Need Some Topic Ideas


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So -

Suppose that you've been given the opportunity to do a newspaper column about anything church-related, past or present. Your limitations are that you've got 600 words and that anything you write must be something that non-members would comprehend.

What would you do?

In addition to my job as a movie reviewer, I also write a weekly "edutainment" column for a local newspaper.

I was given permission by the publishing editor to do one church-related piece a quarter.

I figured on doing a bit about Porter Rockwell for this Friday in time for Conference. I had a feeling that I needed to get the column out this week. As it is, we've got a "this week in Texas history" column that often talks about gunslingers and the like anyway, so I figured it wouldn't be too out of place.

I wrote it up two weeks ago and e-mailed it to the stake presidency.

They only just now got back to me to say that they had some concerns and would rather I not publish it at this time if it's possible. I told them that I'd try to come up with something new, but it's such short notice (I need to have any replacement done and submitted by Wednesday night due to the required lead times on publication) that I can't guarantee anything.

So - any ideas I can use?


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The church in your community? ie, how many members, number and location of wards and stakes, local church history, recent service projects, inter-faith relations with other churches in your community, missionaries in your area - who they are and what they do, prominent members of your community who are also members of the church.


Or maybe address that silly question of whether or not Mormons are Christians? For reasons that I don't understand, some people still seem to have doubts.


Have there been any news items from your local Public Relations office lately or any newsworthy items from your local Area Presidency about Texas?

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It can't be something that could be mistaken for ad copy for the church.

Whatever I do, I have to wrap it in a moral message so that it's more palatable for the general public. Hence why I'm looking for stories about individuals or incidents in history.

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It can't be something that could be mistaken for ad copy for the church.

Whatever I do, I have to wrap it in a moral message so that it's more palatable for the general public. Hence why I'm looking for stories about individuals or incidents in history.


This is not a story about the Mormons but about the people of El Paso who helped out refugees who just happened to be Mormons.  The moral of the story is that El Paso was rewarded for their charity when the refugees integrated into their society and their contributions to the city.


It is very topical considering what is happening in Europe to the Syrian refugees and even those south of our borders.  We need to consider that, while they are poor and homeless, how they may become an important part of our community and what they can contribute to our city.


That is a story that needs to be told.  Perhaps you can find another example if you don't want to mention the Mormons.

Edited by cdowis
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Late hit, so maybe you've found something by now; but if not--you might try a write-up on the historical difference between the FLDS and the mainstream LDS subtly reinforcing why we are not the same. could give you some good historical background.  Might have some semi-local interest--El Paso is, what, 300 miles away from that FLDS compound in El Dorado?

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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 Out in the West Texas town of El Paso

I fell in love with a Mexican girl
Night-time would find me in Rosa's cantina
Music would play and Felina would whirl


It's from an old Marty Robbins country music song.  I thought that was what you were talking about since you quoted the song almost word for word.  LOL!

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I will suggest two topics:


1. Our belief that G-d has a physical body - example, the resurrection of Christ - the idea that "He is risen" or that G-d is a living G-d.

2. Our understanding of the plan of salvation - pre-existence, earth life, spirit world and resurrection.


I would say these two topics are very easy to understand and are - in my mind - the two most misunderstood topics of LDS doctrine out there.

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