Book of Mormon musical coming to Australia


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Or maybe I should say 'Lehi's dream comes to Australia'.


26 And I also cast my eyes round about, and beheld, on the other side of the river of water, a great and spacious building; and it stood as it were in the air, high above the earth. 27 And it was filled with people, both old and young, both male and female; and their manner of dress was exceedingly fine; and they were in the attitude of mocking and pointing their fingers towards those who had come at and were partaking of the fruit. ...33...And after they did enter into that building they did point the finger of scorn at me and those that were partaking of the fruit also; but we heeded them not.  (1 Nephi 8:26,33)


I came home from work today and my husband flicked on a current affairs program that just happened to show an interview with the actors from the Book of Mormon musical. They were mocking the missionaries and laughing hysterically about comments they were making about the church that were unbelievably ignorant and ill-informed.  I have read about the musical on American news websites and lds forums like this one, and thought I was ok with just ignoring its existence ('heeding it not' as Lehi said). But, I was totally unprepared for how it made my heart stop cold when I realized it was coming right here to my own community. To see people on a popular television show openly mocking my religion was really quite confronting. 


We have such a small population of LDS in this largely secular country where Mormons are mostly known as stereotypes (missionaries on bikes, pushy missionaries who 'put their foot in the door', polygamy, and I've even heard that Mormon women are not allowed to cut their hair!). I can imagine how much worse it's going to be when the musical arrives here and mocking Mormonism becomes part of regular conversation. 


I suppose the church has the next 18 months or so to figure out how to deal with the possible effects of this musical in Australia...the missionaries in this article have the right idea, but I don't know how their plan would go over here.


Has anyone here seen the musical or dealt with the effects of being made a laughing stock in the community because of it? 


And why the heck is it ok to bash us for our religion on a current affairs program - would anyone be brave enough to discuss a musical about Jews, Buddhists, Hindus or Muslims whilst chortling with hilarity? There would be discrimination lawsuits galore!



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Or maybe I should say 'Lehi's dream comes to Australia'.


26 And I also cast my eyes round about, and beheld, on the other side of the river of water, a great and spacious building; and it stood as it were in the air, high above the earth. 27 And it was filled with people, both old and young, both male and female; and their manner of dress was exceedingly fine; and they were in the attitude of mocking and pointing their fingers towards those who had come at and were partaking of the fruit. ...33...And after they did enter into that building they did point the finger of scorn at me and those that were partaking of the fruit also; but we heeded them not.  (1 Nephi 8:26,33)


I came home from work today and my husband flicked on a current affairs program that just happened to show an interview with the actors from the Book of Mormon musical. They were mocking the missionaries and laughing hysterically about comments they were making about the church that were unbelievably ignorant and ill-informed.  I have read about the musical on American news websites and lds forums like this one, and thought I was ok with just ignoring its existence ('heeding it not' as Lehi said). But, I was totally unprepared for how it made my heart stop cold when I realized it was coming right here to my own community. To see people on a popular television show openly mocking my religion was really quite confronting. 


We have such a small population of LDS in this largely secular country where Mormons are mostly known as stereotypes (missionaries on bikes, pushy missionaries who 'put their foot in the door', polygamy, and I've even heard that Mormon women are not allowed to cut their hair!). I can imagine how much worse it's going to be when the musical arrives here and mocking Mormonism becomes part of regular conversation. 


I suppose the church has the next 18 months or so to figure out how to deal with the possible effects of this musical in Australia...the missionaries in this article have the right idea, but I don't know how their plan would go over here.


Has anyone here seen the musical or dealt with the effects of being made a laughing stock in the community because of it? 


And why the heck is it ok to bash us for our religion on a current affairs program - would anyone be brave enough to discuss a musical about Jews, Buddhists, Hindus or Muslims whilst chortling with hilarity? There would be discrimination lawsuits galore!

while it does make light of quite a few things, i'd take it over the play that portrayed christ as a homosexual.... BUt still. In general the more something is hated the more it will be ridiculed. I think comparing to lehi's dream is appropriate.

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I haven't seen it and not sure that I would just because I'm much more classical when it comes to musicals... I'm pretty sure there's a couple LDS members on here that have seen it and quite enjoyed it, I think I could even name them, but I'll let them come out and share their thoughts if they so choose.


On the topic of poking fun. I know quite a few Catholic friends back in the day that didn't appreciate Sister Act with Whoopi Goldberg. I didn't find it offensive or meant to be, then again, I'm not Catholic.

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Guest MormonGator

Yesterday at my stake conference there was a video shown where a non member saw the musical, read the book of Mormon and was then baptized. So you really never know how someone will become a member. Stories like that are great. 

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Guest MormonGator

I think LDS are in a catch-22 about the musical. If we protest it, we all we will do is call attention to it. If we just let it be, people will think the musical is accurate.  That said, there are people who have been introduced to the church because of the musical.... 

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I think LDS are in a catch-22 about the musical. If we protest it, we all we will do is call attention to it. If we just let it be, people will think the musical is accurate.  That said, there are people who have been introduced to the church because of the musical.... 


Maybe calling attention to it by protestation would be a good thing then. :)

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In the past the Church has taken out an ad in the Musical's program.   In essence it says something like "The Book is always better"  Or "You've seen the Musical Now read the book" with information on how to get their own copy.


I see no reason for this to not happen in Australia as well.

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When the musical was showing in my town, the mission president had a table outside the theater doors right next to the table that was selling the program and next to the concessions passing out Book of Mormons and a few of the members of the Church explaining the Book to those interested.

Personally, the musical doesn't bother me. But then, I spent half my life as a Catholic. I'm used to it. It's like watching a movie... I can enjoy Noah and Exodus and yes, Bini, Sister Act as a secular movie and not necessarily representative of my faith. I enjoy some of the songs of Book of Mormon musical but there are those that are quite vulgar which I don't like.

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