Hyundai Suicide Ad


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It doesn't affect me as a potential consumer of Hyundai products and services. As far as the appropriateness, it looks like the ad has been taken down so I can't comment on it directly. The premise doesn't particularly offend me, but I don't have any skin in the topic.

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I'm afraid I'm a bit biased at the moment. Just today I posted on the facebook page and on my own facebook page a link to a story regarding my friend Seth and his attempt at suicide.

So right now I find it in extremely poor taste and right now it would have an effect on my purchasing decision.

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My family has had one suicide (over 30 years ago) and one attempted suicide (a couple months ago). My husband lost a friend to suicide about 5 years ago, around the time we met, and I remember how torn up he was over that.. For me, I think the ad makes light of a heavy and highly sensitive topic, which makes it inappropriate in my book.

Anne, you make a great point - I wouldn't support a group or organization that uses suicide as a marketing strategy.

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Full disclosure: I own a Hyundai. and I love it.

I can see why they thought this would be an effective way to describe the eco-friendly nature of the product, but it's in very poor taste. I'm kind of disappointed in them.

However, this wouldn't affect my buying habits because they make a really good car.

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I don't understand. Some mid-level marketing executive okayed a commercial in very poor taste. Upper management got wind of it, shut it down, and is attempting to remove the ad from YouTube and other venues. What exactly are we supposed to shun Hyundai for? For hiring someone with imperfect decision-making ability? Somehow, I doubt that commercial is a reasonable representation of the tastes and attitudes of the company employees, and perhaps even of upper management.

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