Your Bucket List


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We all have things we want to do or accomplish before we die. I always enjoy hearing what other people have on their own "bucket list". Please post what's on yours! I'll start:

Go rappelling (did that one)

Learn to eat with chopsticks (did that one)

Learn to swim

Learn to play the piano

Serve a mission

Be a temple worker

Expand my cooking skills

Just remembered another one:

Go on a zip line.

Edited by Silhouette
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Pam, you're brave to want to go skydiving. Flying just by itself terrifies me, let alone jumping out of the plane! I get scared just going up a flight of stairs...


My dad was an aviator and I grew up around planes.  I even worked with them for 18 years.   I don't know if this is something I would ever do but deep down it's always been something I've wanted to do.

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I have a hard time making a bucket list.  There are a lot of things that I'd really *like* to put on it, but I know they aren't necessarily realistic, and I don't want it to end up being an untouched disappointment.  But the realistic things don't necessarily feel worthy of a place on the almighty bucket list.


I did, however, check off one thing a few years ago, when I finally got to visit Temple Square at Christmastime.

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Hmmmm - I do not know if this is sad or glad but I have done almost everything I have really wanted to do.  And the few things that I have not accomplished do not mean that much any more.  A couple of weeks ago I got an KOM from Strava while riding my bicycle.  But that was taken from me two days later. 


If there is one thing - it would be to write a novel.  But I do not possess the talent or patients to create characters that endear themselves to the reader - I spent several years trying and thinking it cannot be that hard.  Perhaps someday I will get with a ghost writer - but then it would not by my accomplishment - not that that is important.  I have spent some time consulting (mostly as a hobby) with some Hollywood directors that have expressed interest in a few of my stories.  But alas, I have enough to do and I am trying to cut back on being busy and go on a mission with my wife - maybe in 3 years???  If the world last that long.  :(

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Return to Germany, while stationed there it was a divided county and I did not get to see beyond the broader (except through scopes and binoculars). So I would like to see what was East Germany.


Better hurry, Pa Pa.  I go to Berlin now and then, and the remnants of East Germany are fading fast.  Most of the Berlin Wall is gone, and if you go to Checkpoint Charlie you'll see that the old East Berlin side is much newer and glitzier than the old West Berlin side.  If you're really curious about life in East Germany, may I recommend the movie The Lives of Others, which is terrific.


Back to OP's question: Become an English teacher at some interesting village in Asia.

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Someone mentioned writing a book. I would love to do that, too.


Start with writing a short story - there are hundreds of of contests on the internet that you can enter your story in.  Also sometime in the month of February there is a symposium at BYU - called something like "Life the Universe and everything else".  Attending is cheep - it use to be free - do not know if it still is.  You can meet published authors, publishing company reps and attend classes on how to get started and published.

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I'm pretty content with what I've done. If none of these happened I wouldn't feel like I missed anything. 


But off the top of my head hear are some...


Play the Irish Flute like Conal Ó Gráda 
Learn to play Uilleann pipes
Write a Fantasy Novel
Learn to play the Piano
Master Adobe After Effects
Get a College Degree
Eat black licorice in Norway, Ireland, England.
Visit the Sacred Grove
Go kiteboarding/surfing in Japan
Learn to Parasail or Hanglide
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