Beyond Pants


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If the Church really cared about mothers, they'd find a way for me to be really flexible like Elastigirl. That they haven't addressed this in conference is really trying my faith.

She is totally the coolest superhero in that movie, isn't she? She not only has the rockingest superpower, but she's the most sympathetic and likeable character. Funny, too.

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Ordain Women’s Launch event will be on Saturday, April 6, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the Union Theatre at the University of Utah’s Student Union Building (200 South Central Campus Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84112). It will be a chance for everyone to meet the leaders of Ordain Women and for us all to learn about how other Mormon women feel about ordination. Bring your questions and ideas and come see how you can get involved! RSVP at the Facebook event.

I wonder if this time and date were chosen specifically.

I was going to RSVP then realized that I will be busy at my stake center...

Rats, maybe I'll be able to catch the next event.

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Hearing about things makes me realize how extremely conservative I am as far as the church goes. Hard to believe but its true. I figure if God wants it to happen it will and if He doesnt it wont. As far as it concerns me I am willing to support either side if that is what He wants.

Perhaps. Perhaps not:

The object of prayer is not to change the will of God but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant but that are made conditional on our asking for them. Blessings require some work or effort on our part before we can obtain them.


I wonder if this time and date were chosen specifically.

I'm sure they were. Surely you don't think it's coincidence?

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This is a very clear, and instructional display of pride, arrogance, and ultimately enmity. Not just at the way the Church is run, or it's doctrines or policies, but enmity aimed directly at Christ and Heavenly Father.

It takes some gall to stand up and proclaim that Christ isn't running things the right way, but then it's happened before, when Israel insisted on having a king. Ultimately the LORD relented and let them have their way.

I don't see it happening this time though. Those that feel strongly enough will eventually remove themselves from the Church.

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From Wingnut:


"The object of prayer is not to change the will of God but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant but that are made conditional on our asking for them. Blessings require some work or effort on our part before we can obtain them."

My response:

We've talked about this before- I think during the pants uproar. I don't really know if women having the priesthood is a blessing. I can see how it would be a huge stumbling block- most likely for the women with proud and demanding personalities that are spearheading this. I believe this would end up one of those "beware what you ask for" issues. I don't think they really know what they'd be getting into.

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I'm sure they were. Surely you don't think it's coincidence?

I got a sarcastic streak in me sorry.

Yes, I'm sure that they planned their coming out meeting to coincide with the General Conference Priesthood session.

It just reinforces their disdain for the Church.

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Share on other sites an investigator, I for one feel the Spirit very strongly when I read the Ordain Women site.

Just as I do when I read No More Strangers.

These movements are part of what's driving me towards the Church. *shrugs* Thanks for sharing the event, I'm an East Coaster but I'd love to attend if I could. I'll be interested to see if anything is mentioned during GC.

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Share on other sites an investigator, I for one feel the Spirit very strongly when I read the Ordain Women site.

Just as I do when I read No More Strangers.

These movements are part of what's driving me towards the Church. *shrugs* Thanks for sharing the event, I'm an East Coaster but I'd love to attend if I could. I'll be interested to see if anything is mentioned during GC.

Curious that movements that are not of the Church would drive you towards the Church. Those movements do not represent Church doctrines or teaching.

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sorry. It's a quote from Harry Potter. It just struck me as relevant in the moment.

Ahhh I see. Well I've neither read nor seen any of the Harry Potter books or movies. :)

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Well, the BoM in 2 Nephi states all are alike unto God. To me this encompasses everything, really. Plus, Joseph Smith himself said the Relief Society, when it was first founded, would be modeled after the pattern of the Priesthood.

Not to mention (and this is more vague for me, I haven't gotten to the NT yet so apologies) Jesus included women in intimate ways, right? It was a woman who saw him before his ascension, Mary Magdalene. Women have played powerful, priest-like roles in the OT, too, with Deborah sitting as judge.

I definitely take lack of outright prohibition as permission, too :) Nothing I've read prohibits women from the priesthood, so I don't see why we are prohibited from it. It just seems like something people need to ask in the right way at the right time for it to change.

**as a caveat, I am still investigating -- have read BoM and am 60% through OT**

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Well, the BoM in 2 Nephi states all are alike unto God. To me this encompasses everything, really. Plus, Joseph Smith himself said the Relief Society, when it was first founded, would be modeled after the pattern of the Priesthood.

Not to mention (and this is more vague for me, I haven't gotten to the NT yet so apologies) Jesus included women in intimate ways, right? It was a woman who saw him before his ascension, Mary Magdalene. Women have played powerful, priest-like roles in the OT, too, with Deborah sitting as judge.

I definitely take lack of outright prohibition as permission, too :) Nothing I've read prohibits women from the priesthood, so I don't see why we are prohibited from it. It just seems like something people need to ask in the right way at the right time for it to change.

**as a caveat, I am still investigating -- have read BoM and am 60% through OT**

When you say it seems like something people need to ask in the right way at the right time is very much key. If it is something God wants it is not going to be affected by women going to the media and forming groups to protest for what they want.

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Here is an article that talks about "patterned after the priesthood."

To be organized “after the pattern of the priesthood” gave sisters sacred responsibilities. Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president, explained: “We operate in the manner of the priesthood—which means that we seek, receive, and act on revelation; make decisions in councils; and concern ourselves with caring for individuals one by one. Ours is the priesthood purpose to prepare ourselves for the blessings of eternal life by making and keeping covenants. Therefore, like our brethren who hold the priesthood, ours is a work of salvation, service, and becoming a holy people.”

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