I Have My Own Question


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I have had this question rattling around in my head for quite a while. I have not asked it before, because I didn't want to offend any one.

Does any one get, or feel, spiritual growth from this web site?

Before any one gets upset, I want to state, why I still come here and what I get from this web site. Number one, I have seen or maybe better stated, read, many inspiring words, from people who are inspiring. Not all are members of the Lords Church.

In no way am I trying to say that coming here is a waist of time, or anything else that could have negative connotations. I just don't get the same feeling that I get when I read the scripture's. Or go to priesthood meeting with the self proclaimed "old guys".

And so, my question is just that - does anyone else feel the way that I do? Please, everyone, don't make this an opportunity to tear down mine or any one else feelings. Thats just not the Lords way.

I love you all and look forward to your response - allmosthumble

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I use this site to open my mind to new questions. In otherwords, in looking at the discussions, I get ideas of things to read in the scriptures. So, obviously, the site is not any kind of real spiritual source, but it can get me to start thinking about something to look at in my study.

You know, Joseph Smith did most of his study that way. It's easy to imagine that each day he awoke and the LORD picked up where He had left off the day before in teaching the prophet. But that's not how it works at all. The LORD used people, the world, and the events in Joseph's life to get him to ask the right questions so that he could receive the right answers.

I use this site to get more questions.


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Does any one get, or feel, spiritual growth from this web site?


I learned when I first joined LDS Talk YEARS ago that this is a pretty open site. Just because it's called LDS Talk doesn't mean it's an official LDS site...it's not. I have learned just to skim over some threads bc this is the WWW and people are likely to tear us down. I have enough turmoil in my life I don't need to add to it.

You have been missed almosthumble. :)

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Dare I say . . . ABSOLUTELY.

It doesn't come from the 'knowledge' shared on the forum posts.

It comes from the service I am privileged to give and receive, particularly in the chat room, and the blogs, as we bear one another's burdens. I have been in awe of the persons with whom I have crossed paths and know that the Lord had a hand in it.

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I don't think my spirit grows from frequenting this site, but my knowledge has received some boosts from time to time (and I love to learn new things).

A recent example that comes to mind is one involving a post by a-train. He was talking about false prophets vs. false prophecies, et al, and shared his take on a scripture from Deuteronomy. I hadn't looked at it quite the way he was describing, and it added depth to the scriptures in question.

So no, I don't come here for spiritual growth (if by that we mean our actual spirit progressing and changing), but I do come here for knowledge and fellowship with people from all walks of life. Good stuff.

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I have had this question rattling around in my head for quite a while. I have not asked it before, because I didn't want to offend any one.

Does any one get, or feel, spiritual growth from this web site?

Before any one gets upset, I want to state, why I still come here and what I get from this web site. Number one, I have seen or maybe better stated, read, many inspiring words, from people who are inspiring. Not all are members of the Lords Church.

In no way am I trying to say that coming here is a waist of time, or anything else that could have negative connotations. I just don't get the same feeling that I get when I read the scripture's. Or go to priesthood meeting with the self proclaimed "old guys".

And so, my question is just that - does anyone else feel the way that I do? Please, everyone, don't make this an opportunity to tear down mine or any one else feelings. Thats just not the Lords way.

I love you all and look forward to your response - allmosthumble

Of course you and I get more spiritual encouragement and nourishment within the household of faith than we do in an LDS-oriented interfaith cyber forum. On the other hand, I gain insights here, and participate in conversations I could never have in my world.

BTW, I've learned much more about your church here than I ever did from Walter Martin or the God Makers. :P

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This site does not, and should not, replace our regular worship and scripture study. I often tell people who come here and ask doctrinal questions to consult the scriptures, the bishop, and most importantly, the Lord.

That being said, I enjoy this site. I enjoy learning about the points of view of other people as well as the conversion stories of investigators and new members. As it states in the 13th Article of Faith, "If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."

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I like the site, but wouldn't necessarily want it to add to my spirituality. To me this is the ultimate Elder's quorum discussion where we can discuss some of the things that we can't in EQ or HP meeting because it really has nothing to do with our salvation. But I want to discuss them and learn from others.

Also, I like it because it isn't like the other sites I've been to that were supposedly LDS but were really sites where those not so friendly to the church would come and ridicule, etc. I like that there are other of other faiths that come here and want to learn, not necessarily to join but just to gain knowledge of other's beliefs. I really liked PrisonChaplain's last line that he had learned more of our religion from this site than he would from Walter Martin or the GodMakers. I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with us and our beliefs--Joseph Smith himself said that if he hadn't personally experienced what he did he too would find it hard to believe. But when they resort to calling you delusional and stupid or just plain evil it gets to be a little much.

So thanks for having a website where we can discuss the gospel in a spirit of wanting to learn and share rather than feel like we are under fire for our beliefs.

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Guest Username-Removed

I have only posted here a few times, and this is my first day. While I have little or no experience from this website and forum, I can tell you that I am always surprised how truth can find its way into forums, religious or not! The key is to post when you are inspired, that turns it into a domino effect! Or a rolling rock, if you catch my drift!

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I find myself imagining what some of these posters are like in real life; who would they be if they were in my ward? Would I like them or value their opinion? It's a little on the entertaining side to see the small conflicts that arise occasionally...most people are very gentle in their disagreements. Finally, I actually do enjoy some of the insights I get about gospel topics, although I pretty much dismiss all the speculation. Yep, this is a sometime diversion for me while my little one takes a nap.

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Guest Username-Removed

I find myself imagining what some of these posters are like in real life; who would they be if they were in my ward? Would I like them or value their opinion? It's a little on the entertaining side to see the small conflicts that arise occasionally...most people are very gentle in their disagreements. Finally, I actually do enjoy some of the insights I get about gospel topics, although I pretty much dismiss all the speculation. Yep, this is a sometime diversion for me while my little one takes a nap.

I think a lot of people try and figure other people out. Me, Im too busy working on my own eternal progress! But I have to agree: On one hand, theres the concept of the gospel, On the other there is the unfortunate shortfall of humans that mess it up. I've learned that titles mean absolutely nothing when it comes to living the gospel. But I do know that I must do my part no matter what! Afterall, the world is only as good as you make it from your own influenece. :sparklygrin:

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Oh I wasn't meaning people have shortfalls (although I sure have mine), just that they have personalities. Kind of like if you're reading a novel and watching characters emerge. Our differences and similarities are interesting to me. I suppose interacting with people is part of what we're on this earth to do. Anyway, I like this site in that most people completely get the lds jargon and are used to lds culture in addition to doctrine.

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What do you feel about this?

I think I like what every one has said.

And thank you very much Strawberry, for saying that I was missed. I have missed most of you.

Last January, I was promoted to outside sales. In the middle of February, the company I worked for, ran out of money and I was laid off. I put a lot of my expenses on my credit card, knowing that I could pay them off with commission checks. Well there ended up not being any commission checks, so I now have taken a second job to get out from under that debt.

I do miss all the great people here, and I didn't want it to sound like this is a bad place to go. I think you can say that, sometimes, this site can teach you to love those who hate you. But most of the time I just feel the love.

Thank you all for lifting me up-allmosthumble

P.S. If you want to get to know me a little better, check out my Blog. I'm not going to brag about the cute pictures of my daughters, on my blog. I once heard it said "if it's true, it ain't bragging".


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Hi Allmosthumble, I've just taken a quick peek at your blogpage and pictures of your family..love the Scan Photos too!!

I've posted a comment beside your 'best' picture...the desert and mountains, wonderful picture!!

As for my feelings since joining this site. I definitely feel a sense of spirituality when I read most of the posts. I know that there are people here of all denominations and atheists too, but I don't even think you need to have God/Jesus in your life (speaking as an agnostic with many atheist friends...good people) to be spiritual and uplifting. I sense a good feeling when I come on this site, which is why I've started visiting it regularly again after my brief spell away from the site back in 2004.

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Thank you all for the nice comments. it is easy to see why I have come back, time after time.

Pushka, let me know how well the picture turned out, printing from my blog. If it is not good enough, I will figure a way to safely e-mail it to you. Of coarse, this means you will have to photograph your pictures that you paint.

Thank you all for all the nice things that you say - allmosthumble

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I have had this question rattling around in my head for quite a while. I have not asked it before, because I didn't want to offend any one.

Does any one get, or feel, spiritual growth from this web site?

Before any one gets upset, I want to state, why I still come here and what I get from this web site. Number one, I have seen or maybe better stated, read, many inspiring words, from people who are inspiring. Not all are members of the Lords Church.

In no way am I trying to say that coming here is a waist of time, or anything else that could have negative connotations. I just don't get the same feeling that I get when I read the scripture's. Or go to priesthood meeting with the self proclaimed "old guys".

And so, my question is just that - does anyone else feel the way that I do? Please, everyone, don't make this an opportunity to tear down mine or any one else feelings. Thats just not the Lords way.

I love you all and look forward to your response - allmosthumble

Until recently I have not felt that what happens on forum (including this one) was all that great - spiritually or intellectually. That was until this last week I got a call from an old friend. They asked if I ever post anything on the internet. I said I was too busy at work.

Any way he asked that I post and asked where. I told him to check LDS talk.

To be honest I did not value my opinion as that much but this friend I believe to have great insight to things. With some luck they will post here. If they do you all are in for a real treat. I, myself would make sure to read all their post. So if someone new shows up – they just might be someone of importance – more than most realize just reading blogs in forums on the internet.

The Traveler

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Hi Allmosthumble, I was speaking to my art tutor about reproducing your photo yesterday. We were discussing how to make space in our lives for our creativity as well as other events.

I explained that I had the printout of your photo sitting on my desk, but due to the amount of clutter on the table on which I would copy it, I haven't got around to starting it yet!!

I apologise for the delay and will definitely post it when completed...btw, I'm only a beginner in Art, so this will most likely be reflected in the 'quality' of the work.

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Until recently I have not felt that what happens on forum (including this one) was all that great - spiritually or intellectually. That was until this last week I got a call from an old friend. They asked if I ever post anything on the internet. I said I was too busy at work.

Any way he asked that I post and asked where. I told him to check LDS talk.

To be honest I did not value my opinion as that much but this friend I believe to have great insight to things. With some luck they will post here. If they do you all are in for a real treat. I, myself would make sure to read all their post. So if someone new shows up – they just might be someone of importance – more than most realize just reading blogs in forums on the internet.

The Traveler

hmmm :hmmm:

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