Wheat and Tares


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At work today we were having a discussion about the 2nd coming.  We were mainly talking about the separation of wheat and tares.


One girl said that we will see that start to happen.  I told her that it has already started to happen.  I have seen much of it just in the last 2-3 years.  I'm involved in a lot of LDS gospel discussions, not only here on the forums but also on facebook.  I've seen a shifting of the tone and discussions from quite a few people.


I've seen it here on the forums.  Even from some that have frequented these forums for quite a long time.


I've seen it among people I have know personally for years and years.


What about you?  And what are your thoughts on this?

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When they bring polygamy back, then it'll really kick in. :)




Seriously though. I've felt like, from a leadership standpoint, they are in a time of gathering, gathering, gathering, rather than separating the garbage (tares) out. This is, at least, partial explanation to my mind as to why the leadership has taken such a soft stand on certain issues. However, the point you bring up is interesting. I hadn't thought about it this way, but certainly, it has started to happen.


That being said, I still think that there will come a time when the line will be drawn in the sand.


The line must be drawn here! This far. No further. 




As much as I think, validly, that it has started, I do think there will come a time when it will be much more explicit. Only those with true and honest, sincere testimonies will stand. We won't be able to survive on borrowed light. I don't really think the return of polygamy will be the dividing line (though that would do it), but.......

Edited by The Folk Prophet
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I am seeing a shift of members standards as well. I know a lot of the YW in our ward are sympathetic our supportive of same sex marriage. Some members are the same way.

If they only knew how dangerous that type of thinking is. Our family is becoming more and more isolated from the world and some of the members. It is sad, but at the same time it makes the close friends we have even closer.

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What kind of changes are you talking about Pam?


A shifting in thoughts.  Trying more to rationalize or justify their actions.  Trying harder to find the loopholes in things rather than just obey.  


I'm not talking about people just blindly following. That's another topic and not one I want addressed here.

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My wife and I have noticed this and have discussed it a great deal lately.


I am seeing a shift of members standards as well. I know a lot of the YW in our ward are sympathetic our supportive of same sex marriage. Some members are the same way.

If they only knew how dangerous that type of thinking is. Our family is becoming more and more isolated from the world and some of the members. It is sad, but at the same time it makes the close friends we have even closer.


When the recent Supreme Court decision was made we were both dumbfounded as to how many members in our ward celebrated on Facebook.  Have they not read The Family A Proclamation to the World?

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My wife and I have noticed this and have discussed it a great deal lately.



When the recent Supreme Court decision was made we were both dumbfounded as to how many members in our ward celebrated on Facebook.  Have they not read The Family A Proclamation to the World?


Yes. But how many of them have been separated from the wheat vs. left to grow amongst them? It's not like those celebrating all got excommunicated or otherwise.


This, of course, could get into an interesting discussion as to what it means in the scripture to be separated. And I will grant that a simple separation as to spirituality and harmony of mind might be part of the meaning. My sense is that it means more than just that.


Of course, according to D&C 86, the parable is not necessarily speaking of a separation within the church at all. So..... ??

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I haven't seen or heard much of this in my ward in Australia. Both major political parties in Australia have been debating within their parties and with each other on the question of same sex marriage but so far both parties seem to be reluctant to come out in support of same sex marriage, although several senior officials from both parties have made very public statements in support.


What has been quite noticeable, and of some concern, is the three divorces and one separation in the last 18 months in the one ward when there had been none in the previous ten years.  

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