Cell phone problems


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During sacrament it was pretty quiet. The deacons were waiting for the priests to pass out the trays when a cell phone begins ringing with the Beach Boys, "Barbara Ann" being sung by Alvin and the Chipmunks. The oldish brother fished out his phone and began frantically stabbing at it.

He obviously didn't know how to use it because Alvin continued to belt out "Barbara Ann." There was even more frantic stsbbing, but you still clearly hear Alvin as all whispering stopped. After 5 seconds, a sister began trying to help, but Alvin's voice got louder. The seconds dragged out and out and out...and out. Did I say it kept dragging out?

Do you know how long 45 seconds feels like when you are listening to Alvin and you really don't want to? By this time everyone was snickering. I don't know how the brother finally turned it off, but I swear his foot was stomping on something.

Edited by JojoBag
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I had my phone go off during a job interview once, many years back. I could have sworn I had switched it off before hand, so I assume I knocked the power button and switched it back on as I got my wallet out to show my ID. I apologized and diverted the call to voicemail, but in my haste I still didn't immediately switch it off. The caller, not taking the hint that they had been manually diverted to voicemail subsequently called me again 15 seconds later.

Not surprisingly, I didn't get that job. Incidentally, the persistent caller was my sister asking what we were having for dinner.

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Several years ago, my cell phone started to ring while I was in church.  At the time, I normally made it a habit to leave my phone in the car while I was in church, but happened to forget to on that particular Sunday.  Unfortunately, that was when my phone rang, with the theme to Indiana Jones blaring from the depths of my pocket during the benediction in sacrament meeting.

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Nothing like a cell phone ringing in the temple in a locker while "someone" is away on a session.  I heard about it later, and  I now keep it in the car when I go.


BTW, the quickest way to stop it is to hold down the key that shuts down the phone.

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My best friend is beginning her own business. She travels the neighborhoods on trash day and finds good furniture and refinishes them to sell.  We've joked a lot about her dumpster diving or trash taking.  


My cell phone ringtone for her is Party in the USA.  Inexplicably, my cell phone changed her ringtone from Party in the USA to the theme from Sanford and Son. We had a good laugh over that.

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hehe...  I was in the middle of confirming my son when the bishop's cell phone went off.  I don't remember the ring tone.  I do remember pausing during the prayer (I had my eyes closed and I didn't know who exactly was standing where) until it was dealt with and then continuing on like nothing happened.

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