Anyone NOT cooking/eating homemade Thanksgiving dinner?


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That was my plan also, until someone in the ward invited me, so now my plan is to go to someone else's dinner, feel like an outsider, while feeling sorry for myself.

If you go with that attitude then you will be an outsider and only have yourself to pity. Go and have fun and enjoy.

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That was my plan also, until someone in the ward invited me, so now my plan is to go to someone else's dinner, feel like an outsider, while feeling sorry for myself.

I think you're trying to be funny.

But, I'm going to pretend that you were serious because I have a little peeve about this. See... this is one of the reasons people dread inviting new people to their shindigs. Some people make it a giant chore for the host to have to make sure they are enjoying themselves and not feeling left out. A lot of times, when they've done what they can and the guest still leaves the party miserable, the host feels miserable too. So, it's like you put all this effort for people to gather and it all goes to waste.

I invite new ward members to my house. It's sink or swim time. There's the kitchen, there's the food, here's the people. As a host, I don't sweat it - you jump right into the mix, or you sit in a corner and enjoy the view (some people like that - the airport-personality). I don't hold your hand to make sure you're enjoying yourself. You get to find your own comfort zone. At the end of the day - if you enjoyed it, great! If you didn't, well, I gave it a shot. But yeah, it would be great if you try to at least mingle.

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I was never the hostess type, not naturally, at least. I've taken baby steps over the years, though, and I'm able to host BBQs and small get togethers -- all casual. I'm not at the point, and perhaps it's not my nature, where I'm comfortable inviting new faces outside my clique. It's always been close friends and family that come over.

Back on topic.. I think we decided to eat out at a buffet somewhere. We don't want to do anything fancy, since we'll have baby with us. It'll be a nice evening. We were invited to my husband's brothers' homes for Thanksgiving but we decided to opt out -- not for us -- and we're just fine with that decision.

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That was my plan also, until someone in the ward invited me, so now my plan is to go to someone else's dinner, feel like an outsider, while feeling sorry for myself.

Well, to each their own, but I do pretty good in others homes. For one, they thought of me and invited me over but mainly, they invited me into their home. If there's one thing my old man drilled into my head is to don't ever disrespect the working person, and a person's home. So I'm on my best behavior (as best as it can be) and I tend to watch my mouth a bit more. But I always, always make sure I go with a good and grateful attitude.

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Well, to each their own, but I do pretty good in others homes. For one, they thought of me and invited me over but mainly, they invited me into their home. If there's one thing my old man drilled into my head is to don't ever disrespect the working person, and a person's home. So I'm on my best behavior (as best as it can be) and I tend to watch my mouth a bit more. But I always, always make sure I go with a good and grateful attitude.

In reply to Anatess and you,

Yes I was being tongue in cheek. I'm very grateful for the invitation. I love and respect the couple that invited me. But there is still, of course, that sadness of not having my own family to have Thanksgiving with. Since the break of my engagement this feeling has been heightened and this holiday really accents it.

I'm not a gloomy guy, in fact the more I'm hurt the more jovial I attempt to appear. I don't think anyone is responsible for my entertainment or my happiness. I'm very grateful to be spending thanksgiving with good friends.

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I'm heading to my parent's house for Thanksgiving, but I'm 23 now and this is becoming slightly awkward. I feel like I should be having Thanksgiving dinner with my fiance, or something, by now, but I'm not engaged yet.

How old are you and where do you live? I have a nice, attractive son who is looking... :D

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How old are you and where do you live? I have a nice, attractive son who is looking... :D

I really don't think that gay matchmaking is part of's mission. Nor that Little Wyvern is game.

However, LW, I have a very cute niece who is a teacher in Davis County. . .

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I also have a cute 23 year old daughter who isn't married or engaged. I want to start singing "Matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match."

How does she feel about older guys? Guys who are going to be college administrators and make some decent money? Guys who want about 3 kids, preferably boys. Can she handle that? :D

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Well, I got my Thanksgiving meal all set. Stuffed turkey breast, mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, candied yams and for desert: pumpkin bread & banana bread with tea. It's only me so I get to set the menu, thus, not a green thing on it.

And lest I forget, the annual tradition of waiting until mom forces my kids to call me to wish me a happy Thanksgiving.

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