Can you find the driver of a partial plate?


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Already called DH but he says there\\\'s not much I can do with a partial plate. My daughter and I were physically run off the road and up onto a medium by a man driving a forest green Grand Cherokee with the plate: C03 xxx (don\\\'t recall the rest and it makes me furious!). We\\\'re okay and the car appears okay but I was scared and so was my daughter. After the man aggressively raced by us, he then slowed and began to backup, I was afraid he was going to get out of his car but instead he just rolled down his window and leaned his whole upper body out - waving his arms about and shouting explicits with finger gestures. My daughter was crying! I was dialling my DH because I was freaked out! Is there ANY hope in reporting this with luck of any justice? I\\\'m pulled off in a safe spot, gathering myself, but I\\\'m physically shaking.

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Yes, you can report a partial plate with a vehicle description. Unfortunately, unless there is injury or you have several witnesses to corroborate your story, nothing's gonna come out of it.

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We're fine but I'm majorly peeved about what happened. I'm letting it go because I doubt anything can really be done. If that driver was miraculously found, like Anatess said, it's my word against his - especially since there are no damages - except my mental state, briefly.. Lol.

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I got sideswiped on the freeway in LA, bumper to bumper traffic.  I even got out when traffic stopped and asked the guy if he was going to pull over.  Even with a photo of the license plate and a physical description, the cops said they couldn't do anything because I couldn't prove he was driving the car.  

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Thank you everyone.

I started doubting that I got the first part of the plates right, after trying so hard on recalling the last part. I probably should have reported it, but I just didn't feel much would of could be done. Especially with the small bit of info I had.

Bytebear, I'm mobile but got a message that my Reporting you was unsuccessful... I wasn't trying to report you! Not sure what that was even about... But I guess I hit the Report button accidentally :/

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