What's for dinner?


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I have some ground beef in the fridge that needs to get cooked. I really don't feel like shaping them into patties and frying them up.

I love scrambled hamburger with chopped onions, drain (I use 90% beef) if needed, set aside. In skillet add 1 can of condensed cream of mushroom soup, one can cream of celery soup and 3/4 can of milk. Over medium heat, whisk until blended. Add drained beef & onion mixture, can or three of mushrooms and heat to bubbling.

Serve over mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes or pasta. Serve with a green vegetable. Green beans, broccoli, spinach, etc. I prefer frozen spinach nuked HOT and drizzled with lemon juice, a hearty daub of butter and seasoned with salt & pepper.

Hubby will eat this, but it is not his favorite. He does like chipped beef substituted for ground beef. I just can't do chipped beef. WAY TOO much salt. Have to make cream sauce from scratch and not add any salt at all. Then you have to dice celery and steam it cause he doesn't like it crunchy.

Oh well, I am going to cook up the hamburger & soup. Tomorrow I'll make his favorite: Spaghetti. I will even cook pasta noodles rather than spaghetti squash and he can have his canned green beans with it.

Tuesday I will make Pork Loin Roast. No fresh potatoes, but I do have a pound of mini carrots to toss in the pan. Hubby only likes his carrots roasted. Actually he loves them over roasted.

Oh, just remembered the container of pasta that moved with us from AZ two years ago tastes off. Guess the container was not air tight. Had to toss them. Think I better check the curly noodles see if they are okay. If not, have plenty of instant mashed. :D

What are you having for dinner??

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Why are they called Hawaiiian? There is nothing Hawaiian about them is there?

It's traditional, at least the version I'm familiar with, to have coconut* and pineapple as some of the available toppings. Fundamentally though it is just the name I know them by, and I'd call them that even if they didn't have those items on it.

*Usually skipped because bagged unsweetened coconut isn't terribly common in the stores and I usually don't want to bother cracking and grating a coconut.

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It's traditional, at least the version I'm familiar with, to have coconut* and pineapple as some of the available toppings. Fundamentally though it is just the name I know them by, just like fried spiced potato wedges are Jo-jos. *shrug*

*Usually skipped because bagged unsweetened coconut isn't terribly common in the stores and I usually don't want to bother cracking and grating a coconut.

Thank you ~

We have a little store in the next town that you would love then. It is Asian- caters to the Thai, Filipino, Chinese and Japanese who live in the area. I get my Soy Sauce from them and used to get my rice. My ex neighbor would get his coconut milk and dried fruits there.

Ex hubby got his jerkied fish from them.

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I'm so thankful for this thread because I just made something awesome for dinner! That doesn't happen often... :)

We had chicken enchilada stuffed zucchini boats! They were yummy and healthy.

Tomorrow night I'm making crockpot fiesta chicken with cilantro lime rice.

And then it's probably back to normal... Frozen pizza, spaghetti, hamburger helper. :(

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I made tofu and black bean enchilada casserole. I've never had an enchilada before. I was going to make the regular kind that you roll, but my little corn tortillas were too small to stuff, so I laid them out and layered it like a lasagna. It was pretty good, and there's some left for tomorrow. The 'secret' ingredient was liquid smoke.

Lately I've been making recipes from 'Happy Herbivore' cookbooks; this was a blend of the regular enchilada and the enchilada casserole she has. LEAF: Low Fat, Everyday, Affordable & Fast Recipes | Happy Herbivore

The next thing I'm going to try is making my own bean burgers instead of buying them (or doing without, since I'm trying not to buy the processed veg*n foods).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love scrambled hamburger with chopped onions, drain (I use 90% beef) if needed, set aside. In skillet add 1 can of condensed cream of mushroom soup, one can cream of celery soup and 3/4 can of milk. Over medium heat, whisk until blended. Add drained beef & onion mixture, can or three of mushrooms and heat to bubbling.

Serve over mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes or pasta. Serve with a green vegetable. Green beans, broccoli, spinach, etc. I prefer frozen spinach nuked HOT and drizzled with lemon juice, a hearty daub of butter and seasoned with salt & pepper.

I did make this for dinner. Hubby ate some, then the next day he asked that I not serve it to him again. Okay ~ that is fair.

Tomorrow I'll make his favorite: Spaghetti. I will even cook pasta noodles rather than spaghetti squash and he can have his canned green beans with it.

Made this for him the next day. Made enough so that we/he could have it for lunch for the next two days.

Tuesday I will make Pork Loin Roast. No fresh potatoes, but I do have a pound of mini carrots to toss in the pan. Hubby only likes his carrots roasted. Actually he loves them over roasted.

Didn't do the roast. Not until two days ago (Feb 4)

Oh, just remembered the container of pasta that moved with us from AZ two years ago tastes off. Guess the container was not air tight. Had to toss them. Think I better check the curly noodles see if they are okay.

Yep, they were nasty so I tossed them. Also bought a new container to store the corkscrew pasta in (what ever it is called). The curly noodles are fine. Which is good because I have nearly 5 pounds of them. Better get to eating them!

We have been really sick the last 3 weeks ~ so meals have been totally hit and miss. Ate up all the canned soup that I don't like. Had NO sense of smell or taste, so it was time to use it up. Won't be buying that particular brand again.

Finally cooked up that pork roast. Man it was good. Still have enough left over for Hubby's lunch tomorrow. Or his breakfast ~ his choice.

Yea we eat non-traditional food for breakfast. Left over roasts, spaghetti, lasagna. Or have soup. Hubby and I prefer Forbidden Rice mixed with Basmati and Wild Rice (equal parts). Take leftover cold rice, put in skillet, add a generous dollop of butter. Heat till HOT, then add two eggs and slightly stir the eggs. Reduce heat to med. As the eggs cook, flip them and the rice over so all of the egg gets cooked.

Eat as is, or drizzle some soy on it. I love this for breakfast. Wash down with an extra large glass of OJ. Can add some chopped fresh onions too. MMmmmm good.

So ~ ~ What's for breakfast??? :lol:

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Friday: Mexican chicken and lime cilantro rice.

Saturday: Hawaiian Haystacks.

Today: Leftovers.

It's totally cool that you enjoy cooking/baking as you do. Beefche must parade you around the Relief Society room, going, "Neener Neener Neener!"

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I did make this for dinner. Hubby ate some, then the next day he asked that I not serve it to him again. Okay ~ that is fair.

Made this for him the next day. Made enough so that we/he could have it for lunch for the next two days.

Didn't do the roast. Not until two days ago (Feb 4)

Yep, they were nasty so I tossed them. Also bought a new container to store the corkscrew pasta in (what ever it is called). The curly noodles are fine. Which is good because I have nearly 5 pounds of them. Better get to eating them!

We have been really sick the last 3 weeks ~ so meals have been totally hit and miss. Ate up all the canned soup that I don't like. Had NO sense of smell or taste, so it was time to use it up. Won't be buying that particular brand again.

Finally cooked up that pork roast. Man it was good. Still have enough left over for Hubby's lunch tomorrow. Or his breakfast ~ his choice.

Yea we eat non-traditional food for breakfast. Left over roasts, spaghetti, lasagna. Or have soup. Hubby and I prefer Forbidden Rice mixed with Basmati and Wild Rice (equal parts). Take leftover cold rice, put in skillet, add a generous dollop of butter. Heat till HOT, then add two eggs and slightly stir the eggs. Reduce heat to med. As the eggs cook, flip them and the rice over so all of the egg gets cooked.

Eat as is, or drizzle some soy on it. I love this for breakfast. Wash down with an extra large glass of OJ. Can add some chopped fresh onions too. MMmmmm good.

So ~ ~ What's for breakfast??? :lol:

I don't care for regular b-fast. I like left overs, too.

My husband likes to plan dinners for the year. we have about a 6 week rotations for dinners. all planned out for a year.....at least we never guess. :)

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So Beefche..what about the Mexican Beef that Dravin makes.

Oh my gosh....it is so flippety do dah good. He makes it in the crock pot and we have taco salad, tacos, and nachos with it.

He made it for his birthday dinner (yeah, I'm lame like that). I wanted nachos for the Superbowl (which I made him watch on his birthday--still lame). We've eaten tacos/nachos since Sunday. Add fresh made pico and guacomole (which I make) and we are in heaven!

I lucked out with him--the man can cook and bake!

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Tonight we had honey roast danish gammon, roast potatoes, mixed veg (green beans, peas, sweetcorn and carrots) Button Sprouts and a little brocolli (just what we had left). tomorrow we are having lamb kababs (kabobs) and salad, and Tuesday is spagetti and meatballs - wednesday is shopping day so we haven't planned past Tuesday.

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We had pot roast, baked beans, salad, and biscuits. I really hate opening the cans of Pillsbury biscuits, the ones where you peel the paper back and it pops open. It feels like waiting for a grenade to go off in your hands.

Reminds me of that supposed story of the lady who thought she had gotten shot in her car because one of those cans exploded and it hit her in the back of her head.

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I've heard that one before, people are funny. Thing is, I KNOW the pop as the can opens isn't that loud but I have the most sensitive startle reflex ever, even if I know you are sneaking up on me I will still jump when you grab me. So the biscuit cans are a form of slow torture for me, but I really love biscuits and I really hate taking the time to make my own so I keep buying them (yes I am weird).

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