Elf on the Shelf ideas


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What kinds of things have you done with your Elf?

I have made a fishing pole and a swing. I have a small plastic bath tub I fill with marshmellows when Cleatus needs a bath.

My grandson got brave today. Climbed to the top of the hutch in his bedroom (not sure why it didn't fall on him) and got Cleatus down. We all know Elves lose their magic when children touch them. So while he's been at school I typed a letter from Santa and left a bottle of Magic Crystals that Cleatus ate and spilled so he would have some magic back. Cleatus is sitting in the entry with the letter and mostly empty bottle of red sugar sprinkles.

It would be fun to hear what others do with their Elf. :)

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I really wanted to incorporate the Elf On The Shelf this year but totally spaced it and never bought one. I know there's an official EOTS elf that comes with a storybook and Blu-ray/DVD but I'm guessing you could probably buy any old elf and use it? I've actually seen some beautiful handmade ones on sites like Etsy and even eBay.

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Mine was made by a ward member. They're super cute.

We don't do anything special for the elves either. We just move them around every night and we look for them in the morning. The best one was when my husband wedged the elves in with the ornaments in the tree. That took us a long time to find! They don't have special magic that they can't be touched... the kids don't take them down (usually because my husband puts them up really high - he's 6'2" - like wedged up on the top of the chandelier!) but even when they're just sitting on top of the piano, the kids finds them, tells dad where they are and leaves them there for next morning.

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I'm content being the elf-on-a-shelf's arch-nemesis. I'm a disciple of this lady:

Why There is No Elf on My Shelf

WOW. She really does get her knickers in a twist over this one. I sensed genuine animosity in her writing, it made me feel a bit uncomfortable, despite agreeing with some of her points. Yes, she made some good points. That said, she speaks for herself because I know plenty of mothers and grandmothers that do this because they want to do it. Not because it's a chore. As with many things, it is what and how you teach your kids. You can still do Santa and EOTS without getting crazy and still make Christ the centrepiece of Christmas. You can just as easily do EOTS by having no storybook or commercial attachment (you could use an old teddy bear for that matter in place of an elf), and still move him or her around the house for your kids to find each morning. But yes, if you're so caught up with the politics of it (and don't want to try the alternative method aforementioned) and the idea is really burdening to you - don't do it. But chewing everyone else out for doing so is uncool.

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I've never been comfortable with the scare tactics and vigilante nature of the EOTS, but the mischief and silliness are fun, and have drawn me in. I'm doing an EOTS this year for the first time, and I told my daughter "some families have elves that visit Santa overnight, but we don't. Our elf just lives here." Just in case she got confused by kids at school talking about it. I have a friend who feels the same way about the tradition, but also just thinks elves are creepy, and since she's from Maine, she's decided to do a Moose on the Loose.

Day 1, before I'd even introduced or shared it with my daughters, I hung it upside down by its legs from a branch of the Christmas tree.

Day 2, it wrote a note to my daughters, and got caught holding crayon, with many others spread around all over.

Day 3, I was sick last night and forgot to plan something, so I just stuck it in the Nativity on my way to bed.

Also, I think EOTS names are super fun! I have another friend whose is named Widget. Ours is Trinket.

Elf On The Shelf Ideas | iHeartFaces.com

Elf on the Shelf Photo Challenge | iHeartFaces.com

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Whoa! I didn't know Elf on the Shelf comes with all that goopla! We just have elves that we move around at night! That's it! No backstory, no nothing... It's a wooden elf the bishop's wife made for us and dad moves it around at night so the kids can go find it before breakfast! That's it!

And here's our elves:


But now that I realized there are other things we could do with our elves... I'm gonna go find out how I can jazz up my elves tradition!

Boo-hoo to the anti-shelf-elves... you're too busy to have fun, don't bother with it! We're NOT, so don't be hatin'!

Edited by anatess
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Just saw this on pinterest: Kindness Elves: An Alternative Elf on the Shelf Tradition - The Imagination Tree

Looks like it might be a good alternative for those of us who find the elf a bit creepy but also might give some good ideas for those who already have an elf. I like these elves better, and they would probably be pretty easy to make yourself with supplies from a craft store.

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I'm content being the elf-on-a-shelf's arch-nemesis. I'm a disciple of this lady:

Why There is No Elf on My Shelf

I agree with most of the article. We woman have to somehow cram as many things into our lives as possible. Can't have a not have something to do moment. Got a minute? Think of something else to do to make your life hard. I have a thing about Saint Patrick's Day and the leprechaun also. We have rampant immorality, people stopping believing in G*d, nobody even reading or learning about the commandments, but we have time to add an elf and a leprechaun. LDS wise: Most moms of young children I know have a hard time fitting in Family Home Evening, scripture study, or anything spirit filled. But they have time for a make-believe elf and leprechaun who they are telling their kids are real. Our Savior is real. Heavenly Father is real. Why don't they talk and testify more about Him? Where are our priorities?

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I think he's adorable. I guess I just don't get the creepy thing.

I don't find elves to be creepy either. But since so many people do.. does this mean if I put an EOTS by my front door that it'll scare away most of my Relief Society visitors :)

JUST KIDDING, just kidding.

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I agree with most of the article. We woman have to somehow cram as many things into our lives as possible. Can't have a not have something to do moment. Got a minute? Think of something else to do to make your life hard. I have a thing about Saint Patrick's Day and the leprechaun also. We have rampant immorality, people stopping believing in G*d, nobody even reading or learning about the commandments, but we have time to add an elf and a leprechaun. LDS wise: Most moms of young children I know have a hard time fitting in Family Home Evening, scripture study, or anything spirit filled. But they have time for a make-believe elf and leprechaun who they are telling their kids are real. Our Savior is real. Heavenly Father is real. Why don't they talk and testify more about Him? Where are our priorities?

Exactly where they need to be. Our elf doesn't prevent us from doing what is needed for our spirituality and it's pretty silly for anybody to assume that it does just because you can't find time for it in yours.

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I agree with most of the article. We woman have to somehow cram as many things into our lives as possible. Can't have a not have something to do moment. Got a minute? Think of something else to do to make your life hard. I have a thing about Saint Patrick's Day and the leprechaun also. We have rampant immorality, people stopping believing in G*d, nobody even reading or learning about the commandments, but we have time to add an elf and a leprechaun. LDS wise: Most moms of young children I know have a hard time fitting in Family Home Evening, scripture study, or anything spirit filled. But they have time for a make-believe elf and leprechaun who they are telling their kids are real. Our Savior is real. Heavenly Father is real. Why don't they talk and testify more about Him? Where are our priorities?

Perhaps something like this wouldn't be for you. But you are insinuating that parents who do these kinds of things with their kids somehow don't have their priorities in order. And that those who do aren't teaching their children about Christ and morality and God. Perhaps you don't mean it that way but that's how it came across to me.

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I don't find elves to be creepy either. But since so many people do.. does this mean if I put an EOTS by my front door that it'll scare away most of my Relief Society visitors :)

JUST KIDDING, just kidding.

Elves are not creepy... but that pinocchio looking one with the stick appendages is creepy. ;)

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