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Anyone else feel that the sex was over the top this year?

We couldn't watch the halftime show.

And we stayed up to watch the Elementary show after the superbowl because we both like Sherlock Holmes, and the commercials looked ok. Big mistake! The opening scene was out of control. Really, how much sex does sherlock holmes need??? A good story should stand on its own merit.

We don't watch CBS, NBC, or ABC anymore. Just fox news and the science channels.

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....And we stayed up to watch the Elementary show after the superbowl because we both like Sherlock Holmes, and the commercials looked ok. Big mistake! The opening scene was out of control. Really, how much sex does sherlock holmes need??? A good story should stand on its own merit....

If you would have watched farther along you would have found out that the scene was not about sex but about entrapment.


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Well then I guess that makes it ok...

It does if you're interested in watching good stories with unpredictable protagonists. If you're not patient enough to understand how Sherlock Holmes thinks and works than why even bother mentioning the show to begin with?


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It does if you're interested in watching good stories with unpredictable protagonists. If you're not patient enough to understand how Sherlock Holmes thinks and works than why even bother mentioning the show to begin with?


Oh, please.

That scene had nothing to do with "how Sherlock Holmes thinks".

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his legendary protagonist have been dead for more than eight decades.

"Elementary" on the other hand, is an attempt by an idea-bereft Hollywood to make a quick buck by exploiting Doyle's genius in a base, crass, gimmicky "reimagining" that relies on sexploitation, violent imagery, and shtick to reach an otherwise indifferent, desensitized, and (in many instances) debased audience.

Lucy Liu was not selected for her role based on her legendary acting skills, staggering intelligence, or unparalleled genius.

She was chosen because she looks good on camera and because a large number of the 18-35 male demographic would love to imagine themselves in her bed.

The male lead was chosen specifically to appeal to female audience members- particularly those with a bad-boy fetish.

The "entrapment" angle could have been handled in at least a dozen other ways- none of which involved almost five minutes of bump-and-grind imagery, hints of kinky-sex, and women humping and kissing in their underwear.

The scene, scripting, casting, lighting and costuming were are designed to do one thing: to titillate.

So spare us the "high-brow" posturing and just admit that sex sells- and THAT is what both "Elementary" and the half-time show were all about.

Edited by selek
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I haven't had cable for nearly 14 years. I don't miss it at all. I will pick up a good show here and there, like NCIS or Dirty Jobs on Netflix, and I'm good to go. I didn't watch the game at all, and anymore I really don't mind not seeing it. Just one more thing to sacrifice that is a minor item anyway. Sure I love football, but to watch a game at the expense of my mental morality? I'll miss the game rather than spend the next two days trying to forget what I didn't want to see in the first place.

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So, will anyone be cancelling their cable account any time soon and give up TV? ;)

Why is this considered the better way? What's the difference between having cable and choosing shows to watch and having internet and choosing shows/webpages to watch?

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It does if you're interested in watching good stories with unpredictable protagonists. If you're not patient enough to understand how Sherlock Holmes thinks and works than why even bother mentioning the show to begin with?


A good story doesnt make sex charged scenes any less sexual. Me thinks that is a devils tool that most of us fall into from time to time. Reminds me of the seminary lesson of the donut with the dog poo on it. Will you simply eat around the poo for the good parts or would you throw it all out.

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Why is this considered the better way? What's the difference between having cable and choosing shows to watch and having internet and choosing shows/webpages to watch?

For me it's about having full control of the available content in the home. With that comes the knowledge that you're not paying for channels/content you'll never view, such as shopping channels, movie channels, etc.

Sure with netflix you get access to lots of questionable/objectionable content, but it's geared to your specific tastes.

Frankly I'd keep cable if they offered an a'la carte option of say, ten or fifteen channels of my choice for one low rate, but they'll never do that, so here I am.

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Ripple, I'm still confused. How do you have full control over the internet? Netflix only suggests movies that they think you will like, but you still have all of the objectionable ones available.

Cable comes with parental controls where you can block certain channels. I do understand the thought that you are paying for alot of channels that you may not want. But to say that you have control over the internet doesn't make sense to me. There is alot of horrible stuff on the internet for free. It's up to you to choose not to see it--just like it's up to me to choose not to watch horrible cable shows.

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