What are your favorite months


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Well March is here and it is my favorite month. I think March babies are the best. :D Yep Im a March baby :P

2. another great thing about this March is the open house of the Ft. Lauderdale Temple, its coming coming fast now. I'm so excited, this month will fly by.

3. March usually is a great month Its not to hot or to cold, usually a nice breeze in the air. Except it will be in the 60s in the am and 81 in the afternoon, thats in florida.

4. We have March Madness

5.Some times we have Passover and Easter in March but not this year

6. Day light savings time. I love it!! Like when it stays lighter longer

My 2nd fav. month is Dec.

Yeah Christmas and Hanukah. I love the Christmas songs and all the lights for the holidays. And most people seem to have the Christmas Spirit with them, would be nice if they had it all year. A time to share and give love. But that should be given in all 12 months.

Then we have a whole New Year in Jan. to start fresh, the only bad thing is Jan comes around to fast and the years just roll by. :eek:

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Deep blue skies.

Brilliant sunshine.

Stars at night so thick they don't look real.

Perfect snow or Perfect surf.

No school.

:D whichever months have those.

2nd favorite are spicy mornings where the sky is pink and orange and silver, and birds with huge white wings seem to glow against crazy verdant green, and the only thing that feels better than being out and moving is sluicing off in the shower, after... The nights all warm and balmy, and eating dinner outside barefoot under twinkle lights.

Or brisk wind, chill in the air, jackets thrown over shorts and flip flops. Spring or fall, the seasons changing, and everything is all charged up and expectant. People rushing, although no one is late. A sense of urgency and expectation zips about like static.

Also... Months with fireworks. Because.... Fireworks.


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I think in a lot of ways September is my favourite month.

September usually has nice weather, not too hot, not too cold. After the dog days of summer September is just refreshing. I was also in the Provo missionary training center in September, and for so many years started school in September that it seems like a time for moving forward, new beginnings.

The biggest problem with September is that it means the yucky time of year is coming fast.

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I love Feburary - April, but my wife just about dies, all of the orchards bloom and paint everything in yellow dust in our town. I think it smells and looks great. My wife's nose doesn't stop running for two months straight.

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I love Feburary - April, but my wife just about dies, all of the orchards bloom and paint everything in yellow dust in our town. I think it smells and looks great. My wife's nose doesn't stop running for two months straight.

poor wife...

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I can't stand changing time......wish it would stay one way all the time. I love the Fall time of the year.

ty pale!! dont c the ty button. :D moved 2 fl when I was 13 @ that time I loved the fall too.probably loved all the seasons. Moved 2 fla and theres really one season Summer after all these yrs thats what Im use too.....:cool:

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You seem to know a bit about me. Are you stalking me?

I can neither confirm nor deny.

And maybe because you said:

I hate snow and winter. I like warm weather. I like outdoor activities that don't contribute to frostbite and hypothermia.

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