Good called evil and evil good.


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Isaiah 5:

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

In what ways do you see good being called evil and evil good in our times?

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At first I saw this and thought... is politics the good being called evil, or the evil being called good :)

On a more serious note at the last provincial election we had here in Alberta the leader of the party who stayed in power as our premiere was shocked by a comment made from the opposition party - her response - "I can't believe [Christianity] is still considered a valid viewpoint in this country, this is the 21st century"

The opposing party was seeking to pass laws to protect religious freedoms and were seen by many as "too radical" - Imagine that trying to preserve tolerance of different religious beliefs is too radical.

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The examples are endless...not just in politics:

1. What do you mean you won't have a drink with us because of your religion--you think you're better than us?

2. What do you mean you won't give me a kiss babe, I thought Christians were supposed to be loving (and he's not joking!)

3. You don't cuss--you're so repressed!

4. You go to church EVERY WEEK???!!! Isn't that kinda extreme?

5. Oh come on--it's okay to do [any sin]--everything in moderation.

Good is evil

And then...

1. I was born this way...

2. Hey don't criticize me, it's my personality

3. Nobody's perfect--it's what makes us individuals

4. You calling me a sinner is worse than what I'm doing

5. I thought the Bible said not to judge

Evil is good (or at least common and normal)

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One that I find interesting is the idea that being a mother somehow belittles women who should gladly give up being a mother to pursue roles outside the home that are supposedly superior.

I had a coworker who was really upset by people who keep the Sabbath day holy. Some of the more fun swimming pools are owned by members who close them down on Sunday which drives her nuts because it is the day she wants to play. She contradicts herself in saying that it is stupid because they are losing lots of money not being open on Sunday, and that it is selfish of them not to do business when people want to.

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Have you experienced this?


Millions in this country do.

Every single person in my DV group, thousands and thousands in my city alone, and millions in this country. People think abuse stops when you leave. It doesn't. It just means that now you have a court order requiring you to allow your children to be abused.

Because "2 parent families" and "children need a mother & a father" = good. :rolleyes:

Here are two of the least gut wrenching (grain of salt, my standards have lowered over the years) but still super common:

- You stop your kids from getting in the car with a drunk driver... If it's your ex, it's custodial interference & kidnapping. You can lose custody. Even go to jail. Especially if he's not stupid enough to wait around for the cops. Which also adds in wasting police resources. Added benefit, you get to be the crazy-lady at 221 who is calling the cops all the time when there's no one there, and nothing they can do. Police just love that.

- Your ex calls your kids every day (Oh you're so LUCKY to have such an involved father :vomit:, but that's what the courts think, too)... Doesn't matter that he's calling with the express purpose of getting them to break down in tears. Ripping them to pieces, telling them they're stupid, fat, ugly, unwanted, worthless. Swearing at them. Threatening them. Until they're hiding in their rooms bawling for hours after every call. If you block those phonecalls, it's interference. Ditto losing custody. If you record those phonecalls, and you live in a consent state like I do, then not only are those calls inadmissible in court, but you're on the hook for illegal surveillance / stalking/ etc.


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People saying that trying to be perfect is pointless, as if there's some virtue in "acceptance" of all your flaws and shortcomings.

Well, being perfect in this life is impossible, but trying to get there is not pointless.


There's also this stereotype going around that Christians are a bunch of judgmental bigots. Sure, there are some, but this extends to people just quietly living their beliefs out in peace. People almost expect the religious to be religious out of some holier-than-thou attitude.


Finally, there's this thing with anger & pessimism all over the internet. It's this sort of "Someone is wrong so we have every right to call it/them out in the most vile and hateful way possible, because the ends justify the means" or something.

Same with pessimism. Optimism is "shallow", "naive" or even "oppressive", while pessimism is some kind of liberation from societal shackles. As if being pessimistic and spiteful is more authentic, and we need to "celebrate" it.

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So I was just looking at news related to LDS issues and saw a headline, "Does Mormon modesty mantra reduce women to sex objects?" There are many other similar headlines (some much more direct in their condemnation of modesty teachings.) I know there have been some debates back and forth on this. But calling modesty evil is a fine example of calling good evil and evil good, all rolled up into a nice, little controversial issue.

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There are too many examples to count. When my 32 yo was a Senior in High School I had an interesting discussion with him and his girlfriend (at the time) about this topic. I wanted to know what they were seeing in high school. The list wasn't very long. That was 14 years ago.

Now... There has been a good effort made to list all the instances/circumstances on this thread. I can't imagine it will get worse, but I know it will. :(

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Since no one else mentioned it, I will:

Homosexuality is a sin. It is being celebrated by our media all the time. It is twisting the traditional definition of marriage to fit this abomination and create acceptance. (Notice that I did NOT say that they should be demonized, abused, killed, etc. Everyone who lives differently than we do should still be treated with love and respect. That doesn't mean that I accept everything about them, nor should I be forced to change my views on morality.)

Those who stand for traditional Judeo-Christian values... are being called the 'enemy' for wanting to live and practice according to their beliefs. Many of us might need a little help in this area in how to really live according to our beliefs... but who doesn't? Those who identify themselves with these values are now the TARGET of those who want to change our views on morality.

What was once bad, is now being called good.

What was once good... is now being demonized.

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This seems to be true. I was wondering if you could elaborate with specific examples?

"mass of cells"

"Potential person"

"reproductive rights"

"all people should be able to marry who they want" ( you can't have multiple spouses, and definitely keep it out of the family, 'cuz those things are gross, but if you say perversion I support is gross, you have a phobia and need help, also these so called life-time arrangements should be able to be terminated with the greatest of ease)

Global Cooling

Global Warming

Global Warming causing Cooling for some area's

Climate Change, it's ambiguous!

apparently these forums don't support the strikethrough text tag...

Edited by jerome1232
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