I confess


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I confess... I secretly find joy when certain members of the ward get up to give their testimony, even as I desperately hope no investigators are there. "I would like to bear my testimony that I know the Work and the Glory is true." "I would like to bear my testimony that I know sister X should want to date me." "I would like to bear my testimony that I know you are not being very good members."

The crazier the testimony, the better I feel about my own failings.

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I confess that....


I love food whether it is tasty or bland. I know the difference, I just like a lot of different kinds. 


I don't like to watch sad movies or scary ones. I don't like those emotions manipulated. 


my tear ducts are either all the way open or all the way closed. I cannot cry softly. I also rarely cry. 

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I was thinking more in terms of air quality, but I'm glad your household is so pro-veggie.


I confess that I am spending way too much time on lds.net, so this will be my last post until I catch up on my job!  Best wishes to all.

Ohhh! Gotcha ;) "Air quality".

Yeh, not too bad, especially when one remembers the Beano.

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I confess...

I wanted to say that vegetables are the thing that food eats, but I have recently realized that I just made terrible salads. Dill! Pea shoots! Delicious, non-lettuce/tomato combinations! As long as it isn't just lettuce/spinach/leafy greens and tomatos, it's all good.

Edited by FunkyTown
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