Molly For A Baby Name?


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If we have a girl, I want to name her Molly. It's so cute!

But am I condemning her to a life of being a "Molly Mormon?"

Anyone know a LDS girl named Molly growing up? Did she hate it?

It's so cute, but I'm so torn!!


When I was in second grade there was a girl named Molly....she was a booger I'd never name my kid Molly........ever.

If you mane her will never hear the end of it from other church members where ever you go.....and when she grows up it will haunt her for the rest of her life....but then again Molly is a cute name for a booger eater!

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If we have a girl, I want to name her Molly. It's so cute!

But am I condemning her to a life of being a "Molly Mormon?"

Anyone know a LDS girl named Molly growing up? Did she hate it?

It's so cute, but I'm so torn!!


its so popular in the UK not sure it would be noticed. I thought about using it as a nn for Melody so my daughter would have the choice, but when she arrived she was Elana


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What's wrong with Molly Mormon?! A worthy goal, in my opinion.

We no longer have kids at home, and so we now have to use our Grandparent influence on our girls. I hope one of them will name one of their girls Katherine. I absolutely LOVE the nn Katie! I wish we'd have named one of our daughters Katherine, but we didn't...

Guess I'll just have to live thru my kids!

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What's wrong with Molly Mormon?! A worthy goal, in my opinion.

We no longer have kids at home, and so we now have to use our Grandparent influence on our girls. I hope one of them will name one of their girls Katherine. I absolutely LOVE the nn Katie! I wish we'd have named one of our daughters Katherine, but we didn't...

Guess I'll just have to live thru my kids!

I agree. There could be much worse names than to be called Molly Mormon. Now if your last name was Apple and you were considering the name Candy...then I would think you would have reason for concern as to how she would take it growing up.

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Guest Yediyd

Went to school with a kid named Scott Duck....

Yep, his older brother's name was Donald. I kid you not. And of course everybody was so understanding and kind to him...Kind of 'A Boy Named Sue' kind of thing goin' on there!

My divorce lawyers name is Richard Short!!! LOL!!!! I kidded with friends that he should have represented my husband instead of me!!!

BTW...I think Molly is an adorable name!!! If it worries you, just give her a good middle name that she can go by if she ends up hating Molly.

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you could pick a middle name that would be said with the first, like molly ann or something. might distract from the molly mormon thing, also would make her more unique if there was another molly around. in the south ppl use two names all the time. i met a mary morgan and a mary cathrine in the same day. but don't use molly morgan. i personally wouldn't want the molly mormon thing hanging over my head growing up. other than in the chruch around here ppl wouldn't even notice it (being so few lds at school). out west i'm sure it would be different.

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I always loved that about the South, as well as the habit of calling teachers, etc., by 'Miss' or 'Mr' and then their first name (like Miss Mary or Mr Gary, etc). Southern kids sure do learn manners, which is a lost grace in today's coarser world, I think. I found a lot more kids that used 'Sir' and 'Ma'am' there as well, even when they became teens...

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Doing Genealogy and "Molly" was most commonly used to distinguish grandmothers. Most often it traces back to Mary, Martha, or Margaret. Like Polly and Nana.

Molly was also used as a name for nanny servants and wet nurses. And would in due time become a common name for goats.

Molly Mormon referred to a group of women who were a man's wives during the era of polygamy.

Molly is most commonly used as a name for pets especially small female spaniels. It is also used a lot at the Zoo.

Molly has been used in early childhood reading books because it rhymes with jolly and holly.

"Black Molly" is another name for a dooms day torpedo.

Least not to forget Molly Millions aka "Razor Boy."

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Went to school with a kid named Scott Duck....

Yep, his older brother's name was Donald. I kid you not. And of course everybody was so understanding and kind to him...Kind of 'A Boy Named Sue' kind of thing goin' on there!

The winner for the "Meanest Parents Naming Contest" at my high school was "Redden Crisp."

Not quite as bad as yours, but still. :rolleyes:


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In a job I had a few months ago....I came across an account I worked with where there were twins in the family. The names they gave these twins were Lord and Lady.

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Theres a girl called Molly in our ward. Gabelma is right, it is so popular over here that i wouldnt name my kid it.

The subject of names is very interesting. My name i feel is unusual and thanks to my husband my surname is now Lavender. I am determined to name my kids striking unusual names. There'll be no sarahs amys or gemmas goin on in my house!!!

In fact, I have the names all ready for when we do have kids. For the girls, Lexi Lavender (how wicked is that, thats a definite, well i just have to persuade my husband!!!I'll forge his signature on the birth certificate if i have to!) Athena and Cadence are options, but i worry cadence will get shortened to cady which sounds like katie which i hate. I also love the name Electra.

Boys are more tricky. I love Levi, Darius, Darren or Robert after my husband but my husband wont agree to any of them. We're going to have really hard time naming our kids as we have such different agendas. I too have two names, double barrelled and so does my sister. Our names preceded us at school and were a big feature growing up, people loved our names, Lori-Lee and Carrie-Anne, we needed no surname. My brother is Dustin. My sister grew to hate the double barrelled thing, she thought it was babyish at about 13 so she dropped the Lee. My immediate family dont call me Carrie-Anne, but to new people I meet I can use just Carrie or Carrie-Anne. People ask me what I prefer and its nice to have the choice. I've always loved my name and my married name is better. When people read my name badge at work Im always complemented on my name, though its no thanks to me lol. So thats my inspiration for an unusual, yet not stupid name that no one will forget!! Molly is not too bad though, Ive heard a lot worse! (i.e my husbands choices!!!)

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The name Molly is not as common in the states I think. I have only known two Molly's in my life. I think that because it's popular in the UK makes it more appealing to me! My other daughter is Abigail (Abby) and I think that one is also popular in the UK too. I like old fashioned simple names.

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If we have a girl, I want to name her Molly. It's so cute!

But am I condemning her to a life of being a "Molly Mormon?"

Anyone know a LDS girl named Molly growing up? Did she hate it?

It's so cute, but I'm so torn!!


I'm not even LDS, and I wouldn't name my daughter Molly! :P

On a serious note, if you know that the name is a tease-magnet, wouldn't it be best to avoid it? After all, in the end, it's the child who has to live with the name. Just mho, of course.

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<div class='quotemain'>

If we have a girl, I want to name her Molly. It's so cute!

But am I condemning her to a life of being a "Molly Mormon?"

Anyone know a LDS girl named Molly growing up? Did she hate it?

It's so cute, but I'm so torn!!


I'm not even LDS, and I wouldn't name my daughter Molly! :P

On a serious note, if you know that the name is a tease-magnet, wouldn't it be best to avoid it? After all, in the end, it's the child who has to live with the name. Just mho, of course.

There was a girl named Marsha who graduated a year after me from Provo, High. Our German teacher, Herr Chambers, thought it would be fun to discuss middle names, but said Marsh's middle-name was already Molly so we didn't have to asker what her name was. I didn't think anything of calling her by that then, but now I can see why people laughed. She was the perfect embodyment of a Molly-Mormon; blond, blue-eyed, pretty, shapely, perky, very-active in church and seminary, slightly-ditzy, very smart, good at German, in band, choir, home-ec, on the drill team and said once that she wanted more then anything else in the world to marry in the temple and have at least six kids. I liked her a lot. I haven't seen her since high-school, but remember her as being one of the nicest kids in a school that was pretty cool to a new-student fresh from Oklahoma City.

The name Molly has stuck. My brother, Ben, who was in the same class doesn't remember her true name even though she lived only about three blocks away.

Personally, I think the name is cute. If you don't live in Utah, who is going to care. If you live here it could be a problem, but it wasn't too bad for Marsha.

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If we have a girl, I want to name her Molly. It's so cute!

But am I condemning her to a life of being a "Molly Mormon?"

Anyone know a LDS girl named Molly growing up? Did she hate it?

It's so cute, but I'm so torn!!


I think the name Molly is absolutley adorable and don't listen to anyone that tells you otherwise. I knew a girl from school named Molly and I've never heard anyone make fun of her for it. I think if kids are going to make fun of someone, they're going to make fun of whatever name they have haha.

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<div class='quotemain'>

If we have a girl, I want to name her Molly. It's so cute!

But am I condemning her to a life of being a "Molly Mormon?"

Anyone know a LDS girl named Molly growing up? Did she hate it?

It's so cute, but I'm so torn!!


I think the name Molly is absolutley adorable and don't listen to anyone that tells you otherwise. I knew a girl from school named Molly and I've never heard anyone make fun of her for it. I think if kids are going to make fun of someone, they're going to make fun of whatever name they have haha.

I have to agree with Marii... Kids are going to make fun of whatever name it is or whatever else it is that they choose to pick on. My daughter was named after one of my favorite bands and after a song I love by The Mama's and The Papa's. How could any one make fun of a sweet name like Ivy?! Well...I didn't take in to account that ever famous song here from the 50's or 60's (not sure which) called Poison Ivy. And long about 3rd grade those little Pokemon things were popular so she got her fair share of being called ivysaur, poor kid! Now that she's in high school, people just think her name is pretty cool and very unique. So, I say, go with what you love and she will love it too...especially if she knows the story behind it. :D

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I can across this and thought I would share it with you.

Molly Mormon

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Molly Mormon is a term for the popular stereotype of a female member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A Molly Mormon is thought to be the "perfect Mormon woman" - an attractive[1] and pure[2] woman whose life revolves around the family and marriage and the social demands of Mormonism, and who embodies the cheery, chipper and domesticated female in Latter-day Saint culture.[3] Peter Priesthood is the male version of the same term, though used somewhat less frequently.[4] Many "Molly Mormons" are stereotyped as being consumed by their life within the church, and as gullible and out-of-touch with the reality outside it.

These terms are occasionally used in a disparaging way by members of the Mormon church to refer to other Mormons who display or promote an ultra-conservative interpretation of their understanding of the church's teachings. An example of a person that may be labeled this way is one who abstains from drinking caffeinated cola drinks (based on an interpretation of an ambiguity in the Word of Wisdom), won't watch television on Sunday, and tells on her 15-year-old friend for dating before age 16, and who insists that others do so as well, perhaps claiming to be "setting an example". Abstinence from these behaviors is not required by the church to remain as a member in good standing, but is often preached unofficially as interpretations of church teachings in lessons taught by members of the church's lay clergy.[5]

Molly.The term Molly Mormon can take on both positive and negative connotations, depending on who is using it, and toward whom. When used by or toward teens, it can refer to prudish behavior.[6] When it refers to an adult LDS woman, it often refers to a stereotype which may or may not be welcome.[7]

The term is used openly in LDS churches, and has even appeared in magazines published by the LDS church for more than 20 years, as in the phrase "they had taunted her and called her a 'Molly Mormon' because she would not participate in their questionable activities"[6] appearing in a 1989 edition of Ensign.

The term is often simply abbreviated to "Molly" (or sometimes to "Momo") or used as an adjective: "She's gotten so molly lately - all she could say about these new shorts is that they were too short."[4]

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If we have a girl, I want to name her Molly. It's so cute!

But am I condemning her to a life of being a "Molly Mormon?"

Anyone know a LDS girl named Molly growing up? Did she hate it?

It's so cute, but I'm so torn!!


It is definitely a matter of taste. I personally wouldn't pick Molly but agree with sixpacktr that Katherine and the nickname Katie are perfect! And it is interesting what is popular in what location. Gemma for instance is not popular in Canada but obviously must be in the UK.

IMO, I would give your daughter a good, strong, unique (but not wierd) name and use Molly as a nickname. My friend gave her daughter a very unusual name and to make it easier for the grandparents gave her the nickname Dolly. By the time she started kindergarten she preferred to be called by her given name not nickname.

Good luck!


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