Downton Abbey, anyone?


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I only heard about it because the local NPR station had their winter pledge drive and were giving the 1st 3 seasons away as one of their gifts -- whats it about?

It's essentially a historical soap opera. It's about an aristocratic family in 1920's England--the earl and his family and their servants.

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My family loves Downton Abbey. I download the episodes via bit torrent so we don't have to wait for the US to air the newest season. I was really mad when they killed off Sybil (my "TV girlfriend") and now Matthew! Another British show we love is Call the Midwife. Jesssica Raine is my new "TV girlfriend" since Sybil is gone : )

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Let's be careful about the spoilers on this. Especially if you are able to see segments of the show that have not aired yet in the US for those that do watch the show. Let's not ruin if for them. :)

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Don't worry Pam I am holding my Tongue - I am getting lots of practice at doing so as lots of my American friends are also watching Call the Midwife

I LOVED what little bit we've gotten of Call the Midwife!

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Don't worry Pam I am holding my Tongue - I am getting lots of practice at doing so as lots of my American friends are also watching Call the Midwife

My sister loves Call the Midwife. I saw one episode but I would need to start at the beginning to watch all of it.


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Wait a minute! Someone help me understand. Thomas gets caught kissing an unwilling man. This is illegal at the time and he could be arrested. So, what do they do? Give him a promotion! How did that happen? Why did that happen? I can understand that Lord G didn't want to sack him. Keep him on, but actually give him a promotion? And then promote the new guy, James? Wha???

And again, the Dowager is my favorite! "Well, as the land agent, we can go back to calling him Branson." And then getting the scoop on the niece! She is the best! And she was very wise in coming up with that plan for Ethel.

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Wait a minute! Someone help me understand. Thomas gets caught kissing an unwilling man. This is illegal at the time and he could be arrested. So, what do they do? Give him a promotion! How did that happen? Why did that happen? I can understand that Lord G didn't want to sack him. Keep him on, but actually give him a promotion? And then promote the new guy, James? Wha???

The promotion of James makes sense as it smooths over the fact that Thomas is staying. Even the pressure applied to Alfred to not turn in Thomas to the police makes sense as preventing scandal is a understandable motive for Lord Grantham. It's just the decision to not only keep Thomas on but to promote him that surprises me, particularly given Mr. Carson's revulsion. Watch the scene where he confronts Thomas and informs him of being let go and tell me that's someone who looks perfectly find with the idea of Thomas as under-butler. I understand that if Lord Grantham says he stays then he stays, but under-butler?

Also, did anyone else find there was a rather modern understanding of homosexuality as something that Thomas didn't choose? It may be that it isn't an anachronism but it certainly felt like one.

And again, the Dowager is my favorite! "Well, as the land agent, we can go back to calling him Branson." And then getting the scoop on the niece! She is the best! And she was very wise in coming up with that plan for Ethel.

It was a very well thought out plan, if only it had been motivated by compassion. I think we can agree that her motivation was to avoid damage to the family rather than any particular concern for Ethel.

BTW, I loved Matthew's comment when dancing with 'the niece', "Married men who wish to seduce young women always have horrid wives."

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Honestly, if Downton Abbey is yet another vehicle for the normalization of homosexuality, I have lost all interest in watching it.

It isn't, not by my estimation. The main gay character is a conniving horrible man, Thomas' staying is most likely so they can mine it for drama rather than out of some sort of normalization of homosexuality. It was actually kinda refreshing to see someone, Mr. Carson, show revulsion at the thought of Thomas kissing another man when he had to confront him and let him go.

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Honestly, if Downton Abbey is yet another vehicle for the normalization of homosexuality, I have lost all interest in watching it.

I don't think it is either. Other than the first episode in the first season, there hasn't been much talk of Thomas and his preferences. It's this season that it was brought up more. And Dravin said that at least one character was very outspoken on his revulsion of the inclination.

Having said that, we are almost to the end of season 3. With Thomas being 2nd in charge, maybe the writers will decide to write more of it in. But, considering the day and age of the setting, I don't see how they can make it into a major plot point without some conflict. But, we are talking television--so they can throw fact out the window if they want.

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And Dravin said that at least one character was very outspoken on his revulsion of the inclination.

While Lord Grantham was rather blase about the event, or rather how upset James was over it, I would say that Alfred and James were most certainly disturbed and disgusted by Thomas' behavior. So I'd say three at a minimum, you can see implied disgust from others. You won't hear them singing to themselves, "Thomas kissed a boy and he liked it."

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I don't think it is either. Other than the first episode in the first season, there hasn't been much talk of Thomas and his preferences...

The only other time I can think of where Thomas' preference was hinted at is when Mrs. Pattmore is trying to explain to Daisy why Thomas is not the boy for her. ;)


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Also, did anyone else find there was a rather modern understanding of homosexuality as something that Thomas didn't choose? It may be that it isn't an anachronism but it certainly felt like one.

I thought of this as well. I questioned whether the sentiment was historically accurate, but then, there have always been gays. I had a great aunt who would have been a young woman around the time of Downton Abbey. Surely these people would have had a feeling that that's how they were born. In fact, I bet many tried to be otherwise and were never successful at it for very long, more proof for them and those around them that they were born that way and couldn't do much about it.

I admit to laughing when Edith's new friend said his wife was in an asylum. Of course she was. What a soap opera.

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I questioned whether the sentiment was historically accurate, but then, there have always been gays.

True, but it wasn't that long ago in the gay containing US that you would find a lot of people who maintained it was a choice or a character weakness. Considering the wide views across history and geography about gay people and assuming that there has always been a steady percentage of the population that is gay makes their presence less of a factor, not more of a factor, as far as how society views them. I mean if both modern Saudi Arabia and Finland have gay people and they both have very different societal views about them then clearly the presence of gay people doesn't give an indication of how society will view them.

That said, I don't know the time period and area well enough to make a determination of what the societal views would have been. Views change over time and they don't always go in a straight line towards some particular viewpoint.

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