How to Handle Indecent Exposure


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Years ago I went to a popular park in Seattle as a teenager and while my sister and I were playing hide and seek with friends inside this covered area, our moms were nearby waiting for us when a bicyclist decided to watch us while he "treated his body as an amusement park". I could tell he was staring at us and the Spirit told me not to look right at him. My sister's friend said, "Let's get out of here."

She told us what he was doing and I was horrified. I was also furious that he got away and I vowed that if I ever witnessed such a thing, I would make sure the dude was bleeding so the police could identify him easily. Just a bit ago, a friend said she witnessed a guy doing this in a local store, which started a conversation between me and my husband.

He thinks if I were to kick the guy in the face, it wouldn't be self-defense, but assault. He does think I could make a citizen's arrest. Ew. I don't want to hold him down while he's still exposed.

Anyone know the law on this? Can't I make them bleed at least a little bit? He says I would have to feel threatened. Yeah, I would feel threatened by that. All I can think is that he's working his way up to molesting or raping someone.

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Oh, hon! Lets the courts take the sandpaper to him! Snap a photo with your phone, then call 911.

If you're in WA the picture may or may not be able to be used in court (Washington is a 'consent' state, meaning that someone can film you beating your wife, but if you didn't consent to being filmed in advance, it cannot be used.) it depends on how public the area is, and how bad his lawyer is... But it'll be more than enough for the cops to arrest. And with the photo, they usually confess (saving the admissibility issue).

In Wa, yes. You COULD be charged with varying degrees of assault. Even if something is CLEARLY self defense... That person can still have assault charges brought on them. And unless he's attempting to get bodily fluids on you (which is assault as well, and sometimes assault with intent or with a deadly if he's got HIV). Which is point # something.

Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! That's icky. Don't TOUCH that man. What if you CAUGHT something??? Eeeeew. So. Not. Worth. It. Lets the cops rubber glove him straight to jail.

In other states, the answer will be different. Assault (and almost everything else varies state to state).

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Unfortunately DH is right, you could be charged with assault if you made him bleed intentionally.

"Simple Assault" (simply touching a person) still exists in many states in the the US, including Utah, so even touching him to hold him down could result in you being charged.

Criminal law tends to protect the rights of "the accused" unless someone is in immediate PHYSICAL harm (criminal law has yet to really address emotional harm).

In these high-tech days, taking a pic with your phone (video would be better) & disclosing it ONLY to police would likely be the easiest way to identify the guy & prove/show what he was doing & the setting in which he was doing it.

Wouldn't want the issue of distributing porn (& thereby by violating his right to privacy, after all he has only been accused not convicted) to come into play so don't go around showing it anyone but the police.

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Pepper spray. Let him explain to the cops why his crotch is soaked, but there's not much on the outside of his pants.

As a bonus, I can guarantee you he's not going to want to touch it for days, for any reason. (Also some helpful advice; when slicing habaneros, wash your hands before going to the bathroom.)

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Wouldn't want the issue of distributing porn (& thereby by violating his right to privacy, after all he has only been accused not convicted) to come into play so don't go around showing it anyone but the police.

If he's clearly and intentionally visible from a public place, his right to privacy isn't an issue.

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Many years ago, my cousin was working in a fotomat (yes that shows how long ago it was) anyway this guy came up and exposed himself to her. Someone else saw the incident and called the police. The perv just stood there with everything hanging out. My dear cousin just started making fun of the guy and his "package". When the cops came they were laughing so hard they had a hard time arresting him.

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