What was your first contact with lds.net?


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Do you remember what first brought you to lds.net? I remember very clearly. I had a question about sealing cancellations and one day on a whim I googled my question. There were numerous sites brought up. But lds.net wasn't anti-mormon, which was what I was looking for. My question was answered.

After that, I started "lurking" on the site as a guest. I really enjoyed reading the questions and comments. It probably took me about six months to a year before I actually joined.

What's your story? Or do you even remember?

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I googled a question looking for answers from a Church site, and discovered the answer and multiple answers (different variations).

I noticed there were some brilliant minded members on this site and wanted to be a part of it. I wanted to take the opportunity to learn from people who knew more than I did.

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My regular LDS forum was down for a long time, and I searched for another one. This one seemed to have the least number of weirdos and dissidents.

So much for first impressions. :lol: (kidding, kidding)

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I started in 1999. Went searching for a lds chatroom or something. I was new to the internet and new to being divorced and a single mom. Found ldstalk (original name of this website). Had so much fun and I'm still in contact with many of those people today. People like BenRaines, Palerider, lbybug and others.

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My first encounter was when LDSTalk became lds.net. :)

But seriously, back in the late '90s when the internet was still new, I was snooping for anything Mormon related. I checked out RFM for awhile and was interested in other forums, found a place called Sheltering Tree and one of the posters caught my attention, him name was Ed. And I think I followed him here (when it was LDSTalk). That's it.


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We had a local school board election and one of the candidates used an anti-religious attack on her opponent. She said that since our 5-person board already had two LDS members, wouldn't it be better to look for greater diversity. As an evangelical pastor in a very secular community, I was appalled at the obvious religious bigotry. So, I send in a column calling her out on it, and saying I'd much rather have a Mormon board member, because at least he'd understand the concerns that people of faith might have with their schools--versus someone who considered religion to be a detriment--a demerit against diversity.

The whole incident got me to thinking that I should learn more about Mormonism. My background as a history student taught me that primary sources are best, so I googled "lds chat," and found "ldstalk." I joined so I could ask questions. Over time I found my bearings, and when it was appropriate to offer my own evangelical/pentecostal perspectives. The openness and intelligence of a site dedicated to religious conversation impressed me. About a year into it the board's leadership asked if I would become a moderator. I prayed on it and determined that God wanted me to accept.

Now...here we are. :-)

Edited by prisonchaplain
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I had questions and whatnot and figured it was the best way to learn about the people and talk to them.

I wish I picked a better name, everyone thinks I'm a woman :S lol

personnaly ok i cant spell for beans lol...I didnt know what sex u were male or female...it didnt matter to me haha

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I joined along time ago as well same day benraines did as a matter of fact how many yrs was it who knows along time ago I joined to chat never came to the forum.. I miss it too apple :( I wanted to talk with people in the church from all over the world.. We had a great time in the good old days like pam said we meet alot of good people...its not the same on the forum side but it is what it is...and we made friends and we helped others in and out of the church. it be nice to have a reunion chat....apple where u applesauce??

my stats on here r wrong........ohwell it doesnt matter idont sweat the small stuff.

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As Pam and Roseslipper have mentioned I was here before here was here. When I started I had a lot of free time in the evening and enjoyed visiting with people from all over the world. Have had some great chats with people and gained some friends along the way. Some I have met and others I only know on here but there is still time.

Ben Raines

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As Pam and Roseslipper have mentioned I was here before here was here. When I started I had a lot of free time in the evening and enjoyed visiting with people from all over the world. Have had some great chats with people and gained some friends along the way. Some I have met and others I only know on here but there is still time.

Ben Raines

I've met you and I haven't been the same since. :P

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Well if you count before it was lds.net..about 15 years old.

I'm now wondering if I ever lurked here as a teenager...

To be more specific on my answer, I think I was looking up my concerns and questions and found a thread here that didn't quite answer my question, felt the site would be a good place to investigate my question, and made an account. I recall trying to make said account on my old iPhone and it wouldn't work... Had to use a real computer.

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