Mormons will own 2% of Florida


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Is that more or less than Disney? I wonder what people would have to say about a tithing-funded theme park. . .

Oh my gosh! That would be so much fun to name things!

Corianton corn dogs!

Gabriel green jello!

Shiz Storm (an awesome ride that has some loops that looks like it will take off your head)!

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Oh my gosh! That would be so much fun to name things!

Corianton corn dogs!

Gabriel green jello!

Shiz Storm (an awesome ride that has some loops that looks like it will take off your head)!

2020 a Mormon Space Odyssey

The ride of the future, TODAY! See the church in space and the friendly aliens that live in the cosmos as missionaries try and break the language barrier and figure out just how to get ET to read his scriptures:lol:

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Oh my gosh! That would be so much fun to name things!

Corianton corn dogs!

Gabriel green jello!

Shiz Storm (an awesome ride that has some loops that looks like it will take off your head)!

I was thinking of a spook house ride - with anti types chasing the cars yelling the Book of Mormon is not true and Joseph Smith was not a prophet - that would be so scary. :eek:

The Traveler

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Is that more or less than Disney? I wonder what people would have to say about a tithing-funded theme park. . .

I'm not saying it can't work, but does Heritage Village USA conjur any memories??? (Hint: a well known televangelist spent nearly 9-years in federal prison over it). :cool:

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I've seen it but I don't remember any Elders in space.

not yet, but who knows what the future will hold? humans invent space travel, go to other planets, that underhive place in Total Recall could have used a few missionaries lol

(I wrote a book about it, 20XX, A Mormon Space Odyssey is its working title, it was probably my favourite one to date)

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