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Scary ! I find the holiday of Halloween to be intereting, this isn't my culture since I'm not American. But I have always thought that this holiday was against christian beliefs. I don't know the stand of the church of LDS on Halloween, but it seems like it doesn't bother. 

Scary crazy halloween to you all !

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Scary ! I find the holiday of Halloween to be intereting, this isn't my culture since I'm not American. But I have always thought that this holiday was against christian beliefs. I don't know the stand of the church of LDS on Halloween, but it seems like it doesn't bother. 

Scary crazy halloween to you all !


This gives a good representation of a traditional Christian responce to Halloween.  It seems to have caught on in a big way in the UK I personally don't allow my kids to participate because of the occult links.

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I dressed up as a cowboy or clown or whatever and went trick-or-treating as a child, and have fond memories of doing so. My own children do the same. I have also gone to adult (LDS) Halloween parties, which I considered harmless and enjoyable.


That said, count me as one of those dour souls who think Halloween in its current American implementation is just plain weird. Children going door-to-door begging candy is one thing, equal parts charming and bizarre. But the sort of worship of the horrific and occultic aspects of Halloween is all bizarreness and no charm. As seems always to happen whenever adult interest in something waxes strong, sexual themes and perversions have entered into Halloween, so that e.g. we have "Sexy [insert occupation or stereotype]" as a type -- Sexy Nurse, Sexy Witch, Sexy Rotting Corpse. At some point, the tongue-in-cheek irony ceases to be ironic and is instead embraced. It's just weird, and not "good weird".


As long as Halloween is an innocent and silly time of children playing dress-up and trick-or-treating, I think it's a fun thing. When it becomes a virtual celebration of death, decay, horror, and perversion (sexual themes mixed in with those others), then it's not worth our time and should be rejected.

Edited by Vort
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