hammer of not-bickering.

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Sometime ago, possibly when I went to see The Avengers in the cinema, two teens debated on whether or not Batman was in fact a real superhero. One boy insisted that Batman isn't a superhero because he doesn't have super powers. What!? I had no idea this was an issue for some people! Wait.. Does that mean that my beloved Iron Man is also just a wannabe? :(

Real would imply actual. I'd say no comic hero is a real hero.

The real heroes are the unsung ones that save lives in todays world.

Spandex not required.

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A major issue that determines who is/isn't a superhero is who are the enemies.

Superheroes fight criminals with major, often mutant abilities. sometimes from outer space that endanger the entire world.

So, we have Spiderman fighting the Sandman while wearing/battling an evil suit (Venom) from outer space. Green Lantern has to fight powerful beings from outer space to save earth. Superman has to defeat beings from the Phantom Zone. The Fantastic Four have to fight the Silver Surfer. Ironman and Black Widow fight the Norse god Loki and multiple invaders from outer space.

Batman fights Mr Freeze and the Joker.

So, you tell me: who are the superheroes here?

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Mystery Men rocks!

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From the left:

* The power to have her father's psychic skull encased in polymer and turned into a bowling ball by the guy at the pro shop.

* The power to be invisible, but only if nobody is watching.

* The power to cut guns in half with his mind (but his main power is guru inspiration and team building)

* The power to shovel well. Better than any other man his wife knows.

* The power to hurl forks with deadly accuracy.

* The power of boundless rage (many reported incidents, only one actual incident)

* Cursed by a passing gypsy woman to always be "he who duffs it" (aka power of flatulence)

They defeated their evil foe with the mighty sword of teamwork and the hammer of not-bickering.

Okay, I feel that we could be best friends now, haha! This is one of my families favorite movies!

Have you ever noticed that when that creepy non-lethal weopons guy...say it with me "Heller", uses what LDS normally use as the bread sacrament tray to pass candy to the old ladies when they fight the Red Eyes?

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