Blood Moons


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I am of the mind that such "signs" serve a purpose and do relate to the time in which we are living.  I believe that if the truth were to be known that we would be surprised how little time is left on one hand and how unprepared we actually are on the other.

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The technical terms are fulfilled possibly- while the event that causes the moon to go reddish is common it's very rare for it to go deep red which would require a lot of pollution in the atmosphere (in the past it would have been done by volcanoes, in modern times human pollution can cause that to happen).

As the scriptures mention as blood I assume the color will be a deep red. As soon as someone who is familiar with the Gospel sees that happen for all intents and purposes the technical fulfilling of that prophecy has happened.



It just needs to happen some time before the second coming.

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I am of the mind that such "signs" serve a purpose and do relate to the time in which we are living.  I believe that if the truth were to be known that we would be surprised how little time is left on one hand and how unprepared we actually are on the other.


I agree.  Although I believe we are not to focus too much on the whether or not this or that is a "sign", we are to take it all in with perfect faith and confidence, and live every day w/purpose, b/c we truly never know when our last day will be anyway.   

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Seems a bit harsh to kill someone-in this day and age-for preaching.

I would have imagined worst they could get is jail time. But when dealing with powers beyond mortal understanding who can say how others would react.


This will come at a time when there is much evil in the world.  It won't be the world as we know it now.  

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Seems a bit harsh to kill someone-in this day and age-for preaching.

I would have imagined worst they could get is jail time. But when dealing with powers beyond mortal understanding who can say how others would react.

Perhaps in the US and a few other countries (for now) as a whole.. but theres plenty of other places where youll get killed for preaching things the locals won't like to hear.

while a few would be from government or local authority i'd imagine most cases would be more by mob. Not too hard to imagine either happening in a number of mid-east countries.

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I always took "Blood Moon" in an almost literal sense.

The Harvest Moon glows orange, the Blood Moon then to glow red.

But growing up on the sea, may have added to that:

Red sky at morning, sailors take warning;

Red sky at night, sailors' delight.

As well as sailors often quoting Mathew where Jesus says much the same thing

"When it is evening, you say, “It will be fair weather; for the sky is red.”

"And in the morning, “It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.”

I don't know if there is modern revelation on the BloodMoon...

The image of firestorms & pollution (volcanic or chemical, nuclear or dust, what have you) so bad that the moon glowed as red as the sun does in storms and pollution? Or as I as older and learned that if we strip off our force field that instead of the radiation that creates the aurora borealis bouncing off ... We could lose our air, oceans, and normal "sense" of color (seas boil, moon bleeds)...

I just can't take an eclipse as seriously as either of those 2 cataclysmic events which would turn the moon red.

Not saying I'm "right"... Just that that is my own imagery.


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Perhaps in the US and a few other countries (for now) as a whole.. but theres plenty of other places where youll get killed for preaching things the locals won't like to hear.

while a few would be from government or local authority i'd imagine most cases would be more by mob. Not too hard to imagine either happening in a number of mid-east countries.


Tis very true.  In some of the middle eastern countries the sentence for preaching Christianity is death.

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My reading of the verses associated with the two prophets is not that they'll be killed for preaching. They will become military targets because they carry with them the power of Moses and Elijah! They stop the rains from falling. They poison the waters (turning them to blood). They spit fire (so, they also have the power of William Wallace?).


That kind of action will get them killed anywhere, not just in politically unstable environments. I daresay, depending on who their enemies are, it might even warrant a drone strike.

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I always think..when the 2 start preaching at the wall..then we know it's extremely close.


For sure, once killed, everyone remember, we have three days to repent and get ready...oh wait that is counter productive -- prepare now :)

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If you think that then you don't know much about Israel. Christians are treated only slightly better than Muslims in Israel.

We'll I've never been there and have little interest in going there. Apart from religion and the like, there's few things of interest and it's hot.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

During the October 2001 General Conference, President Gordon B. Hinckley gave a talk titled, "Living in the Fulness of Times," in which he said,

The era in which we live is the fulness of times spoken of in the scriptures, when God has brought together all of the elements of previous dispensations. From the day that He and His Beloved Son manifested themselves to the boy Joseph, there has been a tremendous cascade of enlightenment poured out upon the world. The hearts of men have turned to their fathers in fulfillment of the words of Malachi. The vision of Joel has been fulfilled wherein he declared:

Then he quoted Joel including the part about the moon turning to blood.

I was stunned when I heard this.  I always thought that the moon turning to blood would be an OBVIOUS sign of the times, and yet I would have missed it if Pres. Hinckley hadn't mentioned it.  And many members missed him mentioning it . . .

What I take from this is not to expect the prophesies to unfold in the way I expect.  :)  

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True, but I assume by wall you meant the one in Isreal-and there I am certain it's not illegal to preach or be Christian

Last i heard, it is illegal to preach there... at least the kind where you 're out on the streets approaching people about something.

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If you think that then you don't know much about Israel. Christians are treated only slightly better than Muslims in Israel.


Interesting that you would point such a thing out - historically your country has treated Jews with such contempt and prejudice that anything the Jews do to their worse enemies, even during times of war is hardly comparable.  GB-UK has hardly been the example of religious toleration.  The Jewish society currently struggling just to exist under various levels of intolerance surrounding them does a marvelous  job of respecting other religious opportunities to live and worship - much more than almost any other examples we can point to - and certainly better than GB-UK has been.

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Last i heard, it is illegal to preach there... at least the kind where you 're out on the streets approaching people about something.


I do not know of any religion that encourages or allows other religions to use their most sacred place of worship to proselytize.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Even if you believe Hinkcley was referring directly to the blood moons... many prophecies have multiple fulfillment. Anyways I think Avraham gileadi got it right.



As some of you may know, this year’s Feast of Passover, which occurs on April 15th through 22nd, coincides with the first of four consecutive blood moons or total lunar eclipses on the main Jewish feastdays of Passover 2014, Tabernacles 2014, Passover 2015, and Tabernacles 2015, with a total solar eclipse occurring at the Jewish New Year 2015. We may thus expect to see important developments for the Jewish people this year and the next. Back-to-back blood moons on Jewish feastdays occurred in 1492, when the Jews were expelled from Spain; in 1948, when the State of Israel was founded; and in the 1967 Six-day War, when Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

We might have guessed that God commanded the feast of Passover to be observed “throughout your generations” as “an ordinance forever” (Exodus 12:14) not just to commemorate Israel’s release from bondage in Egypt but also as a type or foreshadowing of an end-time deliverance from bondage and from the taskmasters who would enforce it. Even as we speak, therefore, an end-time Pharaoh and his taskmasters in this land are implementing the very enslavement the prophet Isaiah predicted when he quotes Jehovah as saying, “My people are taken over without price; those who govern them act presumptuously, and my name is constantly abused all the day long” (Isaiah 52:5).



“Turning the Hearts of the Jews to the Prophets

and the Prophets to the Jews”

Which comes from this verse..



16 Therefore, renounce war and proclaim peace, and seek diligently to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children;

17 And again, the hearts of the Jews unto the prophets, and the prophets unto the Jews; lest I come and smite the whole earth with a curse, and all flesh be consumed before me. (D&C 98)


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I most absolutely without equivocation agree. These blood moons and the solar eclipses coming in the next two years are among the great signs in heaven (moon turning to blood, sun hiding its face, etc). In His mercy, the Lord showed me a recurring vision a year ago or two, which didn't make sense until this year's first blood moon. I hope and pray that everyone is receiving their own dreams, visions, personal revelations, etc from the Lord concerning the coming prophecied events. 

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