Electronics during sacrament meeting


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I think this may be my new pet peeve.

To begin, I get people not paying attention to the talks. I hate to admit it, but I get it. I myself, if bored, will often read my scriptures or the hymn book or something. When working at camp, I'd see younger staff members occupy sacrament time by doodling on paper and even playing occasional cell phone games.

But now that latter "cell phone game" is expanding. Today I looked out over everyone around me and saw all sorts of electronic devices about me. Pinterest, video games, scriptures, etc. The little girl across the aisle was even screaming and punching her mother with the very loud cell phone (her game was noisy and the sound wasn't turned down).

I don't want to be judgmental, but electronic devices are really starting to bug me. They're everywhere!

Vent over.

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You aren't the only one that has this pet peeve. Cell phones and some other devices have made rude people. I realize that some people are now using devices for scriptures and such. And for once I'd like to go out to dinner with my kids without them constantly on their phones.

Working part time in retail, I get extremely annoyed trying to conduct business with people who can't seem to put their phones down long enough to complete a transaction. Then look at me as if I am the one that interrupted their conversation.

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I don't think it's appropriate to do social networking during any meeting or gathering, least of all church.

But I do love the church apps and use them at church. We have a quiet coloring app I give to my toddlers during sacrament meeting. I don't feel badly about doing either of these.

I feel the tiniest bit bad for playing Candy Crush during RS last week. But the lady teaching didn't ever even open the manual, she just talked about herself and her life story the whole lesson, none of which was relevant to a lesson that I know many people really needed (staying faithful in times of trial). Worse, it was the same "lesson" she gave a month ago. Sitting and playing a game was the only thing that kept me from leaving altogether. Next time, though, I'll sit and use my gospel search app to read and study what the lesson was supposed to be on, like my friend who was much smarter than I.

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I just picked up the kids from their first day of school in a foreign country... The guard at the gate wouldn't let them in the campus this morning because they were carrying electronic devices (their phones so they can call me if they need to). They're not even allowed calculators - and this is an elementary and high school campus. I actually thought that was a great idea. The principal promised me that he will personally call me if the kids need me. The kids didn't miss their electronics at all - they had 30 minutes of recess AM and PM and 1 hour lunch. They played basketball/table tennis/chase/etc. during downtimes. I had to bring them another shirt at lunchtime because their shirts were soaked through! The red glow of joyful exertion in their faces was an awesome sight. In their schools in Florida, they're not allowed to horse around except in PE class which is only once a week! So, during downtimes, they play on their electronic devices. Today, they chased each other around the hallways during recess so that by the time the bell rang, they were happy to sit down and have lessons so they can catch their breath. Oh yeah, my 11-year-old banged his knee on the concrete leaving a nasty bruise and a bloody scratch... he didn't tell me until school got out because he was worried I'd send him home. So yeah, the PTA in Florida would have had a cow if that happened in the school there, so I can kinda understand why the teachers don't allowing horsing around there.

We have a rule in the house. All electronic devices are off when we're having family meals including eating out.

Interestingly, I see a lot of facebook entries from church friends during church time. I'm assuming, they were entered in-between sessions... but I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't. I don't carry books anymore to church ever since I got released from my Primary calling. Now, I just carry my iPad, so I'm constantly on my iPad at church. But, my conscience would eat me senseless if I open anything besides the LDS Library. My mom's scolding voice rings in my head if I even just think about doing it...

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You moved to a foreign country?

Not permanently. Just long enough to get my mom settled. I'm not sure if I told you, my dad passed away a few weeks ago.

I forgot to mention... the noise of screaming kids in the entire campus at lunchtime was like a roar... you can barely hear each other talking in the parent's lounge.

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When I first came back to church I was so unsettled by how many people had their phones out. Then I found out about the LDS library app and felt a little better. I still, personally, feel weird even using that at church. I feel like I need to announce that I'm reading scriptures and nothing else.

I guess maybe it's because I took a 10 year break from the church but the cell phones and iPads at church really bug me. We have a nursery teacher that would sit in nursery and play games and look at Facebook the entire time she was with the kids. If you were in the room for some reason (crying baby, diaper change) she'd show you all the funny stuff she was looking at. It was crazy to me that she didn't realize how inappropriate that was.

I bring my phone and ipad to church but they are not for playing games. I don't even let my children play with them during church. I write my talks on my ipad and my husband uses it to give the YM lessons. I hope that when the time comes for my children to have their own phones that I keep my rules pretty strict.

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Reminds me of a video I saw just the other day


I only have a tracphone and only use it for emergencies or when we go out of town/vacation. I grew up fine without a cellphone my wife also we just feel it intrudes and disrupts life more then it helps out. If we out shopping then we are out shopping or out on a date its nice not to be interrupted every 30 minutes with someone calling, texting, etc.

My daughters are fine with that as well they have never complained about not having a cellphone they play outside and play with toys and do artwork or other activities like I did when I was a kid. Im thankful that they are not sucked into this world of electronics like we see most kids today.

Know not exactly about electronics in sacrament so sorry about going somewhat offtopic =p.

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I have all the scriptures, lesson manuals, conference talks, hymnal, etc on my phone -- now I don't have to carry 10 lb of books.

I do agree though that: texting, games, etc should be off limits - I never do it and I do listen to talks, even the boring ones, cause you never know when something someone says will apply to you.

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I have all the scriptures, lesson manuals, conference talks, hymnal, etc on my phone -- now I don't have to carry 10 lb of books.

I do agree though that: texting, games, etc should be off limits - I never do it and I do listen to talks, even the boring ones, cause you never know when something someone says will apply to you.

I get using a phone or tablet rather than carrying multiple volumes.

Our youth speaker this week spoke on this very subject. She started off her talk by asking everyone to put away their electronic devices and to "please listen to my boring talk instead". Some of the adults seemed uncomfortable with her talk. But when I happen to glance around at sacrament...or RS...or SS....the majority of people (including adults) using devices are NOT accessing their scriptures, nor are they taking notes on the talk/lesson. They are texting, playing games, etc.

I am appalled (call me judgmental if you must) that people can't give up their toys for an hour - or three - and out their focus on what is truly important. (I don't get it in other settings either. The girl that backs up the receptionist here is constantly texting. I cringe when I walk into the office and see her texting away at the front desk, her focus entirely consumed by her phone. I can't imagine that that gives off any kind of a professional vibe to our clients).

As for those who complain that any/all of the meetings are "boring"...I wonder how some would even know? Their devices are out and their focus is elsewhere before anyone even begins to speak. I agree with the above advice....if you listen, you will find even the "boring" talks have something to offer. As is often said, you get out of it what you put into it.

But it is not just the electronice devices. I felt badly for the speakers this week in particular. The noise level was ridiculous, and it wasn't the children. Random conversations going on all throughout sacrament...people on their devices...people working on lesson plans...even during the passing of the sacrament.

A few weeks back I visited another ward. I could hardly hear the speakers over the three young men carrying on a conversation for the entire hour. Had I had that experience on my first visit as an investigator, it would have been a HUGE turn-off to the church.

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We were just in Hong Kong and I had forgotten how technology adept the Chinese are. Seriously, we thought it was bad back in the US with everyone attached to the hip with their smartphone or tablet but over there it's just ridiculous! I'll have to post some pictures that we snapped showing the crowds and crowds of Chinese walking around, sitting on the subway, eating at the table -- only -- they're also face down glued to their smartphone or tablet! Every, single, one of them. It's almost comical.

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I use my tablet during Relief Society and Sunday School as I can get much larger print - before I leave in the morning I close down all my non church apps. During sacrament I study my scriptures to keep my mind focused but I don't like using electronic scriptures to do so!

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I am guilty of it all... I have surfed the internet, facebook, played games, etc during sacrament meeting. I am a really bad boy. I need to be spanked.

No, you just need to learn what is important.

You really don't want to be spanked by God. I would imagine its not too pleasant.

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Some clarification:

- That is not my "home" building. Mine has very good coverage but yes, stake conference really sucks because there's no internet in the chapel.

- The stake tech specialist would give it to his assistant, who does all the work but gets none of the blame :rolleyes:

- I've been here the whole time, except I've been a bit busy as of late, BEING REBAPTISED!

- I've been spanked by God and no, it's not pleasant. Thus, I'm looking for a cute sister to give me a spanking :satan: many times over :satan: for eternity :satan:

Heaven help me, it's been no more than two weeks and I've sinned.

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