Dr. T A Christian

Dr T

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I've changed my "religion" profile. I'm happy to say that it has moved from "Seeker of truth" to Christian. As I continue to learn and grow, I'm sure we'll have conversations about this. :) Same person, same ideas I've given my life to Jesus Christ and am dedicated to the Bible as defining by beliefs.

Dr. T

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Thank you all for your nice words. Berry, it has been a great ride. Thank you for sharing it.

Rosewood, not a quick decision for me. God made me/allows me to be a critical person, and because that is the case, I read various religious works, evaluated, prayed, and came to a decision. I realized that it was not really me choosing God but God choosing me in this decision. I started looking for a higher authority than myself, which I decided was the Bible, God's written word, as a standard for comparison about my own beliefs about what "God should be" or other religious versions of "who God is" and by reading, praying, considering, and bouncing ideas off of people, God found me through the pages of scripture. Like I said, I will grow and learn. I enjoy philosophy of religion as a hobby too. Now I can take a position, it will be fun to delve into what the Bible really says, as a whole, about whatever God will teach me/and has been teaching me through it. :) I am saved, no fear of being separated from God, am an heir with the Lord and have the Holy Spirit to help me out. This is so awesome! :D

Monica and PC,

There is much rejoicing. :bouncingclap: "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice!"

Nate, susieKL, and CK, thank you for the support. :)

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Going through old messages....

So you went over to the light side :) ?

Congratulations Dr. T. for putting your feet on a good path that will lead you to much personal happiness :) .

Most of my most treasured and cherished friendships and associatians have been found amongst christian believers.

While I have only known you from distant online communications you have always expressed yourself wisely, humorously, and compassionately. I'm glad to see you finding happiness and progress on your

spiritual path and have found one that will develop your weakness and utilize your strengths in a wholesome way.

Congratulations again!

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