Shameless rumor-mongering


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When you think about it, it makes sense and really has been a long time coming. There are more members out of the US and English speaking countries than in. 


I say good for them. I will happily read the subtitles and listen to the Spanish speakers I think it is great and long over due. 

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I don't see why, Wingers.


Whatever one may say about its other effects (which, I don't deny, are serious and at times horrifying), the Pax Britannica and subsequent Pax Americana created a freedom of travel, and thus a relatively conducive environment for missionary work, that has only rarely (possibly never) been equalled in the entire history of the world. 


The only thing like it that I can think of is the Pax Romana, when pretty much everyone spoke Latin or Greek and when Christianity spread like wildfire throughout the known world.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I think it will be fascinating and am looking forward to it. I believe that the gift of "interpretation of tongues" applies to what the Spirit can impart in these types of circumstances, as well as physical interpretation in reading or hearing a language unfamiliar to us.

I'm looking forward to seeing if I have that particular Spiritual gift of understanding. I know there will be subtitles, but I want to see what I can understand from FEELING, as well as just reading.

Does this make sense? I read through it and am not sure I correctly said the idea I'm trying to get across

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