Cell phones and bras


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My heck. There is no rummaging. It's not like the bra is a toolbox.

Placing one's cell phone inside the bra is generally discreet. I've seen females of all ages and breast sizes do this, and it doesn't cause a ruckus of any kind. I would say nobody even notices. It's no wonder public breastfeeding is so taboo.

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That's discreet? *Pictures a woman "rummaging" around her bra for her phone...* :blink:

"Ah, here it is." *pulls* "Ow. Nope. Maybe this?" *pulls* "Ouch. Aw, come on!"

This is why men get into trouble putting a gun in their waistband.

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I hope you're being facetious. My point in bringing up the supposed link between bras and breast cancer was that it suffers from the same flawed assumption as this link between cell phones and breast cancer.

There once was a time when I didn't know the difference between causation and correlation (causation meetings are much more productive). A bra'ed (what is the proper spelling?) woman diagnosed with breast cancer should lay the fault at her father and not her clothes. Every person (male or female) who has had breast cancer is either a woman or is closely related to a woman (usually a mother, sometimes a sister, occasionally both and more). If her father had simply slipped in a Y chromosome her diagnosis could have been very different, even moreso if she had been a test tube baby.

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I was watching a pretty good show last night on those women who stick their cell phones in their bras.

Many new cases of spots on mammograms are coming up exactly where the women said they stash their cell phone in their bra.

I don't have a link but I'll see if I can find one. Like I said, I just happened to see it on tv last night.

There are a few articles when searching google. One of the most recent from a week ago:

Doctors warn of breast-cancer link to keeping cell phone in bra | www.ktvu.com

and to think we like to stick said phones next to our brain....
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On Christmas day the subject of phones in bras came up. My neice's husband wants to invent a Braket (bra + pocket).

ROFL... I might beat him too it since he says he has to wait for his mother to get back from their mission. LOL She sews and he doesn't.... But, I do!

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It's already done, apple. Google "pocket bra."

When I look at the image of the first one..I can see where mirkwood would get "rummaging" around for it. That would be really inconvenient and awkward.

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When I look at the image of the first one..I can see where mirkwood would get "rummaging" around for it. That would be really inconvenient and awkward.

I just looked them up, because I was curious, and most of them seem to have the phone under the arm on the side, which makes sense, though it seems like you'd have to reach pretty far in to get the phone out. Storage would be discreet, though retrieval less so.

My mom just sticks hers right in her bra cup sometimes (not when she's out and about usually -- mostly at home), which is awkward: square boob.

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I feel so naive. I had no idea women were stuffing phones in their bras. Obviously it's not something I'm looking at for but the next time I see someone top flashing and vibrating il think, aha she has a cell phone.

*gasps* But it's such a "need to know" piece of information. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

This reminds me of the lady I saw in Walmart a couple weeks ago. Large lady, large-chested, low-cut top. With a cell phone sticking straight up out of the middle of her boobs a good 2-3 inches. All I could think of was how classy that look is. I'll bet her friends were impressed at how creative she is.

I'm reminded of one of the many reasons why I don't shop there...

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